jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Los condenados de la ciudad

Los condenados de la ciudad : gueto, periferias y Estado
Wacquant, Loïc
Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores. 373 p.
Resumen: Wacquant hace a un lado la tendencia con que los medios tratan el problema de la marginalidad urbana y se sumerge a analizarla desde el seno del gueto de Chicago y en el de un barrio de un suburbio industrial de París para analizar las causas estructurales del problema y poner en evidencia la contrastante mezcla de opulencia y miseria que surge con violencia en las metrópolis del primer mundo.
El autor muestra en esta polémica obra que, la implosión del corazón negro de la metrópoli estadounidense se explica ante todo por la doble retracción de la economía salarial y del estado providencial favorecida por las políticas públicas de segregación y abandono urbano. Por su parte, la proliferación de “barrios problema” alrededor de las ciudades europeas no anuncia, como pretenden algunos, la formación de guetos a la americana, sino que traduce la descomposición de territorios obreros por el efecto conjunto de la desindustrialización, la precarización del trabajo y la mezcla étnica de poblaciones hasta aquí fuertemente compartimentadas.
La comparación de la “Cintura negra” estadounidense con la “Cintura roja” francesa prueba que las estructuras y las políticas estatales juegan un papel determinante en la articulación de las desigualdades de clase, de lugar y de origen en las dos costas del Atlántico, y ofrece herramientas preciosas para agitar el debate público sobre las desigualdades sociales y la ciudadanía en el comienzo de un siglo nuevo.
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Rebel cities

Rebel cities
Harvey, David
London, New York, Verso.  187 p.
Resumen: Long before Occupy, cities were the subject of much utopian thinking. They are the centers of capital accumulation as well as of revolutionary politics, where deeper currents of social and political change rise to the surface. Do the financiers and developers control access to urban resources or do the people? Who dictates the quality and organization of daily life?
Rebel Cities places the city at the heart of both capital and class struggles, looking at locations ranging from Johannesburg to Mumbai, from New York City to São Paulo. Drawing on the Paris Commune as well as Occupy Wall Street and the London Riots, Harvey asks how cities might be reorganized in more socially just and ecologically sane ways—and how they can become the focus for anti-capitalist resistance.
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Lees, Loretta
Slater, Tom
Wyly, Elvin
New York, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 310 p
Resumen: This first textbook on the topic of gentrification is written for upper-level undergraduates in geography, sociology, and planning. The gentrification of urban areas has accelerated across the globe to become a central engine of urban development, and it is a topic that has attracted a great deal of interest in both academia and the popular press. Gentrification presents major theoretical ideas and concepts with case studies, and summaries of the ideas in the book as well as offering ideas for future research.
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The city reader

The city reader
LeGates, Richard T.
Stout, Frederic
London, New York, Routledge.  624 p.
Resumen:The fifth edition of the highly successful City Reader juxtaposes the best classic and contemporary writings on the city. It contains fifty-seven selections including seventeen new contributions by experts including Elijah Anderson, Robert Bruegmann, Michael Dear, Jan Gehl, Harvey Molotch, Clarence Perry, Daphne Spain, Nigel Taylor, Samuel Bass Warner, and others – some of which have been newly written exclusively for The City Reader. Classic writings from Ebenezer Howard, Ernest W. Burgess, LeCorbusier, Lewis Mumford, Jane Jacobs and Louis Wirth, meet the best contemporary writings of Sir Peter Hall, Manuel Castells, David Harvey, Kenneth Jackson.
This edition of The City Reader has been extensively updated and expanded to reflect the latest thinking in each of the disciplinary areas included and in topical areas such as sustainable urban development, climate change, globalization, and the impact of technology on cities. The plate sections have been extensively revised and expanded and a new plate section on global cities has been added.
The anthology features general and section introductions and introductions to the selected articles. New to the fifth edition is a bibliography listing over 100 of the top books for those studying Cities.
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La interpretación de las culturas

La interpretación de las culturas
Geertz, Clifford
Barcelona, Gedisa.  387 p.
Resumen: Libro incluido en Biblioteca Selecta Forum de Barcelona 2004 A diferencia del enfoque tradicional de la antropología, que se regía por el estilo de trabajo de las ciencias naturales, Geertz propone una antropología más cercana a las ciencias humanas, cuya tarea principal no es medir y clasificar, sino interpretar. De este m odo, Geertz restaura el ideario de Kroeber y Boas, para los que se trataba de leer el quehacer humano como un texto y la acción simbólica como un drama en el cual se manifiesta por sí misma la capacidad humana de expresarse en una retórica autoconsciente. Desde finales de la década de los sesenta, la disciplina que cultiva Clifford Geertz se ha calificado como «antropología simbólica». No se trata de una escuela, sino de un modo de concebir el trabajo antropológico. La concepción de lo simbólico de Geertz se opone a otras formas de entender el simbolismo, como la de Marshall Sahlins, Victor Turner o Mary Douglas. Su enfoque incluye diversas variantes, que requieren maneras de interpretar en varios niveles. La antropología de Geertz contribuyó a un giro fundamental en esta disciplina, que consiste en relativizar el punto de mira del antropólogo mismo y que cuestiona sus condicionamientos y prejuicios como factores que influyen en su trabajo.
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Introducción a la metafísica

Introducción a la metafísica
Heidegger, Martin
Barcelona, Gedisa.  189 p.
Resumen : Este libro no es una monografía sobre Nietzsche sino, una verdadera confrontación con el pensamiento de éste. Esta confrontación es vista como "la única manera de apreciar verdaderamente a un pensador pues asume la tarea de continuar pensando su pensamiento y de seguir su fuerza productiva y no sus debilidades". Heidegger d esarrolla su concepción de la historia de la metafísica y su visión crítica de la modernidad. La interpretación heideggeriana recorre los temas principales del pensamiento de Nietzsche: la muerte de Dios, el superhombre, la llegada del nihilismo, la transvaloración de los valores, el arte como actividad metafísica, pero especialmente la voluntad de poder y el eterno retorno de lo mismo.
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Projet urbain

Projet urbain
Mangin, David
Panerai, Philippe
Marseille, Parenthèses. 185 p.
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Sustainable urban design

Sustainable urban design : an environmental approach
Ritchie, Adam
Thomas, Randall
London, Taylor & Francis.
Resumen: By the end of the twenty-first century it is thought that three-quarters of the world’s population will be urban; our future is in cities. Making these cities healthy, vibrant and sustainable is an exceptional challenge which this book addresses. It sets out some of the basic principles of the design of our future cities and, through a series of carefully-selected case studies from leading designers’ experience, illustrates how these ideas can be put into practice.
Building on the first edition's original format of design guidance and case studies, this new edition updates the ideas and techniques resulting from further research and practice by the contributors. This book emphasises the enormous progress made towards exciting new designs that integrate good design with resource efficiency.
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Public places urban spaces

Public places urban spaces : the dimensions of urban design
Carmona, Mathew
Tiesdell, Steve
Heath, Tim
Oc, Taner
London, New York, Routledge.
Resumen: Public Places Urban Spaces is a thorough introduction to the principles of urban design theory and practice. Authored by experts in the fields of urban design and planning, it is designed specifically for the 2,500 postgraduate students on Urban Design courses in the UK, and 1,500 students on undergraduate courses in the same subject.
The second edition of this tried and trusted textbook has been updated with relevant case studies to show students how principles have been put into practice. The book is now in full color and in a larger format, so students and lecturers get a much stronger visual package and easy-to-use layout, enabling them to more easily practically apply principles of urban design to their projects.
Sustainability is the driving factor in urban regeneration and new urban development, and the new edition is focused on best sustainable design and practice. Public Places Urban Spaces is a must-have purchase for those on urban design courses and for professionals who want to update and refresh their knowledge.
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Fluvial forms & processes

Fluvial forms & processes : a new perspective
Knighton, David
London, Hodder Education. 383 p.
Resumen: David Knighton's best-selling book looks at the wide range of forms developed by natural rivers and the processes responsible for that development. The book combines empirical and theoretical approaches, and provides a critical assessment of the many schools of thought which have emerged for dealing with adjustment in the fluvial system. It is fully illustrated throughout by a superb range of figures, photographs and tables.
Starting with the network scale, the book examines the interaction of hillslopes, drainage networks and channels, and goes on to considerations of catchment hydrology and catchment denudation. Fluvial processes are analysed in detail, from the mechanics of flow to sediment transport and deposition. Detailing the major components of river channels, the book examines the nature of river adjustment, particularly with respect to equilibrium concepts, and concludes with a look at channel changes through time, affected by flood discharges, climatic change and human activities.
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