Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta diseño asistido por computador. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta diseño asistido por computador. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024

Performalism : form and performance in digital architecture

Performalism: form and performance in digital architecture
Grobman Yasha J.
Neuman, Eran
London, New York, Routledge. 208 p.
Resumen: Today, with the advent of digital media technologies and the ability to conceptualize, express and produce complex forms using digital means, the question of the status of the architectural form is once again under consideration. Indeed, the computer liberated architecture from the tyranny of the right angle and enabled the design and production of non-standard buildings, based on irregular geometry. Yet, the questions concerning the method of form expression in contemporary architecture, and its meaning, remain very much open. Performalism takes up this discussion, defines it and presents changes in form conception in architecture, followed by their repercussions.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

Autodesk revit architecture 2016

Autodesk revit architecture 2016: essentials
Duell, Ryan
Hathorn, Tobias
Hathorn, Tessa Reist
Indianapolis, Ind., Autodesk Official Press. 375 p.
Resumen: Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Essentials helps you get acquainted and quickly become productive with the leading Building Information Modeling software. With a real-world focus and a tutorial-based approach, this invaluable guide features concise, straightforward explanations and hands-on exercises that walk you through the entire design process. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts and learning goals, and then briskly moves into step-by-step instruction illustrated by compelling full-color screen shots. This new edition includes expanded information on rendering and visualization, and a new discussion surrounding effective work sharing, details and annotations, drawing sets, and professional workflows. The companion website features additional tutorials, plus downloadable data sets that allow you to jump in at any point and compare your work to the pros.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Mastering autodesk revit architecture 2015

Mastering autodesk revit architecture 2015
Krygiel. Eddy
Indianapolis, Ind., Sybex, A Wiley Brand. 960 p.
Resumen: Responding to reader and instructor feedback, the expert author team updated and refreshed the book's content to make it even more useful, complete, and approachable. Mastering Revit Architecture is organized by real-world workflows and features detailed explanations, interesting real-world examples, and practical tutorials to help readers understand Revit and BIM concepts so that they can quickly start accomplishing vital Revit tasks. 
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Diseño de producto

Diseño de producto: CAD y prototipado rápido
Bryden, Douglas
Barcelona, Promopress. 176 p.
Resumen: El diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) y el prototipado rápido (PR) son ya aspectos fundamentales del diseño de producto, de obligado conocimiento para los estudiantes y profesionales del sector.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU