miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Planning for urban quality

Planning for urban quality: urban design in towns and cities
Parfect, Michael
Power, Gordon
London, New York, Routledge. 242 p.
Resumen: Rapid regeneration of city areas has placed the quality of urban design high on public and policy agendas worldwide. Planning for Urban Quality examines the achievement of quality in the urban environment, in a planning context. Tracing urban design from its roots, the authors draw on both historical and current practices to examine the key physical, political and economic forces at play and the social pressures and impacts brought about by both failures and achievements in urban design. This highly illustrated critique of towns and cities draws on examples from across Western Europe, South Africa and USA to examine both public and private sector development practices, controls and fiscal policies within a diverse range of localities. The authors indicate the need for a reinstitution of region-provincial approaches, for closer co-ordination bewteen sectors, and revised fiscal policies in planning and development in order to enhance the quality of urban social experience and environments. Providing a deeper understanding of the many diverse strands of Urban Quality, the authors provide a firm basis from which to analyse urban planning achievements and to assess the relevance and value of urban scapes.
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Carfree cities

Carfree cities
Crawford, J. H.
Utrecht, International Books. 323 p.
Resumen:In this volume filled with historical and contemporary references to guiding historic precedents and ideological errors of 20th-century planning, the author sets up the carfree city as the cornerstone of sustainable development. This book outlines a structure carefully designed to maximize the quality of life for people and communities worldwide.  
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Manual de diseño urbano

Manual de diseño urbano
Bazant S., Jan
México, D.F., Trillas. 422 p.
Resumen: Este manual propone y organiza, de manera temática, criterios técnicos congruentes con la problemática urbana de cualquier país del mundo. Dichos criterios se ilustran con diagramas, croquis y cuadros que simplifican la aplicación práctica de su contenido.La nueva edición se actualiza en sus aspectos estadísticos, pero conserva su estructura original, por lo que sigue siendo un instrumento útil y eficaz para el diseñador urbano y el arquitecto. La obra está estructurada de tal manera que puede utilizarse tanto en el diseño de fraccionamientos residenciales como de conjuntos habitacionales, desarrollos turísticos y parques industriales.
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The built environment

The built environment: a collaborative inquiry into design and planning
McClure, Wendy R.
Bartuska, Tom J.
Hoboken, New Jersey, John wiley & Sons. 404 p.
Resumen: This book takes a sweeping view of the ways we build things, beginning at the scale of products and interiors, to that of regions and global systems. In doing so, it answers questions on how we effect and are affected by our environment and explores how components of what we make—from products, buildings, and cities—are interrelated, and why designers and planners must consider these connections. 
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Paisajes sensibles

Paisajes sensibles: subjetividades, salud y patrimonio en el espacio verde intrahospitalario
Campari, Gabriela
Buenos Aires, Prometeo. 230 p.
Resumen:  "Paisajes sensibles" indaga desde la teoría y la empiria, la producción y transformación del espacio verde intrahospitalario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, constituyendo un relevante y original aporte al análisis del valor del paisaje y los espacios públicos en el mundo urbano y de la belleza en la construcción de subjetividad. La autora investiga las prácticas y representaciones sociales presentes en las áreas verdes de cinco hospitales públicos locales y da cuenta del rol fundamental que en su valoración patrimonial y como lugar de salud, tienen las actividades, percepciones, sensaciones y simbologías de quienes las vivencian. Paisajes sensibles, propone el desafío de reflexionar y construir participativamente una mirada que visibilice estos paisajes cotidianos en la agenda pública como legado cultural, ambiental y espacio de bienestares y cuidados para la comunidad hospitalaria con aptitudes para mejorar el habitar y la calidad de vida en el contexto adverso de la hospitalización.
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Catastro nacional de campamentos 2016

Catastro nacional de campamentos 2016 : el número de familias en campamentos no deja de aumentar
Centro de Investigación Social TECHO-Chile.
Santiago, TECHO-Chile. 111 p.
Resumen: En el trabajo con enfermos es habitual encontrarse con personas muy mayores que padecen alguna enfermedad grave que los tiene desahuciados. Al conversar con ellos, algunos dicen que preferirían no haber sabido lo que tenían, continuar viviendo sin más, hasta morir. Es el problema de los diagnósticos. Siempre revisten el riesgo de encontrarse con una mala noticia.
Este Catastro de Campamentos 2016 nos entrega una muy mala noticia en general. Afortunadamente, el aumento considerable de familias campamentadas estos últimos cinco años, no es una enfermedad, ni mucho menos una enfermedad terminal. Ellos son el fruto de los sistemas sociales que hemos construido y que, por tanto, podemos modificar.
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Remote sensing digital image analysis

Remote sensing digital image analysis: an introduction
Richards, J. A.
Berlin, Springer. 494 p.
Resumen: Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis provides the non-specialist with an introduction to quantitative evaluation of satellite and aircraft derived remotely retrieved data. Since the first edition of the book there have been significant developments in the algorithms used for the processing and analysis of remote sensing imagery; nevertheless many of the fundamentals have substantially remained the same. This new edition presents material that has retained value since those early days, along with new techniques that can be incorporated into an operational framework for the analysis of remote sensing data. The book is designed as a teaching text for the senior undergraduate and postgraduate student, and as a fundamental treatment for those engaged in research using digital image processing in remote sensing. The presentation level is for the mathematical non-specialist. Since the very great number of operational users of remote sensing come from the earth sciences communities, the text is pitched at a level commensurate with their background. Each chapter covers the pros and cons of digital remotely sensed data, without detailed mathematical treatment of computer based algorithms, but in a manner conductive to an understanding of their capabilities and limitations. Problems conclude each chapter. 
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Remote sensing and global environmental change

Remote sensing and global environmental change
Purkis, Samuel
Klemas, Victor
Chichester, West Sussex UK, Hoboken, USA, Wiley-Blackwell. 367 p.
Resumen: Remote Sensing plays a key role in monitoring the various manifestations of global climate change. It is used routinely in the assessment and mapping of biodiversity over large areas, in the monitoring of changes to the physical environment, in assessing threats to various components of natural systems, and in the identification of priority areas for conservation. This book presents the fundamentals of remote sensing technology, but rather than containing lengthy explanations of sensor specifications and operation, it concentrates instead on the application of the technology to key environmental systems. Each system forms the basis of a separate chapter, and each is illustrated by real world case studies and examples.  
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Creative spaces

Creative spaces: a toolkit for participatory urban design
The Architecture Fundation
London, England, The Architecture Fundation. 64 p.
Resumen:Inspiration, ideas and support for creative community involvement in urban design for all those looking for new ways to involve people creatively in planning the future of urban sites. This lively and colourful book is a condensed version of The Architecture Foundation's website www.creativespaces.org.uk. CREATIVE SPACES presents a toolkit of methods and a series of site stories from the Architecture Foundation Roadshow that toured London Boroughs between 1998 and 2000, bringing together residents and designers to think creatively about the future of local sites. The toolkit, asking the question 'How can people be creatively involved in changing their local area?', takes a step by step look at the participatory methods used to generate ideas for small public spaces, community buildings and whole neighbourhoods. Topics covered include researching a site; outreach and publicity; generating ideas through working with architects, artists and young people; time, people and money charts.  
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International economics

International economics: theory & policy
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
Boston, Addison Wesley. 701 p.
Resumen: Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and new co-author Marc Melitz of Harvard University, continue to set the standard for International Economics courses with the text that remains the market leader in the U.S. and around the world. International Economics: Theory and Policy is a proven approach in which each half of the book leads with an intuitive introduction to theory and follows with self-contained chapters to cover key policy applications.
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