Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta geología. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta geología. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Geoethics: ethical challenges and case studies in earth sciences
Wyss, Max
Peppoloni, Silvia
Amsterdam, Boston, Elsevier. 425 p.
Resumen: Edited by two experts in the area, Geoethics: Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth Sciences addresses a range of topics surrounding the concept of ethics in geoscience, making it an important reference for any Earth scientist with a growing concern for sustainable development and social responsibility. This book will provide the reader with some obvious and some hidden information you need for understanding where experts have not served the public, what more could have been done to reach and serve the public and the ethical issues surrounding the Earth Sciences, from a global perspective. Written by a global group of contributors with backgrounds ranging from philosopher to geo-practitioner, providing a balance of voices Includes case studies, showing where experts have gone wrong and where key organizations have ignored facts, wanting assessments favorable to their agendas.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Geology and geomorphology of holocene coastal barriers of Brazil

Geology and geomorphology of holocene coastal barriers of Brazil
Dillenburg, Sérgio R.
Hesp, Patrick A.
Resumen: This books presents the first comprehensive overview of the evolution, geology, geomorphology and dynamics of Holocene coastal barriers in Brazil. Following two introductory chapters outlining the coast geology, climate, oceanography, general setting and dynamics, each subsequent chapter deals with the evolution and development of Holocene barriers in each state covering 9,200 kilometers of coastline. The examples cover all tidal types from micro to macro tidal, all wave and wind energies, and virtually every barrier type ranging from barrier islands, spits, strandplains, attached, receded and prograded barriers, climbing, clifftop and falling dunefield barriers and the largest transgressive dunefield barriers in the world. The book has been written by experts in Brazil, and provides a wealth of information previously inaccessible to scientists, students and managers.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Ciencias de la tierra

Ciencias de la tierra : una introducción a la geología física
Tarbuck, Edward J.
Lutgens, Frederick K.
Madrid, Pearson.  710 p. + 1DVD
Resumen : Esta nueva edición ha sido actualizada, existe un capítulo nuevo y se han reescrito algunos. El capítulo de la Geología en España, se va rescribir.Es un texto universitario para estudiantes que cursan su primer año de Geología. Además de ser informativo y estar actualizado, uno de los principales objetivos de Ciencias de la Tierra es satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes de disponer de una herramienta para el aprendizaje de los principios y los conceptos básicos de la geología. Se acompaña del Cd GEODe que contiene un programa que refuerza los conceptos clave mediante animaciones, clases y ejercicios interactivos.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU