lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Urban imaginaries

Urban imaginaries: locating the modern city
Cinar, Alev, ed.
Bender, Thomas, ed.
Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.   290 p.
Resumen:  The essays in Urban Imaginaries focus on how social and physical space is conceived as both indefinite and singular and offer case studies on cities in Brazil, Israel, Turkey, Lebanon, and India, as well as in the United States and France.
Urban Imaginaries is a distinctively interdisciplinary collection that pointedly avoids a Eurocentric focus.
Many of the cities studied are situated outside the North Atlantic, with a strong concentration on the ‘Islamic world,’ such as the geopolitically important Middle Eastern cities of Tel Aviv and Beirut.
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La nueva frontera urbana

La nueva frontera urbana: ciudad revanchista y gentrificación
Smith, Neil
Madrid : Traficantes de Sueño.   380 p.
Resumen:  Qué está ocurriendo en los centros urbanos y en muchos otros barrios históricos de las ciudades de Europa, Norteamérica y otros continentes? ¿Por qué se ha producido esa oleada de operaciones de regeneración urbana con resultados tan extremadamente chic? ¿Se puede dar por terminado este proceso en el marco de la actual crisis financiero-inmobiliaria? ¿Qué supone la remodelación de los centros urbanos para la gente que vive en los mismos?Este libro, convertido ya en el estudio clásico sobre la gentrificación, revela con notable lucidez la fuerte dependencia de los procesos de transformación urbana de las dinámicas de acumulación de capital sobre el territorio.
Ajeno a toda complacencia con los gustos y estilos de vida de clase media, que normalmente justifican las políticas pro-gentrificación, Smith muestra con crudeza sus obvios efectos sociales: desplazamiento de la población conmenores recursos, banalización y musealización de loscentros urbanos, subordinación de las políticas urbanas al beneficio de promotores y entidades financieras, segregación espacial, criminalización de la pobreza y de las personas sin hogar, etc. En este terreno su análisis no sólo es convergente con movimientos como la okupación y la democratización del acceso a la vivienda, sino también extremadamente útil para cualquier aproximación que reivindique el derecho a la ciudad.
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Planning ideas that matter

Planning ideas That matter: livability, territoriality, governance, and reflective practice
Sanyal, Bishwapriya, ed.
Vale, Lawrence J., ed.
Rosan, Christina D., ed.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press.   vii, 422 p.
Resumen:  Over the past hundred years of urbanization and suburbanization, four key themes have shaped urban and regional planning in both theory and practice: livability, territoriality, governance, and reflective professional practice. Planning Ideas That Matter charts the trajectories of these powerful planning ideas in an increasingly interconnected world. The contributors, leading theorists and practitioners, discuss livability in terms of such issues as urban density, land use, and the relationship between the built environment and natural systems; examine levels of territorial organization, drawing on literature on regionalism, metropolitanism, and territorial competition; describe the ways planning connects to policy making and implementation in a variety of political contexts; and consider how planners conceive of their work and learn from practice. Throughout, the emphasis is on how individuals and institutions—including government, business, professional organizations, and universities--have framed planning problems and ideas. The focus is less on techniques and programs than on the underlying concepts that have animated professional discourse over the years.
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The profession of city planning

The profession of city planning: changes, images and challenges: 1950-2000
Rodwin, Lloyd, editor
Sanyal, Bishwapriya, editor
New Brunswick, N. J. : Center for Urban Policy Research ; Rutgers : The State University of New Jersey.   400 p.
Resumen: In thirty-four provocative and insightful chapters, the nation’s leading planners present a definitive assessment of fifty years of city planning and establish a benchmark for the profession for the next fifty years.
The book appraises what planners do and how well they do it, how and why their current activities differ from past practices, and how much and in what ways planners have or have not enhanced the quality of urban life and contributed to the intellectual capital of the field.
How have the goals, values, and practices of planners changed? What do planners say about their roles and the problems they confront? What is the relevance of their skills, from design capabilities and environmental savvy to intermediate and long-term perspectives and the pragmatics of implementation? The contributors seeking to answer these questions include Anthony Downs, Nathan Glazer, Philip B. Herr, Judith E. Innes, Terry S. Szold, Lawrence J. Vale, and Sam Bass Warner, Jr.
The Profession of City Planning contrasts with the main changes in the US over the second half of the twentieth century in city planning. Sector images of the practice and effects of planning on housing, transportation, and the environment, as well as the development of economic tools are also discussed
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Landscape ecology principles in landscape architecture and land-use planning

Landscape ecology principles in landscape architecture and land-use planning
Dramstad, Wenche E.
Olson, James D.
Forman, Richard T.T.
[Cambridge, Mass.] : Harvard University Graduate School of Design ; Washington : Island Press ; Washington : American Society of Landscape Architect.   80 p.
Resumen: Landscape ecology has emerged in the past decade as an important and useful tool for land-use planners and landscape architects.
While professionals and scholars have begun to incorporate aspects of this new field into their work, there remains a need for a summary of key principles and how they might be applied in design and planning.
This volume fills that need.
It is a concise handbook that lists and illustrates key principles in the field, presenting specific examples of how the principles can be applied in a range of scales and diverse types of landscapes around the world.
Chapters cover: patches -- size, number, and location edges and boundaries corridors and connectivity mosaics summaries of case studies from around the world
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Cities from scratch

Cities from scratch: poverty and informality in urban Latin America
Fischer, Brodwyn, editor
McCann, Bryan, editor
Auyero, Javier, editor
Durham : Duke University Press.   293 p.
Resumen:  This collection of essays challenges long-entrenched ideas about the history, nature, and significance of the informal neighborhoods that house the vast majority of Latin America's urban poor.
Until recently, scholars have mainly viewed these settlements through the prisms of crime and drug-related violence, modernization and development theories, populist or revolutionary politics, or debates about the cultures of poverty.
Yet shantytowns have proven both more durable and more multifaceted than any of these perspectives foresaw.
Far from being accidental offshoots of more dynamic economic and political developments, they are now a permanent and integral part of Latin America's urban societies, critical to struggles over democratization, economic transformation, identity politics, and the drug and arms trades.
Integrating historical, cultural, and social scientific methodologies, this collection brings together recent research from across Latin America, from the informal neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City, Managua and Buenos Aires. Amid alarmist exposés, Cities from Scratch intervenes by considering Latin American shantytowns at a new level of interdisciplinary complexity.
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The origins of modern town planning

The origins of modern town planning
Benévolo, Leonardo
Cambridge : The M.I.T. Press.   154 p., 16 p. de láms. : il., planos.
 Resumen: Carefully documented and copiously illustrated, The Origins of Modern Town Planning delves into the social origins and history of town planning in nineteenth-century England and France.
The touchstone of Benevolo's research is the relationship between town planning and politics.
The twofold origin of the planning concept found expression in two schools of nineteenth-century thought: the Utopians—Owen, Saint-Simon, Fourier—and their active vision of the town as a self-sufficient, coherent organism are contrasted with the specialists and officials who endeavored to remedy each urban defect individually by introducing new health regulations and social legislation into already existing towns.
Despite the conceptual difference, however, Benevolo points out the shared ideology which inspired all achievements of thought and action—even the purely technical—and establishes its correspondence in spirit up to the time of modern socialism.
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Anatomie de projets urbains

Anatomie de projets urbains: bordeaux, lyon, rennes, strasbourg
Tsiomis, Yannis
Ziegler, Volker
Paris : Villette.   334 p.
Resumen: Théorie et pratique architecturales comme urbaines se réorganisent autour d'une idée de ville qui répond à une nouvelle dimension des critères de temps et d'espace. Véritable catalyseur, le projet urbain organise un ensemble de cultures et de pratiques d'aménagement qui tentent de répondre aux réalités spatiales et sociales contemporaines. De ces mutations ressort un écart entre les réalités urbaines et les savoirs ou savoir-faire conventionnels mais aussi, a contrario, les tentatives de s'affranchir de pratiques sectorielles ou délimitations professionnelles rigides. Fruit d'une expérience originale, ce livre raconte le travail d'introspection mené cinq ans durant auprès de quatre grandes métropoles autour de leurs projets urbains avec les responsables politiques, les services techniques et les concepteurs de projet. Outre la présentation de ces voies explorées et du destin choisi par chacune des villes, il s'agit d'observer le jeu des acteurs et les interactions qui s'établissent entre eux pour comprendre les ressorts des organisations régissant les aménagements proposés aux habitants.
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Atlas des villes durables

Atlas des villes durables: écologie, urbanisme, societé: lEurope est-elle un modèle?
Veyret, Yvette, dirigé
Le Goix, Renaud, dirigé
Paris : Autrement.   87 p.
Resumen:  Cités-jardins au XIXe siècle, villes nouvelles au XXe : les villes européennes sont depuis longtemps l'objet d'expérimentations.
Aujourd'hui, elles se veulent "vertes". Berlin aménage le Tiergarten, Lyon plante des arbres, Paris s'équipe de tramways.
On met en place l'évacuation souterraine des déchets à Barcelone, les cheminements piétonniers à Genève, la sécurisation de l'approvisionnement en eau à Stockholm... Ces villes sont-elles pour autant "durables" ? Signataires de la charte d'Aalborg (Danemark) de 1994, plus de 2 000 villes s'engagent à respecter de nouvelles normes en matière d'aménagements environnementaux, mais aussi d'équilibre économique et de justice sociale et spatiale.
Les inégalités persistent cependant, et parfois s'amplifient.
En Ile-de-France, par exemple, les classes moyennes se trouvent rejetées vers la périphérie en raison des prix du foncier. De Madrid à Bruxelles, en passant par Naples, Lille ou Amsterdam, vingt-sept géographes proposent des études de cas, accompagnées de plus de 100 cartes originales, sur les réalisations en cours, les outils de planification disponibles, les acteurs concernés. Pour ces spécialistes, la ville durable est en marche mais il n'existe pas de modèle.
La durabilité ressemble à une utopie indispensable à tous ceux qui visent le bien vivre en ville.
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París, capital de la modernidad

Paris, capital de la modernidad
Harvey, David
Madrid, España : Akal.   458 p.
Resumen: París ha sido una de las ciudades más influyentes del mundo, pero durante los días del Segundo Imperio constituyó el prototipo de la modernidad tal como ésta ha sido codificada canónicamente.
Durante el periodo que transcurre entre las revoluciones fallidas de 1848 y 1871, experimentó una transformación realmente impresionante.
El barón Haussmann orquestó la remodelación física de la ciudad, reemplazando su trazado medieval por los grandes bulevares que dominan su fisonomía hasta el día de hoy.
Igualmente, durante esta misma etapa se verificaron tanto el surgimiento de una nueva forma de capitalismo dominada por las altas finanzas como la emergencia de la moderna cultura del consumo.
Los imparables cambios sociales y físicos provocaron la novedosa respuesta del movimiento moderno, pero también dividieron más profundamente la ciudad y su organización espacial, económica y urbana de acuerdo co nítidas líneas de clase.
El resultado fue el levantamiento y la sangrienta represión de la Comuna de París en 1871, cuyo desenvolvimiento es analizado en el libro con todo detalle.
Harvey sitúa las fuerzas sociales, económicas y de clase en el centro de su estudio, proporcionando un impresionante análisis de este periodo crucial para comprender cómo se gestó la trama de la política moderna y cómo se utilizó el espacio urbano para gestionar los conflictos sociales y producir formas estables de dominación política.
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