Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta agua. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta agua. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023

Atlas del agua: Chile 2016

Atlas del agua: Chile 2016
Santiago, Dirección General de Aguas, Ministerio de Obras Públicas. 140 p.
Resumen: Esta publicación ha sido elaborada por la Dirección General de Aguas del Ministerio de Obras Públicas como una herramienta con información veraz y actualizada sobre este bien estratégico.
El atlas aborda tópicos como el contexto general del agua por cuencas y macrozonas; las formas como se mide e investiga el agua en Chile; las herramientas que se utilizan para el cuidado y la protección del recurso hídrico; junto con su modelo de gestión y administración, entre otras temáticas.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

Out of the mainstream

Out of the mainstream: water rights, politics and identity
Boelens, Rutgerd
Getches, David
Guevara-Gil, Armando
London, Earthscan. 366 p.
Resumen: Water is not only a source of life and culture. It is also a source of power, conflicting interests and identity battles. Rights to materially access, culturally organize and politically control water resources are poorly understood by mainstream scientific approaches and hardly addressed by current normative frameworks. These issues become even more challenging when law and policy-makers and dominant power groups try to grasp, contain and handle them in multicultural societies. The struggles over the uses, meanings and appropriation of water are especially well-illustrated in Andean communities and local water systems of Peru, Chile, Ecuador, and Bolivia, as well as in Native American communities in south-western USA. The problem is that throughout history, these nation-states have attempted to 'civilize' and bring into the mainstream the different cultures and peoples within their borders instead of understanding 'context' and harnessing the strengths and potentials of diversity. This book examines the multi-scale struggles for cultural justice and socio-economic re-distribution that arise as Latin American communities and user federations seek access to water resources and decision-making power regarding their control and management. It is set in the dynamic context of unequal, globalizing power relations, politics of scale and identity, environmental encroachment and the increasing presence of extractive industries that are creating additional pressures on local livelihoods. While much of the focus of the book is on the Andean Region, a number of comparative chapters are also included. These address issues such as water rights and defence strategies in neighbouring countries and those of Native American people in the southern USA, as well as state reform and multi-culturalism across Latin and Native America and the use of international standards in struggles for indigenous water rights. This book shows that, against all odds, people are actively contesting neoliberal globalization and water power plays. In doing so, they construct new, hybrid water rights systems, livelihoods, cultures and hydro-political networks, and dynamically challenge the mainstream powers and politics.  

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

What is water?

What is water: the history of a modern abstraction
Linton, Jamie
Vancouver, UBC Press. 333 p.
Resumen: We all know what water is, and we often take it for granted. But the specter of a worldwide water crisis suggests that there might be something fundamentally wrong with the way we think about water. Jamie Linton dives into the history of water as an abstract concept, stripped of its environmental, social, and cultural contexts. Reduced to a scientific abstraction - to mere H2O - this concept has given modern society license to dam, divert, and manipulate water with apparent impunity. Part of the solution to the water crisis involves reinvesting water with social content, thus altering the way we see water. This book offers a fresh approach to a fundamental problem.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

viernes, 12 de abril de 2019


Agua = Água = Water
Fisher, Joachim
Köln, h.f.ullmann. 287 p.
Resumen: ¿Cómo afecta el agua a un espacio?  ¿Puede el diseño de paredes, suelos y techos realzar de forma activa la experiencia del agua? Este volumen presenta edificios sorprendentes del sector de la construcción residencial ubicados junto o sobre masas de agua, edificios públicos y piscinas.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU