lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

The human impact on the natural environment

The human impact on the natural environment : on the natural environment past, present and future
Goudie, Andrew
Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing. 357 p.
Resumen: The new edition of this classic student text provides an up-to-date and comprehensive view of the major environmental issues facing the world today, and is an essential introduction to the past, present and future impact of humans on Earth.
* Explores the impact of humans upon vegetation, animals, soils, water, landforms, and the atmosphere.
* Updated extensively, with many new figures and up-to-date statistics.
* Four completely new chapters explore the ways in which global climate change may have an impact on Earth in the future.
* A new design makes the text even more accessible and easy to use
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Critical political ecology

Critical political ecology : the politics of environmental science
Forsyth, Tim
London, New York, Routledge.  320 p
Resumen: Critical Political Ecology brings political debate to the science of ecology. As political controversies multiply over the science underlying environmental debates, there is an increasing need to understand the relationship between environmental science and politics. In this timely and wide-ranging volume, Tim Forsyth uses an innovative approach to apply political analysis to ecology, and demonstrates how more politicised approaches to science can be used in environmental decision-making.
Critical Political Ecology examines:
*how social and political factors frame environmental science, and how science in turn shapes politics
*how new thinking in philosophy and sociology of science can provide fresh insights into the biophysical causes and impacts of environmental problems
*how policy and decision-makers can acknowledge the political influences on science and achieve more effective public participation and governance.
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Sustainable urbanism

Sustainable urbanism : urban design with nature
Farr, Douglas
Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons. 308 p.
Resumen:Written by the chair of the LEED-Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) initiative, Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature is both an urgent call to action and a comprehensive introduction to "sustainable urbanism"--the emerging and growing design reform movement that combines the creation and enhancement of walkable and diverse places with the need to build high-performance infrastructure and buildings.
Providing a historic perspective on the standards and regulations that got us to where we are today in terms of urban lifestyle and attempts at reform, Douglas Farr makes a powerful case for sustainable urbanism, showing where we went wrong, and where we need to go. He then explains how to implement sustainable urbanism through leadership and communication in cities, communities, and neighborhoods. Essays written by Farr and others delve into such issues as:
Increasing sustainability through density.
Integrating transportation and land use.
Creating sustainable neighborhoods, including housing, car-free areas, locally-owned stores, walkable neighborhoods, and universal accessibility.
The health and environmental benefits of linking humans to nature, including walk-to open spaces, neighborhood stormwater systems and waste treatment, and food production.
High performance buildings and district energy systems.
Enriching the argument are in-depth case studies in sustainable urbanism, from BedZED in London, England and Newington in Sydney, Australia, to New Railroad Square in Santa Rosa, California and Dongtan, Shanghai, China. An epilogue looks to the future of sustainable urbanism over the next 200 years.
At once solidly researched and passionately argued, Sustainable Urbanism is the ideal guidebook for urban designers, planners, and architects who are eager to make a positive impact on our--and our descendants'--buildings, cities, and lives.
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People places

People places : design guidelines for urban open space
Cooper Marcus, Clare, editor
Francis, Carolyn, editor
New York,  John Wiley & Sons.  367 p.
Resumen : people places Second Edition Design Guidelines for Urban Open Space edited by Clare Cooper Marcus and Carolyn Francis A resurgence in the use of public space continues throughout North America and many other parts of the world. Neighborhoods have become more outspoken in their demands for appropriate park designs; corporations have witnessed the value of providing outdoor spaces for employee lunch-hour use; the rising demand for child care has prompted increased awareness of the importance of developmentally appropriate play and learning environments; and increased attention is being focused on the specific outdoor space needs for the elderly, college students, and hospital patients and staff. Now available in an updated, expanded second edition, People Places is a fully illustrated, award-winning book that offers research-based guidelines and recommendations for creating more usable and enjoyable public open spaces of all kinds. People Places analyzes and summarizes existing research on how urban open spaces are actually used, offering design professionals and students alike an easily understood, easily applied guide to creating people-friendly places. Seven types of urban open space are discussed: urban plazas, neighborhood parks, miniparks and vest-pocket parks, campus outdoor spaces, outdoor spaces in housing for the elderly, child-care outdoor spaces, and hospital outdoor spaces. People Places contains a chapter-by-chapter review of the literature, illustrative case studies, and design guidelines specific to each type of space. People Places has a number of features that can be easily incorporated into the design process:
* Clear, readable translations of existing research on people's use of outdoor spaces.
* Performance-based design recommendations that specify key relationships between design and use.
* Design review checklists that help readers plan and critique designs.
* A clearly organized, concise format equally useful to the design practitioner and the design student.
The newly revised edition of People Places also includes:
* Discussion of accessibility issues, including ADA regulations and the concept of universal design; and of design responses aimed at crime reduction.
* Procedures for conducting post-occupancy evaluations of designed outdoor spaces.
* Updated and new information on each type of outdoor space, with special attention to hospitals, child care facilities, and campus outdoor spaces where specific advances have occurred since 1990.
* A completely new color-photo section and 50 new black and white illustrations.
Winner of the Merit Award in Communication from the American Society of Landscape Architects, People Places is an essential working tool for landscape architects and architects, city planners, urban designers, neighborhood groups, and anyone else concerned with the quality of urban open space.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Fractal cities

Fractal cities : a geometry of form and function
Batty, Michael
Longley, Paul
London, Academic Press.  394 p.
Resumen : Fractal Cities is the pioneering study of the development and use of fractal geometry for understanding and planning the physical form of cities, showing how this geometry enables cities to be simulated throughcomputer graphics. The book explains how the structure of cities evolve in ways which at first sight may appear irregular, but when understood in terms of fractals reveal a complex and diverse underlying order. The book includes numerous illustrations and 16 pages full-color plates of stunning computer graphics, along with explanations of how to construct them. The authors provide an accessible and thought-provoking introduction to fractal geometry, as well as an exciting visual understanding of the formof cities. This approach, bolstered by new insights into the complexity of social systems, provides one of the best introductions to fractal geometry available for non-mathematicians and social scientists. Fractal Cities is useful as a textbook for courses on geographic information systems, urban geography, regional science, and fractal geometry. Planners and architects will find that many aspects of fractal geometry covered in this book are relevant to their own interests. Those involved in fractals and chaos, computer graphics, and systems theory will also find important methods and examples germane to their work.
Michael Batty is Director of the National Center for Geographic Information and analysis in the State University of New York at Buffalo, and has worked in planning theory and urban modeling. Paul Longley is a lecturer in geography at the University of Bristol, and is involved in the development of geographic information systems in urban policy analysis.
Richly illustrated, including 16 pages of full-color plates of brilliant computer graphics Provides an introduction to fractal geometry for the non-mathematician and social scientist Explains the influence of fractals on the evolution of the physical form of cities
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Urbanismo en el siglo XXI

Urbanismo en el siglo XXI : una visión crítica Bilbao Madrid Valencia Barcelona
Borja, Jordi, editor
Muxí, Zaida, editor
Barcelona, Ediciones UPC.  231 p.
Resumen : Urbanismo en el siglo XXI es el resultado de un debate, realizado en Barcelona en octubre de 2002, sobre los modelos urbanos seguidos por Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia y Barcelona durante el último cuarto del siglo XX. Un período marcado por numerosos cambios políticos, sociales, económicos y tecnológicos que, aunque evidentemente no fueron vividos por igual en cada ciudad, sí les plantearon unos retos similares y, en bastantes casos, también les reportaron unos mismos efectos (queridos o no). Si bien los diferentes textos presentan una visión crítica del devenir actual de las ciudades españolas, es importante destacar que éstas han sido, cada una desde su peculiaridad, verdaderos laboratorios de práctica urbanística. Durante ese largo período, las prácticas más positivas han cristalizado en aquellas ciudades que apostaron por su singularidad específica, sin la pretensión de llegar a ser la ciudad global ni de intentar remedar su simpleza. Con la publicación de estos textos, queremos contribuir a iniciar una nueva fase de reflexión crítica y propositiva a favor de un urbanismo ciudadano, cuya base sean los derechos individuales y colectivos de las personas. Las últimas décadas han aportado ideas renovadas y prácticas interesantes, pero las respuestas de entonces ya no son suficientes en la actualidad. Este desafío intelectual es hoy también una responsabilidad ética
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Habitar, diseñar

Habitar, diseñar
Iglesia, Rafael E. J.
Bogotá, Ediciones de la U.  235 p.
Resumen: En el campo de la arquitectura y el urbanismo son frecuentes los trabajos que se refieren al hábitat, a las obras que lo constituyen y a los fenómenos implicados. Este texto se centra en el Habitar y el autor lo expande y lo observa desde infinidad de ángulos. Indaga en sus aspectos teóricos y las características básicas de la acción “diseñar”, desde un punto de vista interdisciplinario interesado en la relación entre la práctica y la conceptualización indagando en los aspectos teóricos del habitar y las características básicas de la acción “diseñar”, desde un punto de vista interdisciplinario interesado en la relación entre la práctica y la conceptualización.
Es una reflexión dirigida a todos aquellos que deciden sobre la construcción del hábitat humano, intentando colaborar con ciertas acciones: usar, conservar, transformar el hábitat, todas ellas orientadas hacia la acción de “habitar”.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

La distinción

La distinción : criterio y bases sociales del gusto
Bourdieu, Pierre
Madrid, Taurus.  784 p.
Resumen : Los sujetos sociales se diferencian por las distinciones que realizan —entre lo sabroso y lo insípido, lo bello y lo feo, lo distinguido y lo vulgar— en las que se expresa o se traiciona su posición. El análisis de las relaciones entre los sistemas de enclasamiento (el gusto) y las condiciones de existencia (la clase social) conduce así a una crítica social del criterio selectivo que es, inseparablemente, una descripción de las clases sociales y de los estilos de vida.
Podría comenzarse la lectura de este libro por el capítulo final, titulado «Elementos para una crítica “vulgar” de las críticas puras», que pone de manifiesto las categorías sociales de percepción y apreciación que utiliza Kant en su análisis del juicio del gusto. Pero lo esencial de esta ya clásica obra del sociólogo francés Pierre Bourdieu se encuentra en la investigación que, al precio de un enorme trabajo de encuesta empírica y de crítica teórica, conduce a una reformulación de todas las tradicionales interrogaciones sobre lo bello, el arte, el gusto y la cultura. .
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Houplain, Ludovic
Köln, Taschen.  776 p.
Resumen : El monumental archivo reunido por Houplain sirve de fundamento para este manual de referencia, lo último sobre logotipos, donde se incluyen en torno a 7.000 ejemplos organizados alfabéticamente, con información sobre sus diseñadores, año de creación, país, marca y empresa. Además, el libro presenta un exhaustivo ensayo crítico acerca de la cultura de las marcas realizado por el filósofo francés Gilles Lipovetsky y una introducción de Ludovic Houplain en la que explica el proceso de creación del filme Logorama, desde su concepción hasta su finalización.
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Hyland, Angus
Bateman, Steven
London, Laurence King.  334 p.
Resumen : The book features over 1300 symbols, organized into groups and sub-groups according to their visual characteristics. Each category includes a short introduction, with expanded captions providing information on who the symbol was designed for, who designed it, when, and where appropriate, what the symbol stands for. These sections are interspersed with short case studies on both classic examples of symbols still in use, and exceptional examples of recently designed symbols.
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