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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta dibujos. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

Del croquis al proyecto

Del croquis al proyecto
Donoso, Francisco
Vizcaino, Marcelo
Córdoba, Manuel
Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales. 163 p.
Resumen: Este libro es una selección de obras en las que el croquis tuvo un papel relevante dentro del proceso creativo. Aquí se han abarcado técnicas, encargos, autores y escalas diferentes. En definitiva, es un libro que reposa en el gesto personal y único de cada autor convocado.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

martes, 11 de julio de 2017


Illustration now! Portraits
Wiedemann, Julius
Köln, Taschen. 576 p.
Resumen: The field of illustration has flourished over the last decade, with professionals working both by computer and by hand. In illustration, the single most challenging and captivating subject has been the portrait, frequently used in editorials, advertising, products, and most recently, being the subject of major exhibitions. The book gathers together the exclusive (and frequently unpublished) portrait work of over 80 illustrators from all over the world, many of whom were featured in Illustration Now!, including Aaron Jasinski, Andre Carrilho, Hanoch Piven, Anita Kunz, Jody Hewgill, and Dugald Stermer. The book also features an index of subjects and an introduction by Steven Heller.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU