miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Andrés Jaque

Andrés Jaque : Office for Political Innovation: transmaterial
Jaque, Andrés
Santiago de Chile, Ediciones ARQ, 143 p.
Resumen:En su clásico texto ”The Author as Producer” (1934), Walter Benjamin proponía una cuestión que nos acecha hasta hoy: ”En vez de preguntar ¿cuál es la actitud de una obra hacia las relaciones de producción de su tiempo?, quisiera preguntar: ¿cuál es su posición dentro de ellas?”. Parafrasear a Benjamin es útil para entender el rol de Andrés Jaque y Office for Political Innovation en la arquitectura actual: en lugar de preguntar cuál es la actitud de la arquitectura hacia las dinámicas contemporáneas, Jaque y su equipo preguntan cuál es la posición de la arquitectura dentro de esas dinámicas. Es esa capacidad de poner a la arquitectura en ‘otro plano’ lo que convierte al trabajo de Jaque en algo difícil de entender para algunos, y en algo realmente fascinante para otros. 
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META: Diez pabellones para Chile = Ten pavilions for Chile
Pezo von Ellrichshausen
Santiago de Chile, Ediciones ARQ. 239 p.
Resumen: META es un proyecto del estudio Pezo von Ellrichshausen Arquitectos y el Centro Cultural CASAPOLI, que congrega a un conjunto de destacados arquitectos internacionales. Cuenta con el apoyo del Programa InnovaChile de CORFO, el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, el Plan para la Reconstrucción del Borde Costero y la Intendencia del  Gobierno Regional del Bío Bío, además de un importante grupo de empresas e instituciones privadas. El objetivo central de META es colaborar con la recuperación de diez pueblos costeros que fueron severamente afectados por el terremoto y maremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010. Se intenta lograr esto a partir de una estrategia específica: la realización de una serie de pabellones de particular calidad arquitectónica, tendiente a aportar en la construcción de la identidad de cada uno de estos poblados. El presente libro ha sido realizado por Ediciones ARQ de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y constituye el primer número de la colección La gran escala.
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El cuadrado

El cuadrado: más de 300 ejemplos ilustrados sobre la forma cuadrada
Munari, Bruno
México, Gustavo Gili. 154 p.
Resumen: Este libro, especialmente dirigido a docentes y estudiantes de disciplinas técnicas, artísticas y relacionadas con el diseño y las artes plásticas, supone un estimulante instrumento de consulta. Ampliamente ilustrado, se centra en temas clave del proceso de proyecto, como la recopilación de información, la experimentación, los aspectos físicos y connotaciones psicológicas de cada proyecto, la investigación de formas y fenómenos naturales, las reglas de coherencia formal, el lenguaje técnico y la comunicación visual. El cuadrado como generador de estructuras dentro de las cuales las culturas china, árabe y persa realizaron las decoraciones más refinadas. El cuadrado y el cubo como campos de experimentación de artistas y diseñadores.
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El triángulo

El triángulo: más de 100 ejemplos ilustrados sobre el triángulo equilátero
Munari, Bruno
México, Gustavo Gili. 106 p.
Resumen:Este libro, especialmente dirigido a docentes y estudiantes de disciplinas técnicas, artísticas y relacionadas con el diseño y las artes plásticas, supone un estimulante instrumento de consulta. Ampliamente ilustrado, se centra en temas clave del proceso de proyecto, como la recopilación de información, la experimentación, los aspectos físicos y connotaciones psicológicas de cada proyecto, la investigación de formas y fenómenos naturales, las reglas de coherencia formal, el lenguaje técnico y la comunicación visual. El triángulo equilátero como forma básica generadora de estructuras en dos y tres dimensiones. El triángulo equilátero en la naturaleza: en los vegetales y en ciertos minerales. Los cristales de nieve. La modulación triangular del espacio como estructura proyectual. El triángulo equilátero en el arte y en determinados fenómenos científicos. Triángulos equiláteros con tres ángulos rectos. 
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La necesidad de ruinas y otros ensayos

La necesidad de ruinas y otros ensayos
Jackson, John Brinckerhoff
Santiago, Chile, Ediciones ARQ. 141 p.
Resumen:La necesidad de las ruinas y otros ensayos es una obra clave (originariamente publicada en 1980) en la producción de J.B. Jackson, uno de los principales referentes en los estudios sobre paisaje en Estados Unidos y a nivel internacional. El libro recoge una serie de ensayos, originalmente publicados en la revista Landscape publicada durante años por el mismo Jackson, en los que el autor despliega una mirada intensa y fascinante sobre el entorno que lo rodea en su conjunto, abriendo la idea de paisaje tradicional. 
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Barrio República : una crónica

Barrio República : una crónica
Merino, Roberto
Santiago, Universidad Diego Portales. 113 p.
Resumen: Cuando fijamos la mirada en cualquier barrio de la ciudad, aparece la vida en su compleja diversidad: relatos familiares, pequeña historia, memoria colectiva y memorias individuales, drama, comedia, paisajes, todo parece concurrir en un mismo movimiento general. En este libro, Roberto Merino se concentra en uno de los barrios más significativos de Santiago: República, que amalgamó a fines del siglo XIX el poder económico de la nueva oligarquía con los ensueños de la belle époque. Deambulando, con la movilidad propia de la crónica, por viejas calles transformadas, perdidas y recuperadas, el autor logra dar cuenta de una versión específica de la misteriosa condición de toda realidad.
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Planning for urban quality

Planning for urban quality: urban design in towns and cities
Parfect, Michael
Power, Gordon
London, New York, Routledge. 242 p.
Resumen: Rapid regeneration of city areas has placed the quality of urban design high on public and policy agendas worldwide. Planning for Urban Quality examines the achievement of quality in the urban environment, in a planning context. Tracing urban design from its roots, the authors draw on both historical and current practices to examine the key physical, political and economic forces at play and the social pressures and impacts brought about by both failures and achievements in urban design. This highly illustrated critique of towns and cities draws on examples from across Western Europe, South Africa and USA to examine both public and private sector development practices, controls and fiscal policies within a diverse range of localities. The authors indicate the need for a reinstitution of region-provincial approaches, for closer co-ordination bewteen sectors, and revised fiscal policies in planning and development in order to enhance the quality of urban social experience and environments. Providing a deeper understanding of the many diverse strands of Urban Quality, the authors provide a firm basis from which to analyse urban planning achievements and to assess the relevance and value of urban scapes.
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Carfree cities

Carfree cities
Crawford, J. H.
Utrecht, International Books. 323 p.
Resumen:In this volume filled with historical and contemporary references to guiding historic precedents and ideological errors of 20th-century planning, the author sets up the carfree city as the cornerstone of sustainable development. This book outlines a structure carefully designed to maximize the quality of life for people and communities worldwide.  
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Manual de diseño urbano

Manual de diseño urbano
Bazant S., Jan
México, D.F., Trillas. 422 p.
Resumen: Este manual propone y organiza, de manera temática, criterios técnicos congruentes con la problemática urbana de cualquier país del mundo. Dichos criterios se ilustran con diagramas, croquis y cuadros que simplifican la aplicación práctica de su contenido.La nueva edición se actualiza en sus aspectos estadísticos, pero conserva su estructura original, por lo que sigue siendo un instrumento útil y eficaz para el diseñador urbano y el arquitecto. La obra está estructurada de tal manera que puede utilizarse tanto en el diseño de fraccionamientos residenciales como de conjuntos habitacionales, desarrollos turísticos y parques industriales.
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The built environment

The built environment: a collaborative inquiry into design and planning
McClure, Wendy R.
Bartuska, Tom J.
Hoboken, New Jersey, John wiley & Sons. 404 p.
Resumen: This book takes a sweeping view of the ways we build things, beginning at the scale of products and interiors, to that of regions and global systems. In doing so, it answers questions on how we effect and are affected by our environment and explores how components of what we make—from products, buildings, and cities—are interrelated, and why designers and planners must consider these connections. 
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Paisajes sensibles

Paisajes sensibles: subjetividades, salud y patrimonio en el espacio verde intrahospitalario
Campari, Gabriela
Buenos Aires, Prometeo. 230 p.
Resumen:  "Paisajes sensibles" indaga desde la teoría y la empiria, la producción y transformación del espacio verde intrahospitalario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, constituyendo un relevante y original aporte al análisis del valor del paisaje y los espacios públicos en el mundo urbano y de la belleza en la construcción de subjetividad. La autora investiga las prácticas y representaciones sociales presentes en las áreas verdes de cinco hospitales públicos locales y da cuenta del rol fundamental que en su valoración patrimonial y como lugar de salud, tienen las actividades, percepciones, sensaciones y simbologías de quienes las vivencian. Paisajes sensibles, propone el desafío de reflexionar y construir participativamente una mirada que visibilice estos paisajes cotidianos en la agenda pública como legado cultural, ambiental y espacio de bienestares y cuidados para la comunidad hospitalaria con aptitudes para mejorar el habitar y la calidad de vida en el contexto adverso de la hospitalización.
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Catastro nacional de campamentos 2016

Catastro nacional de campamentos 2016 : el número de familias en campamentos no deja de aumentar
Centro de Investigación Social TECHO-Chile.
Santiago, TECHO-Chile. 111 p.
Resumen: En el trabajo con enfermos es habitual encontrarse con personas muy mayores que padecen alguna enfermedad grave que los tiene desahuciados. Al conversar con ellos, algunos dicen que preferirían no haber sabido lo que tenían, continuar viviendo sin más, hasta morir. Es el problema de los diagnósticos. Siempre revisten el riesgo de encontrarse con una mala noticia.
Este Catastro de Campamentos 2016 nos entrega una muy mala noticia en general. Afortunadamente, el aumento considerable de familias campamentadas estos últimos cinco años, no es una enfermedad, ni mucho menos una enfermedad terminal. Ellos son el fruto de los sistemas sociales que hemos construido y que, por tanto, podemos modificar.
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Remote sensing digital image analysis

Remote sensing digital image analysis: an introduction
Richards, J. A.
Berlin, Springer. 494 p.
Resumen: Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis provides the non-specialist with an introduction to quantitative evaluation of satellite and aircraft derived remotely retrieved data. Since the first edition of the book there have been significant developments in the algorithms used for the processing and analysis of remote sensing imagery; nevertheless many of the fundamentals have substantially remained the same. This new edition presents material that has retained value since those early days, along with new techniques that can be incorporated into an operational framework for the analysis of remote sensing data. The book is designed as a teaching text for the senior undergraduate and postgraduate student, and as a fundamental treatment for those engaged in research using digital image processing in remote sensing. The presentation level is for the mathematical non-specialist. Since the very great number of operational users of remote sensing come from the earth sciences communities, the text is pitched at a level commensurate with their background. Each chapter covers the pros and cons of digital remotely sensed data, without detailed mathematical treatment of computer based algorithms, but in a manner conductive to an understanding of their capabilities and limitations. Problems conclude each chapter. 
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Remote sensing and global environmental change

Remote sensing and global environmental change
Purkis, Samuel
Klemas, Victor
Chichester, West Sussex UK, Hoboken, USA, Wiley-Blackwell. 367 p.
Resumen: Remote Sensing plays a key role in monitoring the various manifestations of global climate change. It is used routinely in the assessment and mapping of biodiversity over large areas, in the monitoring of changes to the physical environment, in assessing threats to various components of natural systems, and in the identification of priority areas for conservation. This book presents the fundamentals of remote sensing technology, but rather than containing lengthy explanations of sensor specifications and operation, it concentrates instead on the application of the technology to key environmental systems. Each system forms the basis of a separate chapter, and each is illustrated by real world case studies and examples.  
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Creative spaces

Creative spaces: a toolkit for participatory urban design
The Architecture Fundation
London, England, The Architecture Fundation. 64 p.
Resumen:Inspiration, ideas and support for creative community involvement in urban design for all those looking for new ways to involve people creatively in planning the future of urban sites. This lively and colourful book is a condensed version of The Architecture Foundation's website www.creativespaces.org.uk. CREATIVE SPACES presents a toolkit of methods and a series of site stories from the Architecture Foundation Roadshow that toured London Boroughs between 1998 and 2000, bringing together residents and designers to think creatively about the future of local sites. The toolkit, asking the question 'How can people be creatively involved in changing their local area?', takes a step by step look at the participatory methods used to generate ideas for small public spaces, community buildings and whole neighbourhoods. Topics covered include researching a site; outreach and publicity; generating ideas through working with architects, artists and young people; time, people and money charts.  
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International economics

International economics: theory & policy
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
Boston, Addison Wesley. 701 p.
Resumen: Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and new co-author Marc Melitz of Harvard University, continue to set the standard for International Economics courses with the text that remains the market leader in the U.S. and around the world. International Economics: Theory and Policy is a proven approach in which each half of the book leads with an intuitive introduction to theory and follows with self-contained chapters to cover key policy applications.
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Beyond reengineering

Beyond reengineering: how the process-centered organization is changing our work and our lives
Hammer, Michael
New York, HarperBusiness. 285 p.
Resumen:Reengineering has captured the imagination of managers and shareholders alike, sending corporations on journeys of radical business redesign that have already begun to transfigure global industry. Yet aside from earning them improvements in their business performance, the shift into more-process-centered organizations is causing fundamental changes in the corporate world, changes that business leaders are only now beginning to understand. What will the revolutions final legacy be? Beyond Reengineering addresses this question, exploring reengineering's effects on such areas as: Jobs: What does process-centering do to the nature of jobs? What does a process-centered workplace feel like? Managers: What is the new role of the manager in a process-centered company? Education: What skills are vital in the process-centered working world, and how can young or inexperienced workers prepare? Society: What are the implications of process-centering for employment and the economy as a whole? Investment: What are the characteristics of a successful 21st-century corporation? An informed look at one of the most profound changes to ever sweep the corporate world, Beyond Reengineering is the business manual for the 21st century. 
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Filosofía y ciencia en la geografía contemporánea

Filosofía y ciencia en la geografía contemporánea: una introducción a la geografía
Capel, Horacio
Barcelona, Ediciones del Serbal. 477 p.
Resumen: Este libro es una edición ampliada de una obra inicialmente publicada en 1981, y que ha conocido ya diversas ediciones y traducciones. Los cambios en la disciplina y en otras ciencias han sido importantes durante las últimas tres décadas, y puede interpretarse bien dentro del esquema que se propone en esta obra. La geografía radical, humanista, o postmoderna coinciden todas ellas en un rechazo de postulados esenciales del positivismo. Esas corrientes han permitido descubrir dimensiones nuevas muy valiosas, pero en algunos aspectos han llegado, tal vez, a su agotamiento. Muchos indicios muestran en las ciencias sociales una nueva valoración de los postulados positivistas, que se hacen necesarios para dar mayor rigor a las explicaciones y por la necesidad de buscar nuevos marcos de análisis para integrar e interpretar la multitud de datos que hoy están disponibles. La necesidad de nuevos marcos de análisis se hace grande por los importantes cambios que se han producido en el mundo y en la ciencia. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, Internet, la Web 2.0, la comunicación instantánea a través de teléfonos móviles, la realidad aumentada y otros más han significado transformaciones de gran transcendencia. El desarrollo de la ciencia y de la técnica plantean nuevos retos a los geógrafos y a todos los científicos sociales, y se necesita reflexionar sobre ellos y adoptar estrategias para enfrentarnos a los mismos.
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Geografía rural

Geografía rural
García Ramon, María Dolors
Tullas i Pujol,  Antoni F.
Valdovinos Perdices, Núria
Madrid, Síntesis. 235 p.
Resumen: El espacio rural cumple nuevas funciones en la actualidad: además de satisfacer las necesidades alimentarias de la población, ofrece nuevas localizaciones de actividades industriales y de servicios, así como soporte a las nuevas demandas de ocio y recreo. Por este motivo, el estudio de la geografía rural ha adquirido un nuevo protagonismo y requiere una mayor atención. 
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Geografía de la salud

Geografía de la salud
Olivera, Ana
Madrid, Síntesis. 160 p.
Resumen: La enfermedad o la salud no pueden tratarse aisladas de los contextos físico, social y cultural. Los abundantes análisis sociológicos, antropológicos, económicos y geográficos ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de que se evalúe la salud pública dentro de estos contextos y con el fin de apostar por una Medicina integral y practicar una Geografía “aplicable”. 
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La geografía en la vida cotidiana

La geografía en la vida cotidiana: de los mapas cognitivos al prejuicio regional
De Castro, Constancio
Barcelona, Ediciones del Serbal. 248 p.
Resumen: La tendencia imparable hacia la urbanización progresiva ha conducido al autor a detenerse en la figura del hombre urbano como foco de atención preferente. De ahí surgen los tres grandes temas que constituyen la obra: la percepción de los entornos urbanos a través de la confección de mapas cognitivos o mapas mentales que maneja el peatón para orientarse en los vericuetos urbanos, y que tienen poco que ver con los esquemas trazados por el arquitecto o ingeniero que ha fabricado la ciudad; la memoria geográfica del hombre urbano u otras imágenes y representaciones de lugares geográficos, que trascienden el entorno familiar, y finalmente, se aborda un aspecto social, el prejuicio regional, tema candente de nuestro tiempo.  
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Mountain geomorphology

Mountain geomorphology
Owens, Philip N.
Slaymaker, Olav
London, New York, Routledge. 313 p.
Resumen: Mountains represent one of the most inspiring and attractive natural features on the surface of the earth. Visually, they dominate the landscape. However, the increasing realization of the fragility of mountain areas because of changes in land use, management and climate, combined with an understanding of their importance for water and other natural resources, has resulted in a growing interest in mountain environments in recent years. Hence, Mountain Geomorphology represents a timely and unique contribution to the literature.
Written by a team of international experts, this book is divided into three sections, which consider historical, functional and applied mountain geomorphology from both global and local perspectives. Historical mountain geomorphology focuses on the evolution of landforms. Functional mountain geomorphology emphasises the interaction between processes and landforms, while applied mountain geomorphology concerns the interrelationships between geomorphological processes and society. Tabla de contenidos
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Handbook of beach and shoreface morphodynamics

Handbook of beach and shoreface morphodynamics
Short, Andrew D.
Chichester, John Wiley & Sons. 379 p.
Resumen: The beach and adjacent shoreface are the most dynamic part of the Earth's surface. They represent a narrow zone where waves, tides and winds continously interact, producing, wherever sediment is available, hundreds of thousands of kilometres of beach systems. Beaches are also the focus of intense pressure from users and developers, and for these reasons alone a knowledge of beach systems and their morphodynamics is critical to their sustainable management. This book is the first to provide an in-depth and holistic view of beach systems, looking both in detail at the different beach zones and globally at range of parameters influencing regional variation in beach systems from the tropics to the poles. Furthermore it examines the relationship between beaches and ancillary dune systems and includes chapters on beach ecology, safety, stratification and barrier evolution.
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Introducing physical geography

Introducing physical geography
Strahler, Alan H.
Hoboken, NJ, Wiley. 641 p.
Resumen: The 6th edition of Introducing Physical Geography is known for its clear writing, distinctive photos and illustrations and a strong supplements program. The text continues its tradition as a great book to help non-science readers visualize and understand earth processes and learn the basic language of physical geography. The new edition features a strengthened “Eye on the Landscape” feature and updated data on climate change. 
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Les lacs des hauts plateaux de l'Amérique du Sud

Les lacs des hauts plateaux de l'Amérique du Sud
Neveu-Lemaire, Maurice
Francia, Nabu Press. 197 p.
Resumen: This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. 
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Landscape ecology in theory and practice

Landscape ecology in theory and practice: pattern and process
Turner, Monica G.
Gardner, Robert H.
O'Neill, Robert V.
New York, Springer. 401 p.
Resumen: An ideal text for students taking a course in landscape ecology. The book has been written by very well-known practitioners and pioneers in the new field of ecological analysis. Landscape ecology has emerged during the past two decades as a new and exciting level of ecological study. Environmental problems such as global climate change, land use change, habitat fragmentation and loss of biodiversity have required ecologists to expand their traditional spatial and temporal scales and the widespread availability of remote imagery, geographic information systems, and desk top computing has permitted the development of spatially explicit analyses. In this new text book this new field of landscape ecology is given the first fully integrated treatment suitable for the student. Throughout, the theoretical developments, modeling approaches and results, and empirical data are merged together, so as not to introduce barriers to the synthesis of the various approaches that constitute an effective ecological synthesis. The book also emphasizes selected topic areas in which landscape ecology has made the most contributions to our understanding of ecological processes, as well as identifying areas where its contributions have been limited. Each chapter features questions for discussion as well as recommended reading.
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Coastal geomorphology

Coastal geomorphology: an introduction
Bird, Eric
Chichester, England, Hoboken NJ, Wiley. 411 p.
Resumen: Coastal Geomorphology, Second Edition is a comprehensive and systematic introduction to this subject and demonstrates the dynamic nature of coastal landforms, providing a background for analytical planning and management strategies in coastal areas that are subject to continuing changes. This introductory textbook has been completely revised and updated, and is accompanied by a website which provides additional illustrations, global examples, case-studies and more detailed and advanced information on topics referenced in the book, together with explanations of terminology, annotated references and research material. 
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Dynamic earth

Dynamic earth: an introduction to physical geology
Skynner, Brian J.
Porter, Stephen C.
Park, Jeffrey
Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons. 584 p.
Resumen: The authors have drawn extensively on their own international field experiences and those of their colleagues to provide a global introduction to the study of physical geology. The book takes the overriding theme of human interaction with the Earth and its environmental impact. Each chapter opens with an essay focusing on an instance of the impact humans have on the Earth's environment or the impact the Earth has on humans. 
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Geosystems: an introduction to phisical geography
Christopherson, Robert W.
Boston, Prentice Hall. 623 p.
Resumen: Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, Eighth Edition is organized around the natural flow of energy, materials, and information, presenting subjects in the same sequence in which they occur in nature—an organic, holistic approach that is unique in this discipline. Each chapter also includes strong learning tools and a structured learning path, with Key Learning Concepts presented at the start of the chapter, Key Learning Concepts Review at the end of the chapter, and Critical Thinking questions integrated throughout. Offering current examples and modern science within a one-of-a-kind Earth systems organization, Christopherson combines student-friendly writing, outstanding art, and a strong multimedia program for a truly unique physical geography experience.
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The physical geography of South America

The physical geography of South America
Veblen, Thomas T.
Young, Kenneth R.
Orme, Antony R.
New York, Oxfoed University Press. 361 p.
Resumen: The Physical Geography of South America presents an enduring statement of the continent's fascinating environments. Written by international specialists, it addresses themes ranging from tectonism and climate change to biotoc endemism; analyzes specific regions from the Amazon forests to the Patagonian steppes; and evaluates human impacts on the environment over time.
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Mapping the world

Mapping the world: an illustrated history of cartography
Ehrenberg, Ralph E.
Washington, D. C., National Geographic. 256 p.
Resumen: Mapping the World is a one-of-a-kind collection of cartographic treasures that spans thousands of years and many cultures, from an ancient Babylonian map of the world etched on clay to the latest high-tech maps of the earth, seas, and the skies above. With more than one hundred maps and other illustrations and an introduction and running commentary by Ralph E. Ehrenberg, this book tells a fascinating story of geographic discovery, scientific invention, and the art and technique of mapmaking.
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Ecosystem geography

Ecosystem geography: from ecoregions to sites
Bailey, Robert G.
New York, Springer. 251 p.
Resumen: This book outlines a system that subdivides the Earth into a hierarchy of increasingly finer-scale ecosystems that can serve as a consistent framework for ecological analysis and management.
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Our changing planet

Our changing planet: an introduction to earth system science and global environmental change
Mackenzie, Fred T.
Boston, Prentice Hall. 579 p.
Resumen: This book offers a general interdisciplinary discussion of global environmental change geared toward the non-specialist in science. It presents both Earth science and ecological concepts related to global change, as well as a discussion of the human dimensions of change. The unifying theme of the text is consideration of aspects of both natural and human-induced global environmental change.  
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miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

Alfredo Jaar la política de las imagenes

Alfredo Jaar la política de las imagenes
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Pollock, Griselda
Rancière, Jacques
Schweizer, Nicole
Valdés, Adriana
Santiago de Chile, Ediciones Metales Pesados. 131 p.
Resumen: A partir de la obra de Alfredo Jaar y sus "estrategias visuales", los autores abordan el pensamiento actual sobre las imágenes, cuestionando la reflexión crítica, la resistencia política, las consecuencias negativas de la superabundancia de (ciertas) imágenes, la indiferencia ética y política ante las imágenes del sufrimiento, el consumo de imágenes previamente seleccionadas por otros, el papel crítico, reflexivo y político de la emoción, la mala prensa de palabras como "humanismo" o "compasión", contaminadas de sensiblería hipócrita.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Shaping things

Shaping things
Sterling, Bruce
Cambridge, Mass., Mit Press, 149 p.
Resumen: A guide to the next great wave of technology—an era of objects so programmable that they can be regarded as material instantiations of an immaterial system. Now, with Shaping Things, design gets full-court consideration in a powerfully argued thesis tracking the profession's trajectory toward a new product order...On top of being one of the most strikingly insightful little volumes on the design shelves, Shaping Things, designed by Lorraine Wild, is one of the most originally and empathically crafted pieces of evidence that artifacts do evolve, and that designers may hold the keys to a more sophisticated relationship to the things around us we take for granted.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Teoría de la imagen

Teoría de la imagen: ensayos sobre representación verbal y visual
Mitchel, W. J. T.
Madrid, Akal. 380 p.
Resumen: "Teoría de la imagen" ofrece una detallada explicación del juego entre lo visible y lo legible en la cultura, desde la literatura a las artes visuales y los medios de comunicación. Partiendo de películas contemporáneas y controvertidas, como "Haz lo que debas de Spike Lee" y "JFK" de Oliver Stone, así como de la cobertura que los medios de comunicación hacen de las noticias nacionales, W. J. T. Mitchell examina e ilustra la fuerza modeladora que poseen las imágenes para despertar o acallar el debate público, la emoción colectiva y la violencia política. Teoría de la imagen obtuvo en 1996 el premio Charles Rufus Morey de la College Art Association y, en 1997, el premio Gordon E. Laing concedido por la University of Chicago Press.  
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Situated design methods

Situated design methods
Simonsen, Jesper
Cambridge, Mass., Mit Press. 400 p.
Resumen: A handbook of situated design methods, with analyses and cases that range from designing study processes to understanding customer experiences to developing interactive installations. All design is situated—carried out from an embedded position. Design involves many participants and encompasses a range of interactions and interdependencies among designers, designs, design methods, and users. Design is also multidisciplinary, extending beyond the traditional design professions into such domains as health, culture, education, and transportation. This book presents eighteen situated design methods, offering cases and analyses of projects that range from designing interactive installations, urban spaces, and environmental systems to understanding customer experiences. Each chapter presents a different method, combining theoretical, methodological, and empirical discussions with accounts of actual experiences. The book describes methods for defining and organizing a design project, organizing collaborative processes, creating aesthetic experiences, and incorporating sustainability into processes and projects. The diverse and multidisciplinary methods presented include a problem- and project-based approach to design studies; a “Wheel of Rituals” intended to promote creativity; a pragmatist method for situated experience design that derives from empirical studies of film production and performance design; and ways to transfer design methods in a situated manner. The book will be an important resource for researchers, students, and practitioners of interdisciplinary design.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Articulating design decisions

Articulating design decisions: communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and deliver the best user experience 
Greever, Tom
Beijing, O'Reilly. 258 p.
Resumen: Talking to people about your designs might seem like a basic skill, but it can be difficult to do efficiently and well. And, in many cases, how you communicate about your work with stakeholders, clients, and other non-designers is more critical than the designs themselves—simply because the most articulate person usually wins. This practical guide focuses on principles, tactics, and actionable methods for presenting your designs. Whether you design UX, websites, or products, you’ll learn how to win over anyone who has influence over the project—with the goal of creating the best experience for the end user. Walk through the process of preparing for and presenting your designs Understand stakeholder perspectives, and learn how to empathize with them Cultivate both implicit and explicit listening skills Learn tactics and formulas for expressing the most effective response to feedback Discover why the way you follow through is just as crucial as the meeting itself Educate your stakeholders by sharing the chapter from this book on how to work with designers
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

The DNA of customer experience

The DNA of customer experience: how emotions drive value
Shaw, Colin
London, Palgrave Macmillan. 166 p.
Resumen: As the World Thought Leaders on Customer Experience, Colin Shaw and the team at Beyond Philosophy have undertaken more than 18 months of groundbreaking research to discover the emotions that drive and destroy value in an organization, and can now disclose the empirical link between evoking these emotions and substantial financial returns.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

From products to services

From products to services: insights and experience from companies which have embraced the service economy
Young, Laurie
Chichester, England, John Wiley & Sons. 353 p.
Resumen: Included are some of the most famous business names in the western world: Unisys, Ericsson, Michelin, Nokia and HP. For IBM it was Lou Gerstener’s ‘big bet’; at GE it was one of former CEO Jack Welch’s ‘four major strategies’ and, at General Motors, the financial services arm was its most profitable business for many years. Yet very little has been published on this profound transition. As a result, myths and idiocies abound. Some routinely claim that the ‘evolution from products through services to solutions’ is inevitable. Others think that manufacturing is being outsourced to China and India while American or European teenagers face a career in hamburger stalls. The truth is much more fascinating. To succeed in a service business, most functions of a product company need to change. Operations, management, recruitment, finance, sales, new product development and marketing must all be adjusted. So the move into service therefore involves huge risk caused by disruptive and radical change. What has pushed realistic business people in such widely different industrial sectors to take so large a risk? Does their experience contain lessons or warnings for others? Is the trend likely to continue and affect other parts of the world as their economies develop? Will India, China or other developing economies need to learn how to export service once their manufacturing industries mature? Written by a successful businessman who has been at the heart of these changes in several companies and, with case studies from companies like IBM, Unilever, BT, Michelin, Ericsson and Nokia, this book explores the experience of those who have made the transition; and some who have resisted it. It covers in depth subjects such as: strategic focus, change management, service operations, branding a service business, service sales and service marketing. It is the first major work on this subject.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU