Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta automóviles. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta automóviles. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022


H-Point: the fundamentals of car design & packaging
Macey, Stuart
Wardle, Geoff
Pasadena, CA, Art Center College of Design, Culver City, CA, Design Studio Press. 288 p.
Resumen: I really can´t remember exactly how many years i have been preaching that automobile design is packaging! this book is long overdue and will be a fantastic reference and inspiration to designers and students throughout our industry. Vehicle styling can be good on it is only wortghwhile when has been integrated in to the desigbn process along with packaging, engineering, homologation and aerodynamics. Macey and Wardle have given us something that will undoubtedly help produce better vehicle design for our automotive future.

viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017


Drive : journeys through film, cities and landscapes
Borden, Iain
London, Reaktion Books. 280 p.
Resumen: "El camino abierto": es una frase que evoca un sentido de libertad, aventura y nuevas posibilidades que hacen que conducir una de nuestras actividades más liberadoras. En Drive, Iain Borden explora la forma en que conducir nos permite encontrar paisajes y ciudades en todo el mundo. Presta especial atención a cómo se retrata la conducción en películas desde Estados Unidos a Europa, a Asia y Hollywood a la vanguardia, cubriendo más de un siglo de historia y haciendo referencia a cientos de películas.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

martes, 11 de julio de 2017

The end of automobile dependence

The end of automobile dependence : how cities are moving beyond car-based planing
Newman, Peter
Washington, Island press. 300 p.
Resumen: Cities will continue to accommodate the automobile, but when cities are built around them, the quality of human and natural life declines. Current trends show great promise for future urban mobility systems that enable freedom and connection, but not dependence. We are experiencing the phenomenon of peak car use in many global cities at the same time that urban rail is thriving, central cities are revitalizing, and suburban sprawl is reversing. Walking and cycling are growing in many cities, along with ubiquitous bike sharing schemes, which have contributed to new investment and vitality in central cities including Melbourne, Seattle, Chicago, and New York.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Autos, rutas y turismo

Autos, rutas y turismo : el automóvil club argentino y el estado
Piglia, Melina
Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI.   253 p.
Resumen : Entre 1920 y 1930, la Argentina llegó a ser el país latinoamericano con mayor cantidad de automóviles y el cuarto en todo el mundo. Esta acelerada motorización tuvo un enorme impacto en la vida social, cultural y económica al transformar los hábitos y las pautas de consumo y de movilidad.
Los automovilistas recorrían rutas de difícil tránsito, visitaban los parques nacionales y concurrían a los balnearios. Muchos animaron las populares carreras de Turismo Carretera. El estado y el Automóvil Club Argentino establecieron una asociación estrecha y singular.
El estado diseñó las políticas viales y construyó sus bases materiales –los caminos y el combustible– a través de Vialidad Nacional e YPF.
El Automóvil Club Argentino, que surgió ligado al comercio automotriz, atrajo con su oferta de servicios a una enorme masa de asociados, colaboró en la señalización caminera, desarrolló una red de estaciones de servicio –financiadas por YPF– y patrocinó las competencias deportivas. Sus emblemas estuvieron presentes en cada ruta, aun en las más alejadas. Así hicieron “patriotismo práctico”. Con pericia profesional, Melina Piglia analiza ese entramado de formas de vida, intereses, políticas y relaciones entre el estado y una asociación tan compleja como emblemática, a la vez que interviene, a partir de un enfoque original, en la reflexión sobre los mecanismos de mediación entre el estado y la sociedad civil en la Argentina 

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Down the asphalt path

Down the asphalt path : the automobile and the American city
McShane, Clay
New York, Columbia University Press.   xvii, 288 p
Resumen : Imagine a world without automobiles, traffic lights, and interstate highways. Or the words commuter and parking. For a nation that prides itself on the freedom of movement and the long weekend, this seems nearly impossible. In Down the Asphalt Path, Clay McShane examines the uniquely American relation between automobility and urbanization. Writing at the cutting edge of urban and technological history, McShane focuses on how new transportation systems—most important, the private automobile—and new concepts of the city redefined each other in modern America. We swiftly motor across the country from Boston to New York to Milwaukee to Los Angeles and the suburbs in between as McShane chronicles the urban embrace of the automobile. McShane begins with mid-nineteenth century municipal bans on horseless carriages, a response to public fears of accidents and pollution. After cities redesigned roads to encourage new forms of trasnport, especially trolley cars, light carriages, and bicycles, the bans disappeared in the 1890s. With the advent of the automobile, metropolitan elites quickly and permanently established cars as status symbols. Down the Asphalt Path also explains the escapist appeal of the motor car to many Americans constrained by traditional social values. This book includes more than thirty photographs detailing the transformation of urban transportation. They bring to life chapters on modes of travel before the trolley; the push for parks, parkways, and suburbanization; the car in popular culture; and the battle for traffic safety and regulation. McShane's analysis of gender relations in the rise of automobility—in particular, definitions of gender in terms of mechanical skill and of driving as male power—is both timely and innovative. Wonderfully readable, this book will be a treasure for readers of urban history, popular culture, and technology—as well as car buffs.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU