miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Constructores inmigrantes

Constructores inmigrantes : transferencias de Alemania a Chile 1852-1875 : edificios y modelos
Alencon Castrillon, Renato
Berlín : DOM publishers.   263 p.
Resumen : La colonización alemana del sur de Chile, iniciada en la década de 1850, dio lugar a la construcción de un extenso patrimonio arquitectónico, que reconocemos como “arquitectura alemana”.
Sin embargo, no está realmente claro en qué medida la arquitectura alemana del sur de Chile está influenciada por la importación de modelos arquitectónicos alemanes, o de qué manera se produjo esta influencia.
Los antecedentes del proceso de colonización son abundantes desde el punto de vista social, y al mismo tiempo existe una extensa documentación del patrimonio construido.
Este trabajo desarrolla una relación específica de los elementos arquitectónicos que permitan identificar y comprender esta influencia con mayor profundidad.
La pregunta a la que intenta dar respuesta este trabajo es, entonces: ¿cuáles son y cómo se produjeron las influencias específicas de la arquitectura alemana en la arquitectura desarrollada por los inmigrantes alemanes del sur de Chile?
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Urbanismo ecológico

Urbanismo ecológico
Mostafavi, Mohsen, ed.
Doherty, Gareth, ed.
Barcelona : Gustavo Gili.   655 p.
Resumen : Si bien el cambio climático, la arquitectura sostenible y las tecnologías ecológicas son cuestiones perfectamente asentadas en el imaginario colectivo, no ha ocurrido lo mismo con aquellos temas que afectan a la sostenibilidad de la ciudad.
Este libro nace precisamente de la apremiante necesidad de abordar el urbanismo desde un enfoque ecológico como método práctico e imaginativo para enfrentarse a la realidad de la ciudad, y constituye, por ello, una apuesta deliberada por asentar definitivamente el concepto de “urbanismo ecológico” a través del compendio de una serie de textos clave sobre la materia. Urbanismo ecológico recopila los artículos del simposio homónimo que tuvo lugar en 2009 en la Graduate School of Design de la Harvard University, así como otros ensayos, conferencias y lecciones vinculados a esta línea de investigación auspiciada por la célebre universidad estadounidense.
El libro, editado por Mohsen Mostafavi y Gareth Doherty, parte de un enfoque interdisciplinario donde confluyen las miradas de arquitectos, urbanistas, diseñadores, teóricos, economistas, ingenieros, artistas y científicos, entre otros especialistas.
El resultado es una amplia panorámica que contribuye a dibujar la imagen plural, compleja y repleta de matices que adquiere el sistema urbano cuando se estudia desde la óptica ecológica.
Una aportación importante, en suma, que da carta de naturaleza a una nueva ética y estética de lo urbano.
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Critical urban studies

Critical urban studies : new directions
Davies, Jonathan S. (ed.)
Imbroscio, David L. (ed.)
Albany : State University of New York Press.   220 p.
Resumen : This volume revisits the tradition of critical scholarship characteristic of the urban studies field.
Urban scholarship has had detractors of late, particularly in mainstream political science, where it has been accused of parochialism and insularity. Critical Urban Studies offers a sharp repudiation of this critique, reasserting the need for critical urban scholarship and demonstrating the fundamental importance of urban studies for understanding and changing contemporary social life.
Contributors to the volume identify an orthodox perspective in the field, subject it to critique, and map out a future research agenda for the field. The result is a series of inventive essays pointing scholars and students to the major theoretical and policy challenges facing urbanists and other critical social scientist. “…this volume demonstrates that urban studies is not a stagnant discipline.
Rather, the authors excelled at challenging a number of different orthodoxies to rethink approaches to and about mainstream politics and policies … all researchers involved in urban issues of a wide range of disciplines will find this book of use.” — Journal of Planning Education and Research “The essays in Critical Urban Studies advance the enterprise of critical urban studies.
They challenge a wide range of prevalent orthodoxies and illuminate several new directions on which subsequent critical scholarship and practice can build … The inventive essays will inspire future urban scholars and activists to further advance the theory and practice of critique in even deeper and more transformative directions.” 
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Urban sociology

Urban sociology : critical essays
Pickvance, C. G. (ed.)
London ; New York : Routledge.   223 p.
Resumen :  This book applies the historical materialist, or Marxist view of urban sociology and collates some fundamental sources of this perspective available.
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The urban sociology reader

The urban sociology reader
Mele, Christopher
Lin Jan, ed.
Mele, Christopher, ed.
London ; New York : Routledge.   xi, 447 p.
Resumen:  The urban world is an exciting terrain for investigating the central institutions, structures and problems of the social world and how they have transformed through the last 200 years. This Reader comprises sections on urban social theory, racial and social difference in the city, culture in everyday life, culture and the urban economy, globalization and transnational social relations and the regulation of urban space. Drawing together seminal selections covering the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, this Reader includes forty-three significant writings from eminent names such as Simmel, Wirth, Park, Burgess, DuBois, Zukin, Sassen, and Harvey. The 2nd edition illuminates more recent urban issues such as sprawl, sustainability, immigration and urban protest. Selections are predominantly sociological, but some readings cross disciplinary boundaries. Providing an essential resource for students of urban studies, this book brings together important but, till now, widely dispersed writings. Editorial commentaries precede each entry; introducing the text, demonstrating its significance, and outlining the issues surrounding its topic, whilst the associated bibliography enables deeper investigations.
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The Oxford handbook of urban planning

The Oxford handbook of urban planning
Weber, Rachel
Crane, Randall, ed.
New York : Oxford University Press.   864 p.
Resumen : The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning is an authoritative volume on planning, a long-established professional social science discipline in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Edited by Rachel Weber and Randall Crane, professors at two leading planning institutes in the United States, this handbook collects together over 45 noted field experts to discuss three key questions: Why plan? How and what do we plan? Who plans for whom? These three questions are then applied across three major topics in planning: States, Markets, and the Provision of Social Goods; The Methods and Substance of Planning; and Agency, Implementation, and Decision Making. Covering the key components of the discipline, this book is a comprehensive, discipline-defining text suited for students and seasoned planners alike.
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Post-fordism : a reader
Amin, Ash, ed.
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell.   viii, 435 p.
Resumen:  Part analysis of contemporary change and part vision of the future, post-Fordism lends its name to a set of challenging, essential and controversial debates over the nature of capitalism's newest age.
This book provides a superb introduction to these debates and their far-reaching implications, and includes key texts by post-Fordism's major theorists and commentators.
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Gender and planning

Gender and planning : a reader
Fainstein, Susan S., ed.
Servon, Lisa J., ed.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press.   vi, 313 p.
Resumen: Increasingly, experts recognize that gender has affected urban planning and the design of the spaces where we live and work.
Too often, urban and suburban spaces support stereotypically male activities and planning methodologies reflect a male-dominated society. To document and analyze the connection between gender and planning, the editors of this volume have assembled an interdisciplinary collection of influential essays by leading scholars.
Contributors point to the ubiquitous single-family home, which prevents women from sharing tasks or pooling services. Similarly, they argue that public transportation routes are usually designed for the (male) worker's commute from home to the central city, and do not help the suburban dweller running errands.
In addition to these practical considerations, many contributors offer theoretical perspectives on issues such as planning discourse and the construction of concepts of rationality.
While the essays call for an awareness of gender in matters of planning, they do not over-simplify the issue by moving toward a single feminist solution. Contributors realize that not all women gravitate toward communal opportunities, that many women now share the supposedly male commute, and that considerations of race and class need to influence planning as well. Among various recommendations, contributors urge urban planners to provide opportunities that facilitate women's needs, such as childcare on the way to work and jobs that are decentralized so that women can be close to their children.
Bringing together the most important writings of the last twenty-five years, this book is essential reading for students and scholars of planning theory as well as anyone concerned with gender and diversity.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Large parks

Large parks
Hargreaves, George, ed.
Beardsley, John, ed.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press.   255 p.
Resumen: The discipline of landscape architecture encompasses many typologies, from domestic gardens and neighborhood playgrounds to urban designs and state parks.
Most critical studies of the discipline tend to approach it from a historical or contemporary perspective organized around criteria such as built versus unbuilt, urban versus peripheral, or competition-sponsored versus commission-based. Very few analyses have been undertaken from the seemingly obvious jumping-off point of size.
In Large Parks, Julia Czerniak and George Hargreaves present eight essays by leading scholars and practitioners that engage large urban parks in depth as complex cultural spaces, where key issues of landscape discourse, ecological challenges, social history, urban relations, and place-making are writ large. From historic parks such as New York's Central Park and Paris's Bois de Boulogne to contemporary projects such as Toronto's Downsview Park and Staten Island's Fresh Kills, to newly unveiled and yet-to-be-built projects such as Ken Smith's ambitious plans for the Orange County Great Park, Large Parks highlights the complexities and unique considerations that go into designing these massive and culturally significant works.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Global city-regions

Global city-regions : trends, theory, policy
Scott, Allen J., ed.
New York : Oxford University Press.   xv, 467 p.
Resumen: There are now more than three hundred city-regions around the world with populations of more than one million.
As globalization intensifies, these city-regions come to pose many new questions and problems.
This book presents a highly original and multifaceted review of these issues by some of the leading researchers in the field. It seeks at once to define the question of global city-regions and to describe the internal and external dynamics that shape them; it proposes a theorization of global city-regions based on their economic and political responses to intensifying levels of globalization; and it offers a number of policy insights into the severe social problems that confront global city-regions as they come face to face with an economically and politically neoliberal world.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU