viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

Otras miradas otras preguntas

Otras miradas otras preguntas: ciudad y arquitectura
Gianni, Humberto
Santa Cruz, Guadalupe
Raposo, Alfonso
Eguiluz, Luisa
Faletto, Enzo
Rojas, Sergio
Grau, Olga
Flores Delpino, Carlos
Israel, Patricia
Jara, José
Santiago : Ediciones Universidad Central de Chile.   
227 p. : il., fotografías.
Resumen: Se reunen 10 conferencias dictadas entre abril y junio de 1999 en torno a la pregunta ¿cómo piensan la arquitectura y la ciudad aquellos para quienes nosotros, los arquitectos, la pensamos? Las respuestas giran en torno al espacio público (Humberto Gianni), las ciudades del universo literario (Guadalupe Santa Cruz), la memoria personal de recorridos urbanos (Alfonso Raposo), los mapas narrativos impresos en la ciudad Luiza Eguiluz), el documento social que la arquitectura plasma en la ciudad (Enzo Faletto), la perdidas de lugaridad que sobrevienen como un desastre urbano (Sergio Rojas). Mas adelante, los textos deslizan su reflexión sobre el reconocimiento de las capas de sentido y sin sentido que yacen y subyacen en la ciudad.
Las formas de presencia del jardín se abren hacia algunos correlatos sígnicos urbanos: como retiro desde el mundanal ruido, como metáfora de lo político y como lugar originario en que se marcan las huellas del género (Olga Grau).
Las variaciones del ser en la ciudad (11 variaciones) multiplican sus formas de presencia (Carlos Flores Delpino). El museo se transforma en espacio público (Patricia Israel) y finalmente la Arquitectura y el arquitecto son llamados a comparecer para su emplazamiento frente a la vida y el estilo (José Jara)  
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Building information modeling

Building information modeling
Kensek, Karen M.
London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.  xxv, 285 p. : il. (algunas col.)
Resumen:  This is a design guide for architects, engineers, and contractors concerning the principles and specific applications of building information modeling (BIM).
BIM has the potential to revolutionize the building industry, and yet not all architects and construction professionals fully understand what the benefits of BIM are or even the fundamental concepts behind it.
As part of the PocketArchitecture Series it includes two parts: fundamentals and applications, which provide a comprehensive overview of all the necessary and essential issues.
It also includes case studies from a range of project sizes that illustrate the key concepts clearly and use a wide range of visual aids. Building Information Modeling addresses the key role that BIM is playing in shaping the software tools and office processes in the architecture, engineering, and construction professions.
Primarily aimed at professionals, it is also useful for faculty who wish to incorporate this information into their courses on digital design, BIM, and professional practice. As a compact summary of key ideas it is ideal for anyone implementing BIM.
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jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

Proyecto urbano y proyecto arquitectónico

Proyecto urbano y proyecto arquitectónico : reflexiones
Moliné, Anibal Julio
Buenos Aires : Nobuko.  592 p. : il.
Resumen: Estos casos son proyectos cuya principal razón es posibilitar y controlar el desarrollo del aprendizaje, pero también ayudan a conocer la ciudad.
Esta circunstancia, lleva a su vez, a orientar la búsqueda mediante una doble articulación, la correspondiente a los resultados proyectuales y la atinente al proceso de diseño y su aprendizaje.
Como los casos seleccionados deben dar la posibilidad de indagar las relaciones entre obra arquitectónica y ciudad, entre aprendizaje y proceso proyectual, y entre el Rosario real y el imaginado, durante los últimos 47 años, éstos corresponden a una gran diversidad de temas, programas, lugares y escalas a fin de tener el suficiente material de base como para apreciar el despliegue de las articulaciones entre PU y PA. La indagación crítica de dicho material permite evaluar la importancia e intensidad con que el proyecto urbanístico orienta y condiciona el proceso proyectual de los edificios que lo integran. Este estudio de una serie de propuestas edilicias que forman parte de proyectos urbanísticos sobre áreas de Rosario, apunta a explorar aspectos relevantes, tanto para el aprendizaje proyectual como para formular escenarios que contribuyan a enriquecer la interacción entre los usuarios de dichos edificios y la comunidad urbana. Por último, se enuncian algunos temas que quedan abiertos para futuros desarrollos.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Registros urbanos de una modernidad periférica

Registros urbanos de una modernidad periférica : representaciones y transformaciones materiales en el frente costero de Rosario entre 1920 y 1940
Cicutti, Bibiana
Buenos Aires : Nobuko.  323 p. : il.
Resumen: El asunto que aquí se trata, entonces no es menor, se hace referencia a las complejas relaciones que articulan el orden natural, la costa de un río con la actividad humana, es decir con las heterogéneas y contradictorias relaciones de lo que se suele llamar la naturaleza de la cultura. De esas relaciones aquí se cuenta uno de los tantos cuentos sin principio ni fin. Como todo recurso al relato requiere un tiempo, lugares y actores que lo encarnen. Es precisamente en este punto donde reside el interés del recorrido, tomarán la palabra testigos, hoy silenciosos, pero que son depositarios de los grandes secretos de la historia: los planos de la ciudad por ejemplo nos hablan tanto de una manera de ver el mundo como del deseo de lo que el mundo debería ver mañana.
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miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Democracia y cultura en tiempos neoliberales

Democracia y cultura en tiempos neoliberales: Seminario internacional de las humanidades, artes, ciencias sociales y de la comunicación
Santiago : [Universidad de Chile, Iniciativa Bicentenario de Revitalización de las Artes, Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias de la Comunicación].  182 p.
Resumen: "Democracia y cultura en tiempo neoliberales.  Primer Seminario Internacional de las Humanidades, Artes, las Ciencias Sociales y las Ciencias de la Comunicación" fue el nombre escogido para la primera actividad de este tipo organizada por la Iniciativa Bicentenario Juan Gómez Millas de Revitalización de las Artes, Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación.
La intención con esta actividad fue hacer dialogar en un mismo encuentro académico a todas las disciplinas involucradas en la Iniciativa Bicentenario, así como también reflexionar en torno a problemas críticos de la sociedad contemporánea.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Why globalization works

Why globalization Works
Wolf, Martin
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press.   xviii, 398 p.
Resumen:  A distinguished international economist here offers a powerful defense of the global market economy. Martin Wolf explains how globalization works, critiques the charges against it, argues that the biggest obstacle to global economic progress has been the failure not of the market but of governments, and offers a realistic scenario for economic internationalism in the post-9/11 age.
For this paperback edition, Wolf provides a new introduction to update the debate.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

martes, 14 de julio de 2015

Discovering design: explorations in design studies

Discovering design.  Explorations in design studies
Buchanan, Richard, editor
Margolin, Victor, editor
Chicago, The University of Chicago Press
xxvi, 254 p.
Resumen: This text reflects the growing recognition that the design of the everyday world deserves attention not only as a professional practice but as a subject of social, cultural and philosophic investigation.
Victor Margolin, co-founder and an editor of "Design Issues", and Richard Buchanan, also an editor of the same journal, bring together 11 essays by scholars in fields ranging from psychology, sociology and political theory to technology studies, rhetoric and philosophy. The essayists share the editors' concern, first made clear in Margolin's "Design Discourse: History, Theory, Criticism", with the development of design studies as a field of interdisciplinary research.
The contributors (Gianfranco Zaccai, Albert Borgmann, Richard Buchanan, Augusto Morello, Tufan Orel, Nigel Cross, Victor Margolin, Langdon Winner, Carl Mitcham, Tony Fry, and Ezio Manzini) focus on three broad themes that form a sequence of fundamental issues: how to shape design as a subject matter; how to distinguish the activity of designing in the complex world of action; and how to address the basic questions of value and responsibility that persistently arise in the discussion and practice of design.
The essays discuss such topics as the relation of aesthetics to technology, the place of design in social action, the role of the consumer in design decisions, and the need for ethical practice in contemporary design.
Manzini's concluding essay shows how the issue of ethics should connect responsible behaviour to decisions made every day in the manufacture of objects.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Reading Images

Reading images: the grammar of visual design
Kress, Gunther
Van Leeuwen, Theo
London : Routledge. xv, 291, [8] p. de láms. col. : il.
Resumen: This second edition of the landmark textbook Reading Images builds on its reputation as the first systematic and comprehensive account of the grammar of visual design.
Drawing on an enormous range of examples from children's drawings to textbook illustrations, photo-journalism to fine art, as well as three-dimensional forms such as sculpture and toys, the authors examine the ways in which images communicate meaning.
Features of this fully updated second edition include: new material on moving images and on colour a discussion of how images and their uses have changed through time websites and web-based images ideas on the future of visual communication. Reading Images focuses on the structures or 'grammar' of visual design – colour, perspective, framing and composition – provides the reader with an invaluable 'tool-kit' for reading images and makes it a must for anyone interested in communication, the media and the arts.
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lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

Service design

Service Design.  From Insight to Implementation
Polaine, Andy
Lovlie, Lavrans
Reason, Ben
Brooklyn, New York, Rosenfeld. 202 p.: il.
Resumen: We have unsatisfactory experiences when we use banks, buses, health services and insurance companies. They don't make us feel happier or richer.
Why are they not designed as well as the products we love to use such as an Apple iPod or a BMW? The 'developed' world has moved beyond the industrial mindset of products and the majority of 'products' that we encounter are actually parts of a larger service network.
These services comprise people, technology, places, time and objects that form the entire service experience. In most cases some of the touchpoints are designed, but in many situations the service as a complete ecology just "happens" and is not consciously designed at all, which is why they don't feel like iPods or BMWs. One of the goals of service design is to redress this imbalance and to design services that have the same appeal and experience as the products we love, whether it is buying insurance, going on holiday, filling in a tax return, or having a heart transplant.
Another important aspect of service design is its potential for design innovation and intervention in the big issues facing us, such as transport, sustainability, government, finance, communications and healthcare. Given that we live in a service and information age, a practical, thoughtful book about how to design better services is urgently needed.
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Service Design : 250 essential methods

Service Design. 250 essential methods.
Curedale, Robert
Topanga CA, Design Community College. 357 p. : il.
Resumen: We are immersed in services every day. We use the internet, we watch television, we travel on public transport, we shop, we drink coffee and eat at restaurants, we use government services, and we go to movies.
In the United States employment in service industries has steadily risen from around 60% of the overall population in the 1950s to around 90% today. In most Western countries approximately 70% of GDP is currently generated by services.
Service design has growing significance for designers. Service design requires new design skills. Services are not tangible and physical and services change over time. Design is no longer about only the aesthetics or surfaces of things.
Today designers create diverse and complex experiences of products, services and spaces.
This book details the skills needed by a designer to design services, experiences and systems of products and services.
Described in easy to understand language: Some definitions of service design History of service design Types of services Components of services What differentiates services Why do service design Service touchpoints The growth of the service economy Postindustrial economies What is Design Thinking Process of service design Around 250 Service design methods described step by step. This book is an indispensable reference for: Service designers, exhibit designers, design educators and students, visual communication designers, packaging and fashion designers, all types of designers Architects, industrial designers, interior designers, UX and web designers, Engineers and Marketing professionals Executives and senior business leaders Decision makers in R&D of products, services, systems and experiences School teachers and school students.
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