martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Reading Images

Reading images: the grammar of visual design
Kress, Gunther
Van Leeuwen, Theo
London : Routledge. xv, 291, [8] p. de láms. col. : il.
Resumen: This second edition of the landmark textbook Reading Images builds on its reputation as the first systematic and comprehensive account of the grammar of visual design.
Drawing on an enormous range of examples from children's drawings to textbook illustrations, photo-journalism to fine art, as well as three-dimensional forms such as sculpture and toys, the authors examine the ways in which images communicate meaning.
Features of this fully updated second edition include: new material on moving images and on colour a discussion of how images and their uses have changed through time websites and web-based images ideas on the future of visual communication. Reading Images focuses on the structures or 'grammar' of visual design – colour, perspective, framing and composition – provides the reader with an invaluable 'tool-kit' for reading images and makes it a must for anyone interested in communication, the media and the arts.
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lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

Service design

Service Design.  From Insight to Implementation
Polaine, Andy
Lovlie, Lavrans
Reason, Ben
Brooklyn, New York, Rosenfeld. 202 p.: il.
Resumen: We have unsatisfactory experiences when we use banks, buses, health services and insurance companies. They don't make us feel happier or richer.
Why are they not designed as well as the products we love to use such as an Apple iPod or a BMW? The 'developed' world has moved beyond the industrial mindset of products and the majority of 'products' that we encounter are actually parts of a larger service network.
These services comprise people, technology, places, time and objects that form the entire service experience. In most cases some of the touchpoints are designed, but in many situations the service as a complete ecology just "happens" and is not consciously designed at all, which is why they don't feel like iPods or BMWs. One of the goals of service design is to redress this imbalance and to design services that have the same appeal and experience as the products we love, whether it is buying insurance, going on holiday, filling in a tax return, or having a heart transplant.
Another important aspect of service design is its potential for design innovation and intervention in the big issues facing us, such as transport, sustainability, government, finance, communications and healthcare. Given that we live in a service and information age, a practical, thoughtful book about how to design better services is urgently needed.
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Service Design : 250 essential methods

Service Design. 250 essential methods.
Curedale, Robert
Topanga CA, Design Community College. 357 p. : il.
Resumen: We are immersed in services every day. We use the internet, we watch television, we travel on public transport, we shop, we drink coffee and eat at restaurants, we use government services, and we go to movies.
In the United States employment in service industries has steadily risen from around 60% of the overall population in the 1950s to around 90% today. In most Western countries approximately 70% of GDP is currently generated by services.
Service design has growing significance for designers. Service design requires new design skills. Services are not tangible and physical and services change over time. Design is no longer about only the aesthetics or surfaces of things.
Today designers create diverse and complex experiences of products, services and spaces.
This book details the skills needed by a designer to design services, experiences and systems of products and services.
Described in easy to understand language: Some definitions of service design History of service design Types of services Components of services What differentiates services Why do service design Service touchpoints The growth of the service economy Postindustrial economies What is Design Thinking Process of service design Around 250 Service design methods described step by step. This book is an indispensable reference for: Service designers, exhibit designers, design educators and students, visual communication designers, packaging and fashion designers, all types of designers Architects, industrial designers, interior designers, UX and web designers, Engineers and Marketing professionals Executives and senior business leaders Decision makers in R&D of products, services, systems and experiences School teachers and school students.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

Antiarquitectura y Deconstrucción: El triunfo del nihilismo

Antiarquitectura y Deconstrucción: El triunfo del nihilismo
Salíngaros, Nikos A.
Buenos Aires: Diseño.   311 p. : il.
Resumen: Nikos Salíngaros es un teórico de la arquitectura; uno de los poquísimos pensadores contemporáneos de los que se puede decir tal cosa.
Salíngaros ha construido, con Christopher Alexander y otros colegas, una teoría de la arquitectura que acude a conceptos científicos para aclarar cómo son los edificios que los usuarios perciben como entornos agradables y 'humanos'. Nikos ofrece una crítica que tritura los principios 'teóricos' y el desarrollo material de las obras de la deconstrucción.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU


Architect?: a candid guide to the profession
Lewis, Roger K.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT.   xvii, 281 p. : il.
Resumen:  The first edition of Architect?, published in 1985, quickly became known as the best basic guide to the architectural profession.
More than a decade later, it is a standard text for introductory courses on architecture and recommended reading on the application forms of many schools of architecture.
This revised edition includes new information pertinent to current education and practice and addresses issues and concerns of great interest to students choosing among different types of programs, schools, firms, and architectural career paths.
Roger K. Lewis, a practicing architect and educator, takes a hard look at the education of the architect as he covers such topics as curriculum content, pedagogical theories and methods, program and faculty types, the admission process, internship, compensation, computer-aided design, and the culture of small and large firms.
He tells how an architect works and gets work, and explains all aspects of architectural services, from initial client contact to construction oversight.
The author describes the benefits of becoming an architect, including the opportunity to express oneself creatively, to improve the environment, and to achieve notoriety.
But he doesn't hesitate to show the other side—the lack of steady work and appropriate compensation, the intensity of competition, the restrictions imposed by clients, and the high degree of anxiety and disillusionment among young architects.
Written in a clear, accessible style, the book is accompanied by the authors often-humorous illustrations and a valuable appendix.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

El diseño academicista

El diseño academicista: en el ambiente cultural de Rosario
Bugnone, Silvia, compiladora
Buenos Aires : Nobuko.   404 p. : il.
Resumen: Los maestros, tales como F. Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, o Mies van der Rohe, se habían erigido como descubridores de fórmulas mágicas, que indicaban un nuevo camino en el hacer arquitectónico desde los años 1920.
Sus pugnas con los planteos academicistas fueron ocupando un espacio angular dentro del debate disciplinar. A mediados de los ’50, la cuestión se dirimía entre los seguidores de antiguas premisas y los hacedores del futuro de la arquitectura. Es entonces cuando es posible reflexionar con mayor serenidad sobre la riqueza de la producción arquitectónica comprendida entre el fin del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. En la ciudad de Rosario, existen numerosos testimonios de esta producción. Un nutrido grupo de edificios fueron demolidos, mientras que otro fue avasallado por reformas y reciclajes, en las que se adoptaron prácticas erróneas de preservación.
Sin embargo, hay una preocupación por parte de organismos nacionales, que tienen a su cargo, numerosos Monumentos Históricos Nacionales que forman este patrimonio, en el empeño de lograr una concientización de sus valores estéticos y culturales.
La presencia del diseño academicista, signo evidente de las significativas conexiones que se mantenían con el mundo cultural europeo dominante de aquel entonces, es fácilmente detectada dentro del escenario urbano de Rosario.
La notable cantidad disponible de casos, posibilitó una selección donde hubo que desechar antes que buscar.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Jardines históricos brasileños y mexicanos

Jardines históricos brasileños y mexicanos
Sá Carneiro, Ana
Pérez-Bertruy, Ramona
México : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana : Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
318, 321 p. : il.
Resumen:El origen de este libro, editado conjuntamente por dos editoriales universitarias de Brasil y México, se halla en un encuentro celebrado en Sevilla en el mes de julio del año 2006 con el nombre de Jardínes Históricos Iberoamericanos, coordinados por las doctoras Ana Rita Sá Carneiro y Ramona Isabel Pérez Bertruy. Con motivo de este coloquio se congregó en la ciudad andaluza un grupo de especialistas americanos de habla hispana y portuguesa en el marco del 52 Congreso Internacional Americanistas: historiadores, arquitectos paisajistas, antropólogos y urbanistas.
Como se dice en la introducción del libro " el objetivo de este coloquio discutir los avances de dicha disciplina en diversas áreas del conocimiento, como la historia, el arte,la legislación, la restauración, y la conservación de jardines, así como su necesaria conexión con otros saberes científicos y humanísticos.
Loa resultados del coloquio se presentan ahora en esta publicación concentradas en las aportaciones realizadas sobre dos países de América, México y Brasil, sin duda los que más aportaciones han realizado a lo largo de su historia a la creación de jardines, favorecidas por la variedad y la benignidad de sus climas.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

La navegación del Maule

La navegación del Maule: Una vía de conexión con el exterior 1794-1898
Maino Prado, Valeria
Talca : Universidad de Talca.   273 p. : il. (algunas col.), mapas
Resumen: Este libro entrega valiosos antecedentes sobre aspectos históricos, legales, económicos, sociales y culturales relacionados con la navegación fluvial, actividad que tanta significación tuvo en el desarrollo de la zona del Maule durante el siglo pasado.
La investigación trata de conocer cómo se desarrolló la construcción naval, el tráfico fluvial y el movimiento portuario de Constitución en el siglo XIX. Para ello, han sido de gran utilidad los archivos de los ministerios de Marina e Interior y el Notarial de Constitución. De igual interés resultó el archivo Fernández Errázuriz y para la parte del tráfico, fueron claves los datos del movimiento portuario, publicados en los diarios El Mercurio de Valparaíso , El Alfa , de Talca, La Barra del Maule y El Maule , de Constitución; y la Estadística Chilena, en su sección portuaria.
El trabajo se divide en dos partes: la primera se refiere a la construcción naval de Constitución realizada desde 1784 hasta 1896; la segunda trata del tráfico fluvial y marítimo desde 1819 hasta 1833, fecha de término del puerto mayor de Constitución.
El texto se acompaña de numeroso material fotográfico de la época, reproducciones de pinturas alusivas al tema, distintos documentos originales y cuadros estadísticos, que entregan un amplio panorama de lo que representó el puerto de Constitución en la navegación fluvial, durante los siglos XVIII y XIX.
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Vertical places

Vertical places: the tall building in the world city
Schwartz, Neal, editora
San Francisco, CA : California College of the Arts.   61 p.
Resumen: This volume is one is a series spawned by the design research of the Advanced Studios at California College of the Arts (CCA), developed under former chair Rodolphe el-Khoury. It not only takes on the complexity of the design of the tall building but also that of the tall building within the context of rapidly growing world cities—such as Beijing, Dubai, Mexico City, and Singapore.
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Why architecture matters

Why architecture matters
Goldberger, Paul
New Haven : Yale University Press.   273 p.
Resumen:  Why Architecture Matters is not a work of architectural history or a guide to the styles or an architectural dictionary, though it contains elements of all three.
The purpose of Why Architecture Matters is to "come to grips with how things feel to us when we stand before them, with how architecture affects us emotionally as well as intellectually"-with its impact on our lives.
"Architecture begins to matter," writes Paul Goldberger, "when it brings delight and sadness and perplexity and awe along with a roof over our heads.
" He shows us how that works in examples ranging from a small Cape Cod cottage to the "vast, flowing" Prairie houses of Frank Lloyd Wright, from the Lincoln Memorial to the highly sculptural Guggenheim Bilbao and the Church of Sant'Ivo in Rome, where "simple geometries ...create a work of architecture that embraces the deepest complexities of human imagination.
" Based on decades of looking at buildings and thinking about how we experience them, the distinguished critic raises our awareness of fundamental things like proportion, scale, space, texture, materials, shapes, light, and memory.
Upon completing this remarkable architectural journey, readers will enjoy a wonderfully rewarding new way of seeing and experiencing every aspect of the built worl
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