martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Urban design reader

Urban design reader
Carmona, Matthew
Tiesdell, Steven
London, Architectural Press. 375 p.
Resumen: Essential reading for students and practitioners of urban design, this collection of essays introduces the 6 dimensions of urban design through a range of the most important classic and contemporary key texts.
Urban design as a form of place making has become an increasingly significant area of academic endeavour, of public policy and professional practice. Compiled by the authors of the best selling Public Places Urban Spaces, this indispensable guide includes all the crucial definitions and various understandings of the subject, as well as a practical look at how to implement urban design that readers will need to refer to time and time again.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

City and port

City and port : urban planning as a cultural venture in London, Barcelona, New York, and Rotterdam: changing relations between public
Meyer, Han
Utrecht, International Books. 424 p.
Resumen: The core of City and Port contains four detailed case studies of prominent urban waterfront redevelopment projects-London, Barcelona, New York and Rotterdam. However, the book is not intended as a waterfront catalogue, 'The port areas are given the role of coat racks on which a story of urban planning can be hung'. This story focuses on two themes-the conflict between global infrastructure (the port) and the local networks; and the conflict between place and programme. The story is told in an introductory history essay, and a concluding chapter on urban infrastructure. The introduction traces the changing relationship between the four cities and their ports over two centuries.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Lo urbano en 20 autores contemporáneos

Lo urbano en 20 autores contemporáneos
Martín Ramos, Ángel
Barcelona, Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. 229 p.
Resumen: Los términos clásicos (la ciudad) o tradicionales en la urbanística moderna (el fenómeno urbano, las aglomeraciones urbanas, los productos urbanos) ya no son suficientes para designar el grado de abstracción en que se manifiesta lo urbano del mundo de hoy, con realidades que se hacen presentes bajo formas y registros continuamente innovadores. A la dificultad de una teoría urbanística contemporánea que aborde estas cuestiones se añade hoy la dispersión de las contribuciones aisladas, escritas en distintos idiomas, de los autores que se aplican a tratar la naturaleza de la urbanización en el mundo contemporáneo. Y la falta de un reflejo proporcionado de esas contribuciones en la lengua española puede significar, para el lector en castellano, el riesgo de una laguna notable en el conocimiento de la producción teórica atenta a las cuestiones urbanísticas de nuestro tiempo. La recopilación incluida en el presente volumen trata de cubrir, en parte, esa ausencia aproximando al lector varios artículos y contribuciones que permanecían, en su mayoría, dispersos en diferentes fuentes y en sus respectivas lenguas originarias.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Keys to the city

Keys to the city : how economics, institutions, social interactions, and politics shape development
Storper, Michael
Princeton, Princeton University Press. 275 p.
Resumen: Why do some cities grow economically while others decline? Why do some show sustained economic performance while others cycle up and down? In Keys to the City, Michael Storper, one of the world's leading economic geographers, looks at why we should consider economic development issues within a regional context--at the level of the city-region--and why city economies develop unequally. Storper identifies four contexts that shape urban economic development: economic, institutional, innovational and interactional, and political. The book explores how these contexts operate and how they interact, leading to developmental success in some regions and failure in others.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Calle... y acontecimiento

Calle... y acontecimiento
Sanfuentes von Stowasser, Francisco
Santiago, Editorial Universitaria. 258 p.
Resumen: Compila el trabajo de un grupo de artistas y teóricos del tema de la ciudad y, específicamente, el tópico de la calle. Ahí, donde ocurren los acontecimientos que exceden la visibilidad normativa del espacio público tradicional y que para los autores es el paradigma de la intemperie y, por antonomasia, de lo abierto.
Los trabajos presentados son en su mayoría intervenciones realizadas en las calles de las ciudades, en momentos nocturnos del día, a través de gestos mínimos, donde el acto performativo cobra relevancia.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Chilean modern architecture since 1950

Chilean modern architecture since 1950
Pérez Oyarzun, Fernando
Pérez de Arce Antoncich, Rodrigo
Torrent, Horacio
College Station, Texas A&M University Press. 174 p.
Resumen: Chilean architecture—along with that of São Paolo and Mexico City—sets a benchmark for the intersection of modernism with vernacular influences in Latin America. Culture, landscape, and the geology of this earthquake-prone region have all served as important filters for the practice of post-1950s design in Chile.
This volume introduces the modern architecture of Chile to readers in the United States. Looking primarily at domestic architecture as a lens for studying the larger movement, Fernando Pérez Oyarzun considers the relationship between theory and practice in Chile.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Architecture and authorship

Architecture and authorship
Anstey, Tim
Grillner, Katja
Hughes, Rolf
London, Black Dog Publishing. 205 p.
Resumen: "Architecture and Authorship" comprises 17 essays, encompassing a variety of contemporary and historical case studies, which explore issues of authorship, ownership and 'copyright' in architecture. The book documents how, from the fifteenth century onwards, individual architects and movements have endeavoured to maintain their status by defending what they see as their own unique territory - the origins and intentions of their work, and their signature style.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU


Whitford, Frank
London, Thames & Hudson. 216 p.
Resumen: The way our environment looks, the appearance of everything from housing developments to newspapers, is partly the result of a school of art and design founded in Germany in 1919 and closed down by the Nazis in 1933. This was the Bauhaus, which has left an indelible mark on art education throughout the world. Setting everything firmly against a backdrop of the times, Frank Whitford traces the cultural ideas behind its conception and thoroughly describes its teaching methods. He examines the activities of the teachers--artists as eminent as Klee and Kandinsky--and the daily lives of the students.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Espacio libre de barreras

Espacio libre de barreras : diseño universal
Figini, Lidia A.
Buenos Aires, Nobuko. 204 p.
Resumen: Allí donde las barreras arquitectónicas aún no habían sido consideradas, las personas con discapacidad vivían en el espacio limitado por las paredes de sus respectivas viviendas, sin la oportunidad de dejar el lugar por diferentes barreras que lo impedían ( físicas y de comportamiento). El lugar se puede definir como ambiente agresivo. Se parte de un concepto equivocado definiendo a la persona con discapacidad por su discapacitación y no se considera esa capacidad solamente como un aspecto de la vida de un ser humano. Por eso, el trabajo sobre requerimientos técnicos que se presenta aquí tiene el objeto de orientar y facilitar el diseño libre de barreras para obra nueva o de remodelación en el espacio público o pivado.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Inclusive design : designing and developing accessible environments

Inclusive design : designing and developing accessible environments
Imrie, Robert
Hall, Peter
New York, Spon Press. 187 p.
Resumen: Inclusive Design is a documentation of the attitudes, values and practices of property professionals, including developers, surveyors and architects, in responding to the building needs of disabled people. It looks at the way in which pressure for accessible building design is influencing the policies and practices of property companies and professionals, with a primary focus on commercial developments in the UK. The book also provides comments on, and references to, other countries, particularly Sweden, New Zealand, and the USA.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU