miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Arquitectura para la felicidad

Arquitectura para la felicidad : ecológica, sostenible, bioclimática 2013
Barcelona, Monsa. 95 p. : il.
Resumen : Alcanzar la felicidad parece ser el objetivo más importante de todos los humanos, aunque no sepan muy bien lo que es, ni cómo conseguirla. Por otro lado, las personas no son conscientes de que su entorno construido, la arquitectura, puede proporcionarle un elevado grado de felicidad, siempre que haya sido diseñado de forma conveniente. Por ello, en este libro Luis De Garrido resume una estrategia básica y contrastada para lograr la felicidad, haciendo hincapié en sus factores reductores y amplificadores, y establece las bases conceptuales para lograr un nuevo paradigma en arquitectura, integrada en la naturaleza, y capaz de hacer feliz a sus ocupantes.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Artificial nature architecture

Artificial nature architecture
Garrido, Luis de
Barcelona, Monsa. 95 p. : il. col., planos
Resumen: This is a striking architectural concept visualizing manmade buildings as part of nature.
Luis de Garrido is pioneering a new architectural concept: Artificial Nature - an artificial eco-system incorporating manmade artefacts and buildings with its own rules and which evolves alongside the natural eco-system. De Garrido has created a module system that utilizes industrialised architectural elements that are perfect for creating buildings with an infinite life cycle, whose components can be recovered, repaired and reused continuously, without generating waste or emissions.
In the same way, these buildings can be continuously moved, relocated, and modified as if they were living organisms.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

SCL 2110 : arte, arquitectura, perfomance

SCL 2110 : arte, arquitectura, performance
Santiago de Chile, Uqbar Editores. 607 p.
Resumen: Un libro que reúne proyectos, entrevistas y artículos sobre arquitectura, arte y performance, enfocados a pensar las ciudades Chilenas de cara al tricentenario.
Selección de los más destacados arquitectos y artistas mundiales, en paralelo a la nueva generación de arquitectos y artistas chilenos". El único registro de los proyectos realizados por destacados arquitectos internacionales, para Santiago y Valparaíso en el Tricentenario.
La primera publicación en Chile de destacados arquitectos internacionales como Lot-ek, Bernard Tschumi, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Vito Acconci y Performa. La primera publicación en español de Bernard Tschumi. Entrevistas y proyectos de Bernard Tschumi, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Lot-ek, Vito Acconci, Performa y Alfredo Jaar.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

The future of architecture since 1889

The future of architecture, since 1889
Cohen, Jean-Louis.
London ; New York, Phaidon. 527 p. : il.
Resumen:Truly far-ranging – both conceptually and geographically – The Future of Architecture Since 1889 is a rich, compelling history that may well influence future thinking about this period for years to come. Jean-Louis Cohen, one of today’s most distinguished architectural historians and critics, gives an authoritative and compelling account of the twentieth century, tracing an arc from industrialization through computerization, and linking architecture to developments in art, technology, urbanism and critical theory.
Encompassing both well-known masters and previously neglected but significant architects, this book also reflects Cohen’s deep knowledge architecture across the globe, and in places such Eastern Europe and colonial Africa and South America that have rarely been included in histories of this period.
This comprehensive history is richly illustrated not only with buildings, projects and plans, but also with publications, portraits, paintings, diagrams, film stills, and exhibitions, showing the immense diversity of architectural thought and production throughout the twentieth century.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Sistemas arquitectónicos contemporáneos

Sistemas arquitectónicos contemporáneos
Montaner, Josep María
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili. 223 p. : il.
Resumen: Sistemas arquitectónicos contemporáneos plantea una visión nueva de la arquitectura contemporánea -desde principios del siglo XX hasta principios del XXI- que parte de la crisis del objeto aislado y pone especial énfasis en las relaciones entre los edificios y en los valores del espacio público que definen. De este modo, el concepto de sistema reescribe una historia de la arquitectura reciente en función de su capacidad para desarrollar formas que se adapten mejor al contexto.
En este libro se estudian ejemplos que se sitúan en una escala común entre la arquitectura, el urbanismo y el paisaje, en aquel ámbito en el que la arquitectura configura ciudad, y analiza las obras de los arquitectos más ejemplares por su posición culta, humanista y contextualista.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

The architecture of variation

Research & design : the architecture of variation
Spuybroek, Lars, editor
New York, Thames & Hudson. 194 p. : il.
Resumen: A detailed examination of the hottest areas of architectural design today.
Over the past decade, digital tools have radically transformed the design, practice, and construction of architecture. But behind the photorealistic renderings of projects that are never built is an entire body of design research that informs the latest innovations in design and construction.
Edited by a pioneer of the digital revolution, this new book takes its cue from the practice of mass-customization, one of the most important design and retail trends of recent years, to consider how variations on the same design idea can be applied to a broad spectrum of architectural, engineering, and construction solutions.
The book has three parts: a group of essays by leading thinkers on design; comparative studies on variation; and case studies. Full of ideas, examples, and current research, this exciting new publication is well-priced for students but sophisticated enough for professionals. 500 b&w Illustrations
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Patologías y técnicas de intervención. Fachadas y cubiertas

Tratado de rehabilitación
Madrid, Munilla-Lería. 5 v. : il.
Los tomos 3 y 4 tratan de analizar los procesos patólogicos que sufren los distintos elementos constructivos de un edificio para proceder a su reparación inmediata mediante una serie de técnicas de intervención que deben aplicarse siempre en tres etapas diferenciadas: El estudio patológico previo para poder alcanzar un diagnóstico preciso que nos permita conocer, con la mayor exactitud, el proceso patológico que afecta al elemento en cuestión. -La anulación de la causa que provoca el proceso patológico, con el objeto de que no vuelva a aparecer una vez terminada la intervención.
-La reparación de la lesión que se ha manifestado como síntoma del proceso patológico y es, en definitiva, su aspecto más llamativo.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Drawing words & writing pictures

Drawing words & writing pictures : making comics : manga, graphic novels, and beyond
Abel, Jessica
Madden, Matt
New York, London, First Second.  282 p.
Resumen :"A gold mine of essential information for every aspiring comics artist. Highly recommended." --Scott McCloud "Drawing Words and Writing Pictures" is a course on comic creation - for college classes or for independent study - that centers on storytelling and concludes with making a finished comic. With chapters on lettering, story structure, and panel layout, the fifteen lessons offered - each complete with homework, extra credit activities and supplementary reading suggestions - provide a solid introduction for people interested in making their own comics. Additional resources, lessons, and after-class help are available on the accompanying website, www.dw-wp.com.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Comics and sequential art

Comics and sequential art : principles and practices from the legendary cartoonist
Eisner, Will
New York, W.W. Norton & Company. 175 p. Resumen: "Comics and Sequential Art is a masterwork, the distillation of Will Eisner's genius to a clear and potent elixir."—Michael Chabon, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. Will Eisner is one of the twentieth century's great American artists, a man who pioneered the field of comic arts. Here, in his classic Comics and Sequential Art, he refines the art of graphic storytelling into clear, concise principles that every cartoonist, comic artist, writer, and filmmaker meeds to know. Adapted from Eisner's landmark course at New York's School of Visual Arts, Comics and Sequential Art is an essential text filled with invaluable theories and easy-to-use techniques. Eisner reveals here the fundamentals of graphic storytelling. He addresses dialogue, anatomy, framing, and many other important aspects of the art form. Fully updated and revised to reflect current practices and technology, including a section on digital media, this introduction to the art of comics is as valuable a guide as it was when first published.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Graphic storytelling and visual narrative

Graphic storytelling and visual narrative : principles and practices from the legendary cartoonist
Eisner, Will
New York, W.W. Norton. 169 p.
Resumen : In Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative, Will Eisner—one of the most influential comic artists of the twentieth century—lays out the fundamentals of storytelling and their application in the comic book and graphic novel. In a work that will prove invaluable for comic artists and filmmakers, Eisner reveals how to construct a story and the basics of crafting a visual narrative. Filled with examples from Eisner's work as well as that of artists like Art Spiegelman and R. Crumb, this essential work covers everything from the fine points of graphic storytelling to the big picture of the medium, including how to: Combine words and images into seamless storytelling.
Wield images like narrative tools.
Master different types of comic book stories.
Write and illustrate effective dialogue.
Develop ideas that can be turned into dynamic stories.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU