miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

A brief history of neoliberalism

A brief history of neoliberalism
Harvey, David
Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press. vii, 247 p.
Resumen: Neoliberalism - the doctrine that market exchange is an ethic in itself, capable of acting as a guide for all human action - has become dominant in both thought and practice throughout much of the world since 1970 or so.
Its spread has depended upon a reconstitution of state powers such that privatization, finance, and market processes are emphasized. State interventions in the economy are minimized, while the obligations of the state to provide for the welfare of its citizens are diminished.
David Harvey, author of 'The New Imperialism' and 'The Condition of Postmodernity', here tells the political-economic story of where neoliberalization came from and how it proliferated on the world stage. While Thatcher and Reagan are often cited as primary authors of this neoliberal turn, Harvey shows how a complex of forces, from Chile to China and from New York City to Mexico City, have also played their part. In addition he explores the continuities and contrasts between neoliberalism of the Clinton sort and the recent turn towards neoconservative imperialism of George W. Bush.
Finally, through critical engagement with this history, Harvey constructs a framework not only for analyzing the political and economic dangers that now surround us, but also for assessing the prospects for the more socially just alternatives being advocated by many oppositional movements. Tabla de contenidos
 Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

La dinámica del capitalismo

La dinámica del capitalismo
Braudel, Fernand
1986 México, Fondo de Cultura Económica. 127 p. Resumen: Volumen que recoge las reflexiones del autor sobre la vida material y la vida económica. Asimismo, ofrece una brillante exposición sobre lo que él denomina los juegos del intercambio, que definen cómo se ha desenvuelto la economía de mercado y el capitalismo. El libro culmina con la síntesis de "El tiempo del mundo", en la que Braudel expone una comprensión histórica de la dinámica del capitalismo.
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Urban forms: the death and life of the urban block

Urban forms : the death and life of the urban block
Panerai, Philippe
Castex, Jean
Depaule, Jean Charles
Samuels, Ivor
Oxford [England] ; Boston, Architectural Press.   xi, 222 p.
Resumen: This popular and influential work, translated here into English for the first time, argues that modern urbanism has upset the morphology of cities, abolished their streets and isolated their buildings. In tracing the stages of this transformation, this book presents the view that the urban tissue, the intermediate scale between the architecture of buildings and the diagrammatic layouts of town planning, is the essential framework for everyday life. Only by investigating the urban tissue will it be possible to understand the complex relationships between plot and built form, between streets and buildings and between these forms and design practices.
The chosen trail of the first French edition - Paris, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt - is one of continuously evolving modernity. It outlines a history, which, in one century (1860-1960), completely changed the aspect of our towns and cities and transformed our way of life. The shock has been such that we are still looking for answers, still attempting to find urban forms that can accommodate present day ways of life and at the same time maintain the qualities of the traditional town.
This English edition brings the story forward to the present day and considers the impact of the New Urbanism in the United States, which, over the last decade, has sought to re-establish former relationships within the urban tissue.
* Internationally influential and highly respected French urban design theory translated into English for the first time * Both students and lecturers, of architecture and urban design, will find the theories and case studies informative and thought provoking * Features new up to date chapter focusing on US and New Urbanism
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Urban design

Urban design
Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. xix, 368 p.
Resumen: Fifty years ago a landmark conference at Harvard University established urban design as a distinct architectural and planning practice. Today, with the world’s urban population surpassing three billion people, urban design has become more crucial than ever. Indeed, the concerns that initially brought leading architects and city planners together—including concerns over sprawl, pollution, and aging infrastructure—have only intensified over the past half century.
In Urban Design, Alex Krieger and William S. Saunders have assembled prominent figures in architecture, planning, and landscape design to look back on the evolution of the discipline of urban design; assess the current state of the field; and anticipate the challenges posed by the unprecedented rate of urbanization, particularly in the developing world, and how the profession will need to adapt in order to confront them. The volume opens with excerpts from transcripts of the 1956 Harvard conference followed by essays that contextualize and critique its assumptions and ambitions. Subsequent essays address such topics as the social conscience of urban design and stake out the competing sensibilities in the field, from New Urbanism to avant-garde.
As humanity becomes an urban species to a degree that was unimaginable fifty years ago, this comprehensive volume seeks to encourage today’s designers to draw on the energy and messy vitality of cities in shaping tomorrow’s urban environments.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

A New Theory of Urban Design

A new theory of urban design
New York, Oxford University Press. 251 p.
Resumen: In this radical new look at the theory and practice of urban design, Christopher Alexander asks why our modern cities so often lack a sense of natural growth, and suggests a set of rules and guidelines by which we can inject that `organic' character back into our High Streets, buildings, and squares.
At a time when so many of Britain's inner cities are undergoing, or are in need of, drastic renovation, Christopher Alexander's detailed account of his own experiments in urban-renewal in San Francisco makes thought-provoking reading.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

New Urbanism: Comprehensive Report & Best Practices Guide

New urbanism : comprehensive report & best practices guide
Ithaca, NY, New Urban News. x, [362] p.
Resumen: The definitive reference for new urban ideas, practices, and projects. New and updated chapters on town centers and main street retail, building the New Urbanism, planning principles, traditional neighborhood development, designing walkable streets, local laws and zoning, transit-oriented development, infill strategies and projects, promoting community with design, and financial returns. Plus lists of projects, plans, renderings, photographs, and much more.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Antípolis : el desvanecimiento de lo urbano en el Cinturón del Sol

Antípolis : el desvanecimiento de lo urbano en el Cinturón del Sol
García Vázquez, Carlos
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili. 131 p.
Resumen: La expresión Cinturón del Sol (Sunbelt) designa la franja de Estados Unidos comprendida entre el paralelo 37 y la frontera con México. En ella se ubican los catorce estados y las decenas de ciudades que protagonizan este libro: Los Ángeles, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, etc. Sin embargo, el Cinturón del Sol es algo más que un término geográfico: es un estilo de vida; un cóctel compuesto de conservadurismo político, ultraliberalismo económico, modos de vida suburbanos, alta movilidad, buen clima y ocio.
En las dos últimas décadas numerosos teóricos han vuelto su mirada hacia esta zona, convencidos de que allí se está forjando el futuro de la ciudad estadounidense. Algunos, incluso, han ido más allá y aventuran “la cuarta revolución urbana”, que daría paso a una nueva fase de la historia de la ciudad.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Artscapes: El arte como aproximación al paisaje contemporáneo

Artscapes : el arte como aproximación al paisaje contemporáneo = art as an approach to contemporary landscape
Galofaro, Luca.
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.  210 p.
Resumen: Artscapes intenta demostrar cómo el paisaje artificial producido por artistas en colaboración con arquitectos y paisajistas puede transformar la naturaleza de un lugar en otro capaz de establecer un diálogo más intenso con el usuario.
La sensibilidad de los artistas recoge, selecciona, informa y coloniza el paisaje reformulando una conciencia ecológica que traslada nuestra atención de los objetos que la componen hacia la conciencia y el conocimiento de las relaciones que establecen entre sí.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Green urban landscapes

Green urban landscapes
Barcelona, Monsa. [120] p.
Resumen: Este volumen presenta algunos de los más interesantes e innovadores proyectos de diseño urbano mediante el análisis del trabajo de grandes arquitectos y paisajistas, remarcando el proceso de diseño y los detalles que los hacen particularmente interesantes, explorando las posibilidades de la arquitectura y el paisajismo a través de retos urbanos innovadores con soluciones imaginativas, representando el futuro y la dirección a seguir en el planeamiento del espacio urbano sostenible.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Plaza de Armas

Plaza de Armas Santiago de Chile
Chile, Origo, Museo Histórico Nacional. 148 p.
Resumen: El trazado urbano de Santiago es muy propio de nuestra herencia hispana. Todo el poder local se ejercía a través de su núcleo: " la plaza", la cual constituyó el espacio por excelencia, ceremoniales, desfiles, procesiones, misas de campaña y proclamas hasta, en algunos casos, ajusticiamientos y ejecuciones.
En virtud de la rica colección de imágenes que posee el Museo Histórico Nacional, se han seleccionado más de 200 fotografías de la Plaza de Armas de Santiago, para rescatar y difundir este patrimonio a la comunidad en los albores del Bicentenario de la Independencia de Chile.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU