jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

The design of business

The design of business : why design thinking is the next competitive advantage
Martin, Roger
Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business Press. 191 p.
Resumen: Most companies today have innovation envy. They yearn to come up with a game—changing innovation like Apple's iPod, or create an entirely new category like Facebook. Many make genuine efforts to be innovative—they spend on R&D, bring in creative designers, hire innovation consultants. But they get disappointing results.
Why? In The Design of Business, Roger Martin offers a compelling and provocative answer: we rely far too exclusively on analytical thinking, which merely refines current knowledge, producing small improvements to the status quo.
To innovate and win, companies need design thinking. This form of thinking is rooted in how knowledge advances from one stage to another—from mystery (something we can't explain) to heuristic (a rule of thumb that guides us toward solution) to algorithm (a predictable formula for producing an answer) to code (when the formula becomes so predictable it can be fully automated). As knowledge advances across the stages, productivity grows and costs drop-creating massive value for companies.
Martin shows how leading companies such as Procter & Gamble, Cirque du Soleil, RIM, and others use design thinking to push knowledge through the stages in ways that produce breakthrough innovations and competitive advantage.
Filled with deep insights and fresh perspectives, The Design of Business reveals the true foundation of successful, profitable innovation.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

The rise of the creative class

The rise of the creative class
Florida, Richard
New York, Basic Books.  483 p.
Resumen : Ten years ago, Richard Florida published a path-breaking book about the forces that were reshaping our economy, our geography, our work, and our whole way of life. Weaving story-telling with reams of original research, he traced a fundamental theme through a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society: the growing role of creativity. In the decade since, we have endured a series of world shattering events—from the collapse of the tech bubble to 9/11 to the economic meltdown of 2008—any one of which might have been sufficient to derail the forces he described Instead, the drive towards creativity as only intensified, both in the US and across the globe. In late 2011, the social media site LinkedIn reported that the word most used by its members to describe themselves was “Creative.”
In this newly revised and expanded edition of his now classic book, Florida has brought all of its statistics up to date (and provided a host of new ones); further refined his occupational, demographic, psychological, and economic profile of the Creative Class; incorporated a decade’s worth of his own and his colleagues’ quantitative and qualitative research; and addressed his major critics. Five completely new chapters cover the global effects of the Creative Class and explore the integral features and factors that shape “quality of place” in our rapidly changing cities and suburbs. Florida delves into the roles played by technology, race, and poverty in perpetuating and exacerbating income inequality and the pervasive influence of class throughout every aspect of society. Throwing down the gauntlet, he proposes a dramatic new social compact for our time—one that can turn our emerging Creative Economy into an enduringly Creative Society.
We currently inhabit a strange period of interregnum in which the old order has collapsed and the new order is not yet born, Florida writes. The old order has failed; attempts to bail it out, to breathe new life into it or to somehow prop it back up are doomed to history’s dustbin. The key is not to limit or reverse the gains that the Creative Class has made but to extend them across the board, to build a more open, more diverse, more inclusive Creative Society that can more fully harness its members’—all of its members’—capacities.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Wall and piece

Wall and piece
London, Century.  238 p.
Resumen: Artistic genius, political activist, painter and decorator, mythic legend or notorious graffiti artist? The work of Banksy is unmistakable, except maybe when it's squatting in the Tate or New York's Metropolitan Museum. Banksy is responsible for decorating the streets, walls, bridges and zoos of towns and cites throughout the world.
Witty and subversive, his stencils show monkeys with weapons of mass destruction, policeman with smiley faces, rats with drills and umbrellas.If you look hard enough you'll find your own. His statements, incitements, ironies and epigrams are by turns intelligent and cheeky comments on everything from the monarchy and capitalism to the war in Iraq and farm animals.
His identity remains unknown, but his work is prolific. Here's the best of his work in a fully illustrated colour volume - including brand material.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Cómo planificar los espacios de oficinas

Cómo planificar los espacios de oficinas : guía práctica para directivos y diseñadores
Meel, Juriaan van
Martens, Yuri
Ree, Hermen Jan van
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.  143 p.
Resumen : Cómo planificar los espacios de oficinas es una guía práctica dirigida a aquellos directivos y diseñadores que quieran crear entornos laborales que funcionen eficazmente. Para explicar las variables que deben considerarse a la hora de planificar unas oficinas, el libro se estructura en una secuencia que abarca desde los objetivos que deben cumplirse y las primeras decisiones que deben tomarse, hasta un estudio particularizado de cada uno de los tipos de espacios de trabajo, los diferentes tipos de salas de reuniones y los espacios auxiliares requeridos para el buen funcionamiento de una oficina. La información viene complementada por varios casos prácticos y por una serie de recomendaciones para poner en práctica los proyectos, todo ello ilustrado con esquemas explicativos y ejemplos sugerentes de todo el mundo.
Por su práctica estructura y por su presentación sintética de conceptos y tipos de oficinas, este volumen constituye una lectura indispensable para todos aquellos profesionales interesados en la configuración de los lugares de trabajo y en el diseño de oficinas.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU


Bridge, Gavin
Billon, Philippe Le
Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA, Polity, 2013. 256 p.
Resumen : Oil pulses through our daily lives. It is the plastic we touch, the food we eat, and the way we move. Oil politics in the twentieth century was about the management of abundance, state power and market growth. The legacy of this age of plenty includes declining conventional oil reserves, volatile prices, climate change, and enduring poverty in many oil rich countries. The oil sector is now in need of reform. Yet no one seems at the helm, leaving a vital source of energy at the whim of dictators, speculators and corporate operators, and our societies locked into unsustainable growth models. In this in-depth primer to the world's wealthiest industry, authors Gavin Bridge and Philippe Le Billon take a fresh look at the contemporary geopolitics of oil. Going beyond simple assertions of peak oil and an oil curse, they point to an industry reordered by internationalized state oil companies, Asian consumerism shifting demand, the insecurities and violent assertiveness of declining powers, and the dilemmas of post-oil energy transition.
As a new geopolitics of oil emerges, the need for effective global oil governance becomes imperative. Praising the growing influence of civil society and attentive to the institutionalization of producer-consumer cooperation, this book identifies challenges and opportunities to curtail price volatility, curb demand and the growth of dirty oil, de-carbonise energy systems, and improve governance in oil producing countries.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU


Banana : the fate of the fruit that changed the world
Koeppel, Dan
New York,  A Plume Book.   281 p.
Resumen : In this fascinating and surprising exploration of the banana’s history, cultural significance, and endangered future, award-winning journalist Dan Koeppel gives readers plenty of food for thought. Fast-paced and highly entertaining, Banana takes us from jungle to supermarket, from corporate boardrooms to kitchen tables around the world. We begin in the Garden of Eden—examining scholars’ belief that Eve’s “apple” was actually a banana— and travel to early-twentieth-century Central America, where aptly named “banana republics” rose and fell over the crop, while the companies now known as Chiquita and Dole conquered the marketplace. Koeppel then chronicles the banana’s path to the present, ultimately—and most alarmingly—taking us to banana plantations across the globe that are being destroyed by a fast-moving blight, with no cure in sight—and to the high-tech labs where new bananas are literally being built in test tubes, in a race to save the world’s most beloved fruit.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Data visualization the state of the art

Data visualization the state of the art
Post, Frits H., editor
Nielson, Gregory M., editor
Bonneau, George-Pierre, editor
New York, Springer Science Business Media. 451 p.
Resumen : Data visualization is currently a very active and vital area of research, teaching and development. The term unites the established field of scientific visualization and the more recent field of information visualization. The success of data visualization is due to the soundness of the basic idea behind it: the use of computer-generated images to gain insight and knowledge from data and its inherent patterns and relationships. A second premise is the utilization of the broad bandwidth of the human sensory system in steering and interpreting complex processes, and simulations involving data sets from diverse scientific disciplines and large collections of abstract data from many sources.
These concepts are extremely important and have a profound and widespread impact on the methodology of computational science and engineering, as well as on management and administration. The interplay between various application areas and their specific problem solving visualization techniques is emphasized in this book. Reflecting the heterogeneous structure of Data Visualization, emphasis was placed on these topics:
-Visualization Algorithms and Techniques;
-Volume Visualization;
-Information Visualization;
-Multiresolution Techniques;
-Interactive Data Exploration.
Data Visualization: The State of the Art presents the state of the art in scientific and information visualization techniques by experts in this field. It can serve as an overview for the inquiring scientist, and as a basic foundation for developers. This edited volume contains chapters dedicated to surveys of specific topics, and a great deal of original work not previously published illustrated by examples from a wealth of applications. The book will also provide basic material for teaching the state of the art techniques in data visualization.
Data Visualization: The State of the Art is designed to meet the needs of practitioners and researchers in scientific and information visualization. This book is also suitable as a secondary text for graduate level students in computer science and engineering.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Perspective made easy

Perspective made easy
Norling, Ernest R.
Mineola, N.Y., Dover Publications.  203 p.
Resumen : Perspective is easy; yet, surprisingly few artists know the simple rules that make it so. Now they can remedy that situation with this step-by-step book, the first devoted entirely to clarifying the laws of perspective. Using over 250 simple line drawings, the author leads the reader through every important concept. 256 illustrations.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Dibujo técnico

Dibujo técnico
Bielefeld, Bert
Skiba, Isabella
Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.  74 p.
Resumen: Este libro es un manual básico que reúne de forma didáctica y exhaustiva los conocimientos fundamentales de la práctica del dibujo técnico arquitectónico, tanto para los ejercicios y trabajos realizados a lápiz o con rotring, como para los proyectos que se ejecutan con programas de dibujo asistido por ordenador (CAD).
Organizado en cuatro capítulos, el libro explica los diferentes sistemas de representación (proyección en planta, en alzado, en sección o perspectivas); las herramientas y los principios de representación gráfica (material de dibujo, escalas, tipos de líneas y tramas, rotulación y cotas, etc.); las categorías de planos en función de las fases del proyecto (estudio previo, anteproyecto, proyecto básico, ejecutivo, planos de obra); y, por último, la presentación final de los planos (distribución de la información gráfica y escrita, sistemas de impresión, copias de pequeño y gran formato, etc.).
El dibujo técnico es un instrumento fundamental en el estudio y el ejercicio profesional de la arquitectura, la ingeniería, la delineación y los ciclos formativos relacionados con estas disciplinas. Esta guía básica proporcionará la información necesaria para iniciarse por vez primera en la materia y para consultar rápidamente cualquier duda práctica surgida durante el desarrollo de la actividad profesional.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Construir ficciones

Construir ficciones : para una filosofía de la arquitectura
Mielgo Bregazzi, Daniel
Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva.  308 p.
Resumen : Afirmar que la arquitectura pueda explicarse y legitimarse con palabras no parece, en principio, una postura polémica o arriesgada. Cada estilo, movimiento, vanguardia o escuela que ha ido sumándose a la historia de la arquitectura ha empleado el lenguaje con fines semejantes —desde los primeros tratados hasta los sofisticados debates contemporáneos en torno a nuestros edificios estelares. Este libro intenta ahondar en la relación entre la arquitectura y el lenguaje para exponer los principios y las paradojas que esa relación establece. Examinando detenidamente casos tan representativos como el mito de Babel, los tratados de Vitruvio y Alberti, o los diversos manifiestos modernistas así como algunos ejemplos actuales, se verá que esa relación es mucho más problemática de lo que a menudo se supone, hasta tal punto que un cierto abuso del lenguaje se hace hoy necesario para seguir ofreciendo un sentido a la arquitectura.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU