miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

The art of 3D computer animation and effects

The art of 3D computer animation and effects
Kerlow, Isaac
Hoboken, N.J.,  John Wiley & Sons.  499 p.
Resumen:This remarkable edition of The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects offers clear, step-by-step guidelines for the entire process of creating a fully rendered 3D computer animation. With up-to-date coverage of the latest computer animation styles and techniques, this versatile guide provides insightful information for creating animations and visual effects—from creative development and preproduction to finished animation. Designed to work with any computer platform, this Fourth Edition cuts through technical jargon and presents numerous easy-to-understand instructive diagrams. Full-color examples are presented—including VFX and animated feature movies, games, and TV commercials—by such leading companies as Blue Sky, Blur, BUF, Disney, DreamWorks, Electronic Arts, Framestore, ILM, Imagi, Microsoft, Mac Guff, The Mill, Menfond, Pixar, Polygon, Rhythm & Hues, Sony Imageworks, Tippett, Ubisoft, and Weta, and many other studios and groundbreaking independent artists from around the world.
This fully revised edition features new material on the latest visual effects techniques, a useful update of the traditional principles of animation, practical information on creative development, multiple production pipeline ideas for shorts and visual effects, plus updated information on current production trends and techniques in animation, rendering, modeling, rigging, and compositing.
Whether you are a student, an independent artist or creator, or a production company team member, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, Fourth Edition gives you a broad palette of tips and techniques for bringing your visions to life through 3D computer animation.
Unique focus on creative development and production issues
Non-platform specific, with multiple examples illustrated in a practical, step-by-step approach
The newest computer animation techniques, including facial animation, image-based and non-photorealistic rendering, model rigging, real-time models, and 2D/3D integration
Over 700 full-color images
Encyclopedic timeline and production pipeline
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Visualizing data

Visualizing data
Fry, Ben
Sebastopol, CA, O'Reilly.  366 p.
Resumen: Enormous quantities of data go unused or underused today, simply because people can't visualize the quantities and relationships in it. Using a downloadable programming environment developed by the author, Visualizing Data demonstrates methods for representing data accurately on the Web and elsewhere, complete with user interaction, animation, and more. How do the 3.1 billion A, C, G and T letters of the human genome compare to those of a chimp or a mouse? What do the paths that millions of visitors take through a web site look like? With Visualizing Data, you learn how to answer complex questions like these with thoroughly interactive displays. We're not talking about cookie-cutter charts and graphs. This book teaches you how to design entire interfaces around large, complex data sets with the help of a powerful new design and prototyping tool called "Processing". Used by many researchers and companies to convey specific data in a clear and understandable manner, the Processing beta is available free. With this tool and Visualizing Data as a guide, you'll learn basic visualization principles, how to choose the right kind of display for your purposes, and how to provide interactive features that will bring users to your site over and over. This book teaches you: The seven stages of visualizing data -- acquire, parse, filter, mine, represent, refine, and interact How all data problems begin with a question and end with a narrative construct that provides a clear answer without extraneous details Several example projects with the code to make them work Positive and negative points of each representation discussed. The focus is on customization so that each one best suits what you want to convey about your data set The book does not provide ready-made "visualizations" that can be plugged into any data set. Instead, with chapters divided by types of data rather than types of display, you'll learn how each visualization conveys the unique properties of the data it represents -- why the data was collected, what's interesting about it, and what stories it can tell. Visualizing Data teaches you how to answer questions, not simply display information.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 and CSS3
Castro, Elizabeth
Hyslop, Bruce
Berkeley, Peachpit Press.  550 p.
Resumen: Want to learn how to build Web sites fast? This best-selling guide’s visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with HTML5 and CSS3 in no time.
•Write semantic HTML, both with elements that have been around for years and ones that are new in HTML5.
•Prepare images for the Web and add them to your pages.
•Use CSS to style text, add background colors and images, and implement a multicolumn layout.
•Build a single site for all users—whether they are using a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer, or other Web-enabled device—based on many of the components of responsive Web design, including CSS3 media queries.
•Leverage new selectors in CSS3, add Web fonts to your pages with @font-face, and use CSS3 effects such as opacity, background alpha transparency, gradients, rounded corners, drop shadows, shadows inside elements, text shadows, and multiple background images.
•Improve your site’s accessibility with ARIA landmark roles and other good coding practices. •Build forms to solicit input from your visitors.
•Include media in your pages with the HTML5 audio and video elements.
•Test and debug your Web pages.
•Secure a domain name and publish your site. And much more! All book code samples and more are available on the companion web site.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Manual de fotografía

Manual de fotografía
Wright, Terence
Madrid, Akal.  206 p.
Resumen: El Manual de Fotografía ofrece una introducción a los principios de la teoría y la práctica fotográfica, y propone las pautas para el estudio sistemático de los medios fotográficos. Explora además la historia de la creación de fotografías realizadas con objetivo y examina las características, alcance y limitaciones del medio. Le permitirá también al lector adquirir el vocabulario utilizado en el mundo de la fotografía y le ayuda a desarrollar una educación visual. Ayudará a los estudiantes a familiarizarse con los puntos de vista teóricos actuales como de su evolución histórica y a establecer estructuras críticas para su propia práctica fotográfica.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

The competitive advantage of nations

The competitive advantage of nations
Porter, Michael E.
New York, The Free Press.  855 p.
Resumen: Based on research in ten leading trading nations, The Competitive Advantage of Nations offers the first theory of competitiveness based on the causes of the productivity with which companies compete. Porter shows how traditional comparative advantages such as natural resources and pools of labor have been superseded as sources of prosperity, and how broad macroeconomic accounts of competitiveness are insufficient. The book introduces Porter’s “diamond,” a whole new way to understand the competitive position of a nation (or other locations) in global competition that is now an integral part of international business thinking. Porter's concept of “clusters,” or groups of interconnected firms, suppliers, related industries, and institutions that arise in particular locations, has become a new way for companies and governments to think about economies, assess the competitive advantage of locations, and set public policy. Even before publication of the book, Porter’s theory had guided national reassessments in New Zealand and elsewhere. His ideas and personal involvement have shaped strategy in countries as diverse as the Netherlands, Portugal, Taiwan, Costa Rica, and India, and regions such as Massachusetts, California, and the Basque country. Hundreds of cluster initiatives have flourished throughout the world. In an era of intensifying global competition, this pathbreaking book on the new wealth of nations has become the standard by which all future work must be measured.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Dictionary of business & management

Dictionary of business & management
Rosenberg, Jerry M.
New York, John Willey.  374 p.
Resumen: New legislation, an envigorated European community and Japanese dominance in the global marketplace have generated a host of concepts and regulations unknown to the business community a few years ago, thus creating a myriad of new terminology and often a redefining of already coined phrases. This edition features them all. It not only explains words in both general and specific terms but also compares them and refers to other similar meanings. Includes an appendix of useful tables and information.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Arquitectura, modernidad y conocimiento

Arquitectura, modernidad y conocimiento
Muntañola Thornberg, Josep
Barcelona, Ediciones UPC.  103 p.
Resumen: En el origen de la cultura griega clásica subyace una definición de arquitectura muy antigua, surgida en la isla de Syros, que la describe como una relación entre geografía e historia, a través de la cual cada isla es una encrucijada de historias, o viajes posibles, y cada historia el paso de una isla a otra desde una orientación espacio-temporal, muy precisa entre dos lugares y dos culturas, en el mar. Esta metáfora, auténtica teoría de la relatividad sociofísica, ha guiado mi reflexión en este escrito sobre las relaciones entre arquitectura y conocimiento desde una perspectiva de constante innovación. La reciente pérdida del arquitecto catalán Enric Miralles debería llevarnos a reflexionar sobre los desaguisados urbanísticos que hemos realizado en el siglo XX si no queremos perder, además de un gran arquitecto, un territorio entero y, con él, su arquitectura, todo a cambio de un nuevo territorio en el que deberíamos comprobar si el conocimiento y la sabiduría de sus arquitectos son reconocibles e inexistentes. Como dijo un gran poeta catalán: "He mirat aquesta terra... He mirat aquesta terra..." y habríamos de responsabilizarnos de lo que hemos visto. Y ello sigue siendo cierto en cualquier país del mundo.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU


Atmosferas : entornos arquitectónicos
Zumthor, Peter
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.,  75 p.
Resumen: Recoge una conferencia impartida en junio de 2003 por Peter Zumthor en el castillo de Wendlinghausen, en el marco del Festival de Literatura y Música de Alemania. En ella, el autor reflexiona sobre la capacidad de los edificios y sus entornos para ofrecer a la gente un buen lugar para el desarrollo de sus vidas. Sus reflexiones sirven de magnífico puente de conexión entre los edificios del propio Zumthor y su relación con el entorno.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Agricultura urbana

Agricultura urbana : espacios de cultivo para una ciudad sostenible. Arosemena, Graciela
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili. 127 p.
Resumen: La proliferación de huertos urbanos en las ciudades no es un fenómeno circunstancial: responde a una serie de necesidades —económicas, urbanísticas, ambientales y sociales— que reflejan un cambio profundo en la concepción de la ciudad y en su relación con el entorno agrícola.
El presente estudio analiza la situación actual de la agricultura urbana y aporta propuestas metodológicas concretas para introducir el cultivo agrícola en la ciudad y en los edificios. Tras abordar la relación entre agricultura y sostenibilidad, el libro describe la experiencia de algunas ciudades que han introducido con éxito la agricultura en la planificación urbana (Viena, Toronto, La Habana, Rosario, Barcelona y Girona) y proporciona una serie de criterios y estrategias de actuación en los ámbitos del urbanismo y la construcción. Pensado como guía básica para conocer y desarrollar proyectos de agricultura urbana, el libro se dirige a arquitectos, paisajistas y urbanistas, así como a todas aquellas personas interesadas en los huertos urbanos.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Pensar y habitar la ciudad

Pensar y habitar la ciudad : afectividad, memoria y significado en el espacio urbano contemporáneo.
Ramírez Kuri, Patricia, coordinador
Aguilar Díaz, Miguel A., coordinador
España, Anthropos.  203 p.
Resumen: Reflexionar sobre el espacio urbano contemporáneo desde una perspectiva sociocultural implica poner el acento en la experiencia de los habitantes en relación con el espacio. De aquí emergen temas como la afectividad, la memoria y el significado; todos ellos cruciales a la hora de asignar un sentido al entorno en el que transcurre la vida diaria. De los textos que componen el volumen, seis de ellos están ubicados explícitamente en la ciudad de México. Con todo, no es un libro sobre esta ciudad, su temática son los procesos micro/macrosociales que constituyen una experiencia urbana contemporánea y, por tanto, comunes a otras metrópolis.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU