martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Design writing research

Design writing research
Lupton, Ellen Miller, J. Abbott
London :Phaidon. 111 p.
Resumen: Design Writing Research is a highly acclaimed critical study of graphic design and typography. Profusely illustrated and beautifully produced, it makes a vital contribution to design studies and is an invaluable source for anyone interested in the art and history of books, letter forms, symbols, advertising, and theories of visual and verbal communication.
A section on Theory considers the centrality of the written and printed word to post-structuralism and deconstruction. A wide range of design practices are discussed, from the history of punctuation and the origins of international pictograms to the structure of modern typography. A section on Media looks at the role of design in mass communications with erudite essays on stock photography, visual journalism, illustration, advertising and vernacular design cultures.
The book closes with History, a section organized as a time-line spanning 200 years of design in America. These historical case studies show how the modern profession of graphic design emerged in response to cultural, political and economic developments in the US.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Graphic design theory

Graphic design theory : readings from the field
Armstrong, Helen, editor
New York : Princeton Architectural Press.   151 p.
Resumen :  Graphic Design Theory is organized in three sections: "Creating the Field" traces the evolution of graphic design over the course of the early 1900s, including influential avant-garde ideas of futurism, constructivism, and the Bauhaus; "Building on Success" covers the mid- to late twentieth century and considers the International Style, modernism, and postmodernism; and "Mapping the Future" opens at the end of the last century and includes current discussions on legibility, social responsibility, and new media. Striking color images illustrate each of the movements discussed and demonstrate the ongoing relationship between theory and practice. A brief commentary prefaces each text, providing a cultural and historical framework through which the work can be evaluated. Authors include such influential designers as Herbert Bayer, Lszl Moholy-Nagy, Karl Gerstner, Katherine McCoy, Michael Rock, Lev Manovich, Ellen Lupton, and Lorraine Wild. Additional features include a timeline, glossary, and bibliography for further reading. A must-have survey for graduate and undergraduate courses in design history, theory, and contemporary issues, Graphic Design Theory invites designers and interested readers of all levels to plunge into the world of design discourse.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

The strategic designer

The strategic designer : tools and techniques for managing the design process Holston, David
Cincinnati, Ohio : How Books. 291 p.
Resumen: The design profession has been asking itself some important questions lately. How do designers deal with the increasing complexity of design problems? What skills do designers need to be competitive in the future? How do designers become co-creators with clients and audiences? How do designers prove their value to business? Designers are looking for ways to stay competitive in the conceptual economy and address the increasing complexity of design problems. By adopting a process that considers collaboration, context and accountability, designers move from 'makers of things' to 'design strategists.' The Strategic Designer shows designers how to build strong client relationships, elevate their standing with clients, increase project success rates, boost efficiency and enhance their creativity.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU


Evamy, Michael
London : Laurence King Publishing. 352 p.
Resumen: The logo bible, this book provides graphic designers with an indispensable reference source for contemporary logo design. More than 1300 logos are grouped according to their focal form, symbol and graphic associations into 75 categories such as crosses, stars, crowns, animals, people, handwritten, illustrative type, etc. To emphasize the visual form of the logos, they are shown predominantly in black and white. Highlight logos are shown in colour. By sorting a vast, international array of current logotypes ranging from those of small, design-led businesses to global brands in this way, the book offers design consultancies a ready resource to draw upon in the research phase of identity projects. Logos are also indexed alphabetically by name of company/designer and by industrial sector, making it easy to piece together a picture of the state of the identity art in any clients marketplace.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Historia del diseño en América Latina y El Caribe

Historia del diseño en América Latina y El Caribe : industrialización y comunicación visual para la autonomía Fernández, Silvia, coordinadora
Bonsiepe, Gui,coordinador
Sao Paulo, Brasil : Blücher. 371 p.
Resumen: Historia del Diseño en América Latina y el Caribe es una obra colectiva que ofrece un panorama del desarrollo del diseño industrial y del diseño gráfico abarcando el período de los últimos cincuenta años. El enfoque aquí presentado se caracteriza por colocar el diseño en el marco de las políticas económicas, sociales e industriales locales y regionales y prepara el terreno para una futura historia de la cultura material y visual, desde la perspectiva proyectual latinoamericana. Entre los países de América Latina existen ciertas similitudes y afinidades estructurales que permiten integrar en un solo trabajo los antecedentes de diseño. La mirada local, a veces, desconoce esa historia que compartimos. Este trabajo se propone dejar al descubierto esta trayectoria común y sus peculiaridades.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Lady René

Lady René: una gata tipográfica y una tipografía gatuna
Miller, Harry S.
Varsky, Laura
Santiago, Chile : Pehuén. 40 p.
Resumen: Esta es la historia de una gata a la que su dueño, el viejo Mister Johnson, quiere echar de su casa. Para esto va poniéndole trampas y más trampas de las que la gata siempre sale libre. Lady René está basado en una vieja canción de Harry S. Miller, y es también el nombre de una tipografía creada por la diseñadora argentina, Laura Varsky y con esta misma letra está escrito el libro. Lady René trae también un regalo, te enseña a conocer qué es una tipografía y cómo se llaman los distintos tipos de letras: serif, regular, bold, extra bold. También tiene una página para que los niños inventen su propia tipografía, números y signos y escriban con ella.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Directorio de caligrafía

Directorio de caligrafía : 100 alfabetos completos y cómo caligrafiarlos
Harris, David
Barcelona : Acanto.   256 p.
Resumen : Esta completa guía para el arte de la caligrafía es un gran libro de referencia, y el más fácil de usar para cualquier persona que desee crear bellas escrituras caligráficas. 100 preciosas letras primorosamente realizadas muestran todos los rasgos de la pluma paso a paso y las estructuras comunes de cada grupo. Los puntos destacados dentro de cada letra aseguran una representación correcta de todos los caracteres. En una extensa sección preparatoria se detallan las herramientas, materiales y técnicas básicas. Tanto los calígrafos principiantes como los expertos podrán ampliar su repertorio con facilidad, aprendiendo nuevas letras sin esfuerzo y perfeccionando su arte.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Designerly ways of knowing

Designerly ways of knowing
Cross, Nigel
Basel : Birkhäuser.   138 p.
Resumen :  How do designers think? The concept that designers have and use ‘designerly’ ways of knowing and thinking emerged in the late 1970s alongside new approaches in design education, and was first clearly articulated by Professor Nigel Cross, one of the most internationally respected design researchers.
"Designerly Ways of Knowing" is a revised and edited collection of key lectures and publications by Professor Nigel Cross on the nature of design activity and expertise, and the evidence for design cognition as a particular and essential aspect of human intelligence. It explores the following topics: the nature and nurture of design ability creative cognition in design the natural intelligence of design design discipline versus design science expertise in design.
As a timeline of scholarship and research, and a resource for understanding how designers think and work, this book will interest researchers, teachers and students of industrial and product design, design practitioners and managers.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Innovación y tradición

Innovación y tradición : historia de la tecnología moderna
Edgerton, David
Barcelona : Crítica. 336 p.
Resumen: Estamos inundados de reivindicaciones estereotipadas sobre la tecnología y la historia, dice David Edgerton. Ahora, en este libro Edgerton expone un modo de pensar absolutamente novedoso y fresco sobre la historia de tecnología, en el que revisa radicalmente nuestras ideas sobre la interacción de tecnología y sociedad en el pasado y en los tiempos que corren.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Ventaja competitiva

Ventaja competitiva : creación y sostenimiento de un desempeño superior Porter, Michael E.
México : Grupo Editorial Patria. 556 p.
Resumen: Esta es una obra de gran vigencia y actualidad, en la cual el prestigiado autor Michael Porter muestra los conceptos y herramientas para crear y sostener la ventaja competitiva con base en el costo y la diferenciación a empresarios, gerentes y estudiantes.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU