Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta cambio climático. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta cambio climático. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2024

Última salida

Última salida: las humanidades y la crisis climática
Missana, Sergio
Santiago de Chile, Laurel. 222 p.
Resumen: El libro sintetiza algunos dilemas que atañen a las humanidades en especial a las humanidades ambientales, en este tiempo de espera o aparente interregno en que vivimos hoy, cuando un orden político y social ha alcanzado su fecha de caducidad y aquel destinado a reemplazarlo aún no acaba de manifestarse. Missana expone con claridad el estado de la cuestión en torno a los procesos de emergencia, que articulan nuestra relación con el futuro; a la leyenda rosa y la leyenda negra, la visión optimista y la distópica sobre lo que nos espera, a la crisis de las humanidades y a su defensa, articulada en seis C: compasión, ciudadanía, pensamiento crítico, creatividad, complejidad y condición humana.

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

Geografías imaginarias y el oasis del desarrollo

Geografías imaginarias y el oasis del desarrollo : cambio climático y la promesa del futuro esplendor
Núñez, Andrés
Aliste, Enrique
Santiago, LOM Ediciones. 141 p.
Resumen: El libro nos invita a reflexionar sobre la promesa de un futuro esplendor que ha proyectado el discurso del desarrollo en el Chile de las últimas décadas. Tras esa imagen es posible observar y constatar importantes desigualdades territoriales y ausencias de justicia espacial que asombran. A partir del estudio de la producción de imágenes y símbolos de un (aparente) país exitoso y próspero, Núñez y Aliste desmoronan aquella invención social con ejemplos concretos: zonas de sacrificio, el problema del agua, el extractivismo (y el eco-extractivismo) y sus impactantes consecuencias.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

Adaptation to climate change

Adaptation to climate change: from resilience to transformation
Pelling, Mark
London, New York, Routledge. 203 p.
Resumen: The impacts of climate change are already being felt. Learning how to live with these impacts is a priority for human development. In this context, it is too easy to see adaptation as a narrowly defensive task – protecting core assets or functions from the risks of climate change. A more profound engagement, which sees climate change risks as a product and driver of social as well as natural systems, and their interaction, is called for. Adaptation to Climate Change argues that, without care, adaptive actions can deny the deeper political and cultural roots that call for significant change in social and political relations if human vulnerability to climate change associated risk is to be reduced. This book presents a framework for making sense of the range of choices facing humanity, structured around resilience (stability), transition (incremental social change and the exercising of existing rights) and transformation (new rights claims and changes in political regimes). The resilience-transition-transformation framework is supported by three detailed case study chapters. These also illustrate the diversity of contexts where adaption is unfolding, from organizations to urban governance and the national polity. This text is the first comprehensive analysis of the social dimensions to climate change adaptation. Clearly written in an engaging style, it provides detailed theoretical and empirical chapters and serves as an invaluable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in climate change, geography and development studies.

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017

Architecture in a climate of change

Architecture in a climate of change : a guide to sustainable design
Smith, Peter F.
London - New York, Routledge. 278 p.
Resumen: Revised to incorporate and reflect changes and advances since it was first published the new edition of Architecture in a Climate of Change provides the latest basic principals of sustainability and the future of sustainable technology.
Including new material on wind generation, domestic water conservation, solar thermal electricity as well as international case studies Architecture in a Climate of Change encourages readers to consider new approaches to building making minimum demand on fossil based energy.
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