miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Conversaciones con organizaciones estudiantiles

Conversaciones con organizaciones estudiantiles
Díaz Vera, Mónica
1983- 2014
Santiago, Chile : Patio Común.   113 p.
Resumen: Publicación que recoge experiencia de las organizaciones estudiantiles de la Facultad a través de la conversación en torno a dichas iniciativas, promoviendo discusión disciplinar y extracurricular.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Poblamiento urbano y vivienda

Poblamiento urbano y vivienda : algunas tendencias hacia los noventa en Chile
Gámez, Vicente
Santiago, Chile : Universidad Central, Facultad de Arquitectura y Bellas Artes, Centro de Estudios de la Vivienda.   22 (22) p.
Resumen:  El estudio presenta un análisis comparativo entre la información proveniente del Censo de 1992, sobre poblamiento urbano y vivienda, y los datos de Censos anteriores.
Ello permite identificar algunas tendencias sobre poblamiento urbano, tanto a nivel de la red urbana nacional, como al interior de la principal aglomeración metropolitana.
Se identifican una serie de tendencias estructurales a partir de un análisis histórico del proceso de configuración de la trama urbana nacional y metropolitana. A partir de ello, se discuten algunas hipótesis sobre posibles cambios en estas tendencias estructurales producidos en la década del ochenta.
Estas transformaciones tienen que ver, según el autor, con la aplicación de las políticas de regionalización, en el caso del poblamiento urbano a nivel nacional, y con las políticas de reordenamiento territorial, en el caso del Gran Santiago. El texto incluye un anexo con la base de datos que permite comparar diversos indicadores demográficos con perspectiva histórica.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Parques urbanos no Brasil

Parques Urbanos no Brasil = Brazilian urban parks
Macedo, Silvio Soares
Sao Paulo : Editora da Universidade de Sao Paulo.   215 p.
Resumen:  Estudo de oitenta parques pesquisados em dezesseis cidades.
A primeira parte do livro traz um breve histórico a partir da evolução dos parques, abordando aspectos particulares, e a segunda parte apresenta uma seleção dos projetos mais significativos com fotos, textos e ficha de cada projeto, formando um rico acervo para consulta. De autoria de Francine Gramacho Sakata e Silvio Soares Macedo, e contou com a colaboração de toda a equipe QUAPÁ, apresentando a história da formação do parque urbano no país, seu enquadramento nas linhas projetuais definidas no livro anterior e uma amostragem de oitenta dos parques mais importantes do Brasil, distribuídos em cidades como Manaus, Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza e Curitiba, em um total de 18 centros urbanos investigados.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Pracas Brasileiras

Pracas Brasileiras = public squares in Brazil
Robba, Fabio
Sao Paulo : Editora da Universidade de Sao Paulo.   311 p.
Resumen:  Estudo sistemático sobre a formação e a configuração da Praça Brasileira.
Apresenta, na sua primeira parte, uma discussão e categorização projetual dos projetos paisagísticos e programas para tais logradouros e, na segunda parte, expõe um conjunto expressivo de projetos dos períodos Eclético, Moderno e Contemporâneo. De autoria de Fábio Robba e Silvio Soares Macedo, contou com a colaboração de todos da equipe QUAPÁ. Apresenta a evolução da praça brasileira, seus estilos e formas de uso nos dois últimos séculos, utilizando como exemplos projetos emblemáticos de cidades como Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Belo Horizonte, Rio de janeiro, São Paulo, Campinas, Recife e outras mais em um total de 17 centros pesquisados.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Cosmopolitanism and the geographies of freedom

Cosmopolitanism and the geographies of freedom
Harvey, David
New York : Columbia University Press.   x, 339 p.
Resumen : Liberty and freedom are frequently invoked to justify political action.
Presidents as diverse as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush have built their policies on some version of these noble values.
Yet in practice, idealist agendas often turn sour as they confront specific circumstances on the ground. Demonstrated by incidents at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay, the pursuit of liberty and freedom can lead to violence and repression, undermining our trust in universal theories of liberalism, neoliberalism, and cosmopolitanism. Combining his passions for politics and geography, David Harvey charts a cosmopolitan order more appropriate to an emancipatory form of global governance. Political agendas tend to fail, he argues, because they ignore the complexities of geography.
Incorporating geographical knowledge into the formation of social and political policy is therefore a necessary condition for genuine democracy. Harvey begins with an insightful critique of the political uses of freedom and liberty, especially during the George W. Bush administration. Then, through an ontological investigation into geography's foundational concepts—space, place, and environment—he radically reframes geographical knowledge as a basis for social theory and political action. As Harvey makes clear, the cosmopolitanism that emerges is rooted in human experience rather than illusory ideals and brings us closer to achieving the liberation we seek.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Afectos e intimidades

Afectos e intimidades : el mundo familiar en los siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX
Pereira Larrain, Teresa
Santiago, Chile : Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile.   397 p.
Resumen :  Las relaciones entre marido y mujer, la violencia conyugal, el control de la natalidad, la educación de los hijos son temas de actualidad y el historiador no puede permanecer ajeno a ellos. Interesarse por conocer el modo en que vivieron nuestros antepasados puede ayudar a comprender en parte conflictos vigentes.
Entender las formas en que la familia se ha relacionado sentimentalmente, así como los cambios de sus conductas afectivas a través del tiempo, y reflexionar sobre el lugar que ocupan en las relaciones familiares el amor, los valores, la cotidianidad, el matrimonio, la ira, la sexualidad, entre otros, es uno de los propósitos de este libro.
La autora es licenciada y profesora de Historia, Geografía y Educacion Cívica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC), con estudios de posgrado en la Universidad de la Sorbonne, París.
Se desempeñó como profesora del Instituto de Historia de la UC dedicada en particular a las áreas de metodología y tendencias de la historiografía contemporánea: historia de las mentalidades, historia de la familia, historia de la vida privada o la problemática de lo público y lo privado.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Informotion animated infographics

Informotion animated infographics
Finke, Tim, ed.
Manger, Sebastian, ed.
Fichtel, Stefan, ed.
Berlín : Gestalten.   208 p.
Resumen : The first reference book on the fundamentals of animated information graphics. At the nexus of design and journalism, the field of information graphics offers some of the most exciting and dynamic work for creatives.
Today, even more so than static versions, animated information graphics are serving to communicate complex correlations succinctly.
The production of such animations on the basis of up-to-the-minute data is already common practice in select TV programs. Now, these moving formats are finding wider application in television and on the internet, as well as on an increasing number of mobile devices, and in public places.
They can be seen in editorial contexts and in the areas of advertising and corporate communication.
Thanks to current advances in hardware and software, the sky is the limit for the forms of animated infographics that can be created.
But a wide range of technical possibilities does not always mean high quality in terms of content and presentation. Especially when conveying crucial or sensitive information, effective communication hinges upon the details of the execution. Consequently, those who work or want to work successfully with animated information graphics must be well versed in all available tools and formats.0 Informotion is the first book to document the fundamentals needed to create compelling animated infographics and to explain them with numerous examples.
It focuses on key aspects of visualizing data, current forms of information graphics, and future possibilities for moving images. The publication also outlines the factors that improve the viewer's ability to absorb information.
Each book contains a unique log-in code for accessing a wide selection of animated information graphics as well as their making-of videos online.
The interplay between the detailed descriptions in the print edition and the diverse motion material makes Informotion an essential reference for students and newcomers as well as a trusty guide for design and media professionals.
The book is edited by Tim Finke and Sebastian Manger with Stefan Fichtel. Fichtel, who also wrote the preface, was the head of infographics at KircherBurkhard for many years.
He now runs ixtract, his own studio with clients such as National Geographic.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Creating motion graphics with after effects

Creating motion graphics with after effects
Meyer, Trish
New York; London : Focal Press.   xvi, 752 p.
Resumen : Trish and Chris Meyer share over 17 years of hard-earned, real-world film and video production experience inside this critically acclaimed text.
More than a step-by-step review of the features in AE, readers will learn how the program thinks so that they can realize their own visions more quickly and efficiently.
This full-color book is packed with tips, gotchas, and sage advice that will help users thrive no matter what projects they might encounter. Creating Motion Graphics 5th Edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the new features introduced in both After Effects CS4 and CS5. New chapters cover the revolutionary new Roto Brush feature, as well as mocha and mocha shape.
The 3D section has been expanded to include working with 3D effects such as Digieffects FreeForm plus workflows including Adobe Repoussé, Vanishing Point Exchange, and 3D model import using Adobe Photoshop Extended.
The print version is also accompanied by a DVD that contains project files (for CS5) and source materials for all the techniques demonstrated in the book, as well as nearly 200 pages of bonus chapters on subjects such as expressions, scripting, and effects.
Subjects include: Animation Techniques; Layer Management; Modes, Masks, and Mattes; Mastering 3D Space; Text Animation; Effects & Presets; Painting and Rotoscoping; Parenting, Nesting, and Collapsing; Color Management and Video Essentials; Motion Tracking and Keying; Working with Audio; Integrating with 3D Applications; Puppet Tools; Expressions; Exporting and Rendering; and much more.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Capital spaces

Capital spaces : the multiple complex public spaces of a global city
Carmona, Matthew
Matos Wunderlich, Filipa
London : Routledge.   xiii, 304 p.
Resumen: In recent years it has become common-place to hear claims that public space in cities across the globe has become the exclusive preserve of the wealthy and privileged, at the expense of the needs of wider society.
Whether it is the privatization of public space through commerical developments like shopping malls and business parks, the gentrification of existing spaces by campaigns against perceived anti-social behaviour or the increasing domination of public areas by private transport in the form of the car, the urban public space is seen as under threat. But are things really that bad? Has the market really become the sole factor that influences the treatment of public space? Have the financial and personal interests of the few really come to dominate those of the many? To answer these questions Matthew Carmona and Filipa Wunderlich have carried out a detailed investigation of the modern public spaces of London, that most global of cities.
They have developed a new typology of public spaces applicable to all cities, a typology that demonstrates that to properly assess contemporary urban places means challenging the over-simplification of current critiques.
Global cities are made up of many overlapping public spaces, good and bad; this book shows how to analyze this complexity, and to understand it.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Habitar el paisaje

Habitar el paisaje
Halpert, Mirta (ed.)
Santiago : Ediciones Universidad Central, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje - FAUP.   145 p.
Resumen:  El paisaje a través de distintas visiones es lo que aborda el libro "Habitar el paisaje", el cual recopila las ponencias presentadas durante una jornada de conversación sobre este tema, que organizó la FAUP en el 2010.
El libro reúne 10 artículos, cuyos temas "van del relato social a la sustentabilidad, de la intervenciones urbanas a la reinterpretaciones territoriales", como explica en su presentación.
Es así como el paisaje es abordado a través del turismo, la reconstrucción después del terremoto del 27 de febrero, el espacio público y la creación de jardines botánicos, entre otros.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU