lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Arquitectura climática

Arquitectura climática: una contribución al desarrollo sustentable
V.2 Conceptos y dispositivos
Chatelet, Alain
Fernández, Pierre
Lavigne, Pierre
Talca : Universidad de Talca.   v. 2 : il., diagramas, planos
Resumen: La arquitectura climática nos plantea medidas simples y normalmente de bajo costo, inteligentes y eficientes en el más amplio sentido, nos recuerda con fuerza que la arquitectura tiene entre sus obligaciones, la de proveer espacios habitables desde el punto de vista del confort térmico y que lograrlo hoy, con el menor impacto en el medio ambiente, con el menor uso de energías no renovables, es también un deber y ello es perfectamente posible al incorporar los conceptos y experiencias que se detallan profundamente en los dos tomos de este libro.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

El marketing del permiso

El marketing del permiso: convertir a extraños en amigos y a amigos en clientes
Godin, Seth
Barcelona : Empresa Activa. 284 p.
Resumen: Nuestra atención es un recurso cada vez más escaso.
Resulta físicamente imposible que el consumidor pueda prestar atención a todo lo que se le ofrece.
Como, por ejemplo, los 17 000 alimentos nuevos que aparecieron el año pasado o los mil dólares en publicidad que se destinan exclusivamente a usted.
Existe una crisis de la atención que hace que la supervivencia de los profesionales del marketing sea una tarea difícil.
Los más brillantes han descubierto que la vieja forma de comercializar y de vender productos ya no funciona como antes y tratan de encontrar una nueva forma empresarial de aumentar la cuota de mercado y el margen de beneficios.
Esta se llama el marketing del permiso y tiene un enfoque esencialmente distinto hacia la publicidad y hacia los clientes.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Atlas de mortalidad en Chile 2001 - 2008

Atlas de mortalidad en Chile 2001 - 2008
Icaza, Gloria
Núñez, Loreto
Torres-Avilés, Francisco
Díaz, Nora
Villarroel, José Emilio
Soto, Alex
Correa, Gloria
Talca : Universidad de Talca.   144 p.
Resumen:   El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar algunos resultados del “Atlas de Mortalidad en Chile, 2001-2008" y revisar aspectos metodológicos que han sido necesarios para el desarrollo del mismo.
Los mapas muestran patrones que evidencian inequidades en salud.
Hay patologías en las cuales ya se ha descrito el posible origen de los riesgos diferenciales, tales como la alta tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en el norte de Chile, donde el arsénico sería el principal agente causal.
Sin embargo, existen patologías donde no se tenía antecedentes de diferencias comunales.
El conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de problemas de salud, en áreas pequeñas, es de vital importancia para la toma de decisiones.
Para la autoridad sanitaria es de gran utilidad conocer la heterogeneidad de sus comunas con evidencia cuantitativa, para asignar recursos y monitorear la salud.
Este atlas permite identificar patrones geográficos de enfermedades que pueden estar originados por múltiples factores, relacionados con estilos de vida, exposiciones ambientales y factores sociales que pueden condicionar la accesibilidad a la asistencia sanitaria.
Se describe la metodología utilizada, posibles sesgos y limitaciones en general y en particular, por la geografía chilena.
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El triángulo de Pascal cual arma de visibilidad para acceder al &c de Newton

El triángulo de Pascal cual arma de visibilidad para acceder al &c de Newton
Reyes N., Isabel Margarita
Valparaíso : Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.   50 p.
Resumen: En este libro, la autora, profesora de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, toma un interesante ejemplo de la literatura matemática, que se refiere a un aparente error de Issac Newton al tratar el llamado triángulo de Pascal, para profundizar en él e invitar a considerar seriamente el asunto. A partir de su reflexión, plantea un tema de importancia que suele ser ignorado: hay propiedades de los números y otras que no son tales, sino que dependen de la forma en que los números se escriben.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Estructura esencial

Estructura esencial: curso de geometría para pensar construyendo un cuerpo estable
Eyquem, Miguel
Valparaíso, Chile : Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso.   117 p.
Resumen:  Su desarrollo explica el tono de este libro, el de un texto de estudio, verdaderos apuntes de clases; un curso de construcción para tercer año.
Esta nueva obra se propone resolver problemas de distinta naturaleza resultantes de exigencias arquitectónicas, como ser la necesidad de la transparencia por su ubicación al centro de una plaza. Alcanzar esta transparencia en una estructura de esta especie, capaz de ser realizada por un curso universitario, no era un problema menor.
Se convirtió en el ensayo de una investigación: cómo suprimir piezas de una estructura estrictamente geométrica. se exigía una creatividad: descubrir la ley de estabilidad esencial preexistente en forma invisible al interior del cuerpo, precisamente cuando deseamos hacer invisibles varias piezas aparentemente necesarias.
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Cinco conferencias sobre antropología y globalización

Cinco conferencias sobre antropología y globalización: "las conferencias del sur"
Augé, Marc
Valparaíso, Chile : Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso.   91 p.
Resumen: Todo proceso etnográfico, en cualquier contexto que sea, se asigna dos objetivos prioritarios: encontrar, detrás de los dogmas de la cultura, las cuestiones implícitas a las que esos dogmas intentan responder, y hallar en esas ‘respuestas’ —una vez hechas explícitas— la acción que subvierta las trampas del poder, que amenaza y pervierte toda relación social.
La antropología sirve, en primer lugar, para refutar y combatir a todos aquellos que, al término de una lectura salvaje de los etnólogos, inciensan o fustigan las diferencias culturales, olvidando, en ambos casos, que las diferencias no son respetables en tanto que tales, sino sólo en tanto que son relativas y, en esta medida, susceptibles de ser sobrepasadas.
Es precisamente en este sentido que debe orientarse la reflexión antropológica.
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El aporte de la ruralidad al desarrollo

El aporte de la ruralidad al desarrollo: estudio de caso región del Maule-Chile
Pisani, Elena, editora
Franceschetti, Giorgio, editor
Díaz Osorio, José, editor
Rojas Marín, Álvaro, editor
Talca, Chile : Universidad de Padova : Universidad de Talca.   219 p.
Resumen:  El texto es apto para profundizar a nivel universitario en la materia de la economía del desarrollo y de la economía regional con énfasis en las áreas rurales.
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Materiales compuestos

Materiales compuestos
Hull, Derek
Barcelona : Reverté.   254 p.
Resumen: Este libro da una clara visión, más bien sucinta, sobre las propiedades de las materiales compuestos, dado que su principal objetivo es proporcionar a estudiantes e investigadores, y del mismo modo a científicos e ingenieros, una compresión del tema como base para la mejora de las propiedades, procesos de fabricación y diseño de productos, construidos con estos materiales.
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El final de las vanguardias

El final de las vanguardias
Subirats, Eduardo
Barcelona : Parramón.   64 p.
Resumen: La vanguardia es un fenómeno ambiguo que ha asumido a lo largo de su historia reciente un cometido conservador y fetichista.
El autor critica la dialéctica de las vanguardias bajo una perspectiva actual la del espectáculo.
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El retorno de lo real

El retorno de lo real: la vanguardia a finales de siglo
Foster, Hal
Madrid, España : Akal.  234 p.
Resumen: Tras los paradigmas del arte-como-texto de los años setenta y el arte-como-simulacro de los ochenta, Hal Foster sostiene que somos testigos de un “retorno de lo real”, un retorno del arte y la teoría que buscan asentarse en los cuerpos reales y en los sitios sociales.
El libro presenta una lectura original del arte y de la teoría de las tres últimas décadas, con especial atención a las polémicas conexiones entre ambos, y repiensa la relación entre las vanguardias históricas y las neovanguardias. El resultado es una genealogía acreditada del arte y la teoría, desde el minimalismo y el pop hasta el presente.
El texto se completa con abundantes ilustraciones.
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Chavarria, Joaquim
Barcelona : Parramón.   64 p.
Resumen:  La primera parte de la obra introduce y expone las características generales sobre los moldes, incluyendo el modelo, los materiales y las clases.
La segunda parte ofrece todas las pautas para la realización de moldes perdidos, de prensado, de colada o de terracota sobre modelos de arcilla o poliuretano, y objetos que van de sde una baldosa, una tetera o un bol, hasta cualquier forma escultórica.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Río Loa, estación de los sueños

Río Loa, estación de los sueños
Zeller, Ludwig
Talca, Chile : Universidad de Talca.   224 p.
Resumen: En Río Loa, estación de los sueños, Ludwig Zeller nos introduce con su narración al maravilloso mundo onírico que envuelve su vuelta al lugar que lo vio nacer y en el cual vivió su infancia: Río Loa. Allí están muchos de los personajes de su niñez: sus hermanos, sus padres, su profesora, entre otros. En este viaje lo acompañan Elena Ferrucchi y el Maestro, personajes surrealistas llenos de misterio y leyenda, que van con él al encuentro de este lugar pequeño y desértico.
A través de sus sueños y de los sucesos en Río Loa, Zeller va creando un relato lleno de imágenes alucinantes y reveladoras.
La narración tiene el poder de encantar al lector porque logra entrelazar el mundo real y el de los sueños, dando vida a una novela que sorprende y atrapa.
Era necesaria esta obra para Chile, para conocer el trasfondo de Ludwig Zeller, para tocar no solo con la palabra -sino con el silencio- la voz de los sueños, aquello tan sublime e indecible como la delgada -invisible- línea púrpura que separa (o que une) la irrealidad de la terrenalidad.
Leer este libro es tocar también el ángel sin alas, porque no baja los brazos, sea aquello el anhelo de dejar de ser ángeles de un sueño imaginario, o definitivamente que el arte poética de Ludwig Zeller sea la esencia de darnos la pausa (necesaria) para soñar en nuestra realidad.
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Catálogo crítico Museo de Bellas Artes

Catálogo crítico Museo de Bellas Artes Viña del Mar
Valparaíso, Chile : Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.   255 p.
Resumen: La edición de un catalogo critico para la colección del Museo de Bellas Artes, Palacio Vergara de Viña del Mar, permite atender una necesidad que se prolongó en el tiempo, por brindar a estudiantes, turistas y público en general, una orientación para conocer, apreciar y valorar de mejor manera unas de las colecciones de arte más importantes de nuestro país. Emplazado en el Palacio perteneciente a los fundadores de Viña del Mar, que fue reconstruido por el arquitecto italiano Héctor Petri en 1910, recoge en su interior una amplia colección que va desde los grandes movimientos artísticos e intelectuales como el Renacimiento, pasando por el Barroco, para decantar en obras significativas del arte del siglo XX.
Una parte fundamental de esa colección es la relacionada con los movimientos artísticos nacionales, como los grandes maestros de la pintura nacional, la creación pictórica en las primeras décadas de siglo XX.
La generación del 28 y la generación del 40, que pueden ser reconocidos y apreciados a través de los salones del museo y guiados a partir de la plataforma educativa que representa el catalogo. Al situarse en el espacio cultural que representa la Quinta Vergara, en su interior alberga al anfiteatro donde se desarrolla el Festival internacional de Viña del Mar y el Museo Artequin, atrae un número considerable de visitantes tanto nacionales como extranjeros. Para el caso del público angloparlante que visita la Quinta, la adquisición del catálogo crítico le permitiría llevar consigo una parte fundamental y significativa de la historia de Viña del Mar, permitiendo una mejor difusión de la colección del Museo de Bellas Artes.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

40 años de afiche político en Chile

40 años de afiche político en Chile : 1970-2011
Vico, Mauricio
Vera, Rodrigo
[Santiago] : Consejo Nacional de Cultura y las Artes.   69 p.
Resumen :  El objetivo es convertir este evento en un referente histórico en el campo de la gráfica política, cuyo eje principal son cuatro etapas claves de nuestra historia reciente: Unidad popular, el afiche en la clandestinidad, plebiscito y transición, y los recientes movimientos sociales que inauguraron la segunda década del presente siglo.
Formatos diversos, técnicas variadas, distintas expresiones visuales, comunicar un anhelo ya sea de esperanza, resistencia, cambio y desencanto; impactar en la colectividad mediante la imagen, capturando la atención del espectador distraído inserto en el espacio cotidiano de lo público.
La mirada curatorial implica declaradamente un sesgo: se trata del afiche que comunica desde las bases, que construye por medio de la imagen un sentido de comunidad, expresión de identidad de quienes buscan construir una sociedad más justa, una sociedad que avanza pero que también a veces tranza, describiendo un derrotero temporal, al mismo tiempo que conceptual, desde la esperanza en un proyecto político truncado, hasta el descontento generalizado de un país que exigía –y sigue exigiendo- profundos cambios a la herencia autoritaria y poco representativa del sentir de muchos; de quienes reflejan en los afiches sus esperanzas de un futuro más justo.
Son ciento cincuenta ejemplos de lucha gráfica que caracterizan momentos distintos del acontecer nacional, que de manera individual como colectiva, constituyen un preciado documento histórico.
Los afiches provienen de diversas colecciones y fondos documentales, muchos de ellos guardados durante años y por vez primera expuestos al público, en las condiciones materiales que denotan la forma en que el tiempo los castigó por ser la memoria viva de un mensaje que algunos consideraron peligroso de comunicar.
Si así fue, es porque la comunicación visual sigue siendo herramienta de lucha política, y esta exposición pretende ser un referente de lo que se ha hecho y de lo que se puede llegar a hacer en el campo del afiche político.
El despliegue de un discurso visual en perspectiva histórica que contribuya a la valoración de esta instancia como un factor de cambio social.
Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Urbanismo y desigualdad social

Urbanismo y desigualdad social
Harvey, David
Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno de España.   340 p.
Resumen : Desde la publicación en 1973 de esta obra seminal, la geografía crítica impulsada por David Harvey se ha ido configurando como una de las más influyentes de todo el siglo XX. La combinación de análisis crítico del capitalismo, teoría política y geografía urbana ha definido no solo su particular vía de estudio, sino también un marco teórico de trabajo y un conjunto de herramientas conceptuales de uso generalizado entre los científicos sociales. Cuarenta años después de su publicación, Urbanismo y desigualdad social perdura como una referencia inexcusable en los estudios geográficos y de ciencias sociales, y constituye una lectura obligada para todo lector inquieto. La apuesta de Harvey por una geografía urbana revolucionaria que permita una mejor comprensión de la exclusión y la pobreza sigue siendo, hoy, una necesidad y acto consciente de disidencia.
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The urban experience

The urban experience
Harvey, David
Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press.   293 p.
Resumen :  This book is prepared in a way which recognises the needs of police officers, those who wish to study the criminal law, and members of the public who wish to refer to a legal text which is written in terms which they can understand.
The text sets out to cover comprehensively those areas of law and legal procedures with which all police officers are concerned. The syllabus of the qualifying examinations for promotion has been borne in mind throughout, and this edition has been brought up to date with developments in the law since the publication of the seventh edition in 2001.
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Echar a perder

Echar a perder : un análisis del deterioro
Lynch, Kevin
Barcelona : Gustavo Gili.   255 p.
Resumen : Vivimos de espaldas a la degradación y los desechos.
En un mundo donde el consumismo rige nuestras vidas, paradójicamente ignoramos la decadencia, como si la basura y el deterioro no formaran parte intrínseca de la sociedad y de la vida mismas.
En este libro, Kevin Lynch pone el foco de atención sobre esta cuestión y nos ofrece una iluminadora reflexión filosófica y social sobre la relación del hombre —supremo creador de desechos— con el deterioro y los procesos de degradación.
A partir de un sorprendente análisis sobre nuestro imaginario vinculado a los desechos (donde tienen cabida elementos tan dispares como la basura, las antigüedades o los excrementos) y la pormenorizada revisión de algunos sistemas destinados a la destrucción de cosas y lugares, Lynch nos sumerge en ese complejo universo paralelo que a menudo no queremos ver: el de los vertederos, el compost, los residuos radioactivos, el vandalismo, la demolición de edificios o los solares abandonados. El libro se convierte así en una invitación explícita a conocer y reconocer la decadencia como parte necesaria de la vida y del crecimiento y, gracias al conjunto de edificantes propuestas que el urbanista estadounidense incluye en la segunda parte del libro, Echar a perder se erige, sobre todo, como insólito alegato a favor de una desacomplejada revalorización y gestión de los desechos.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Tiempo presente

Tiempo presente : notas sobre el cambio de una cultura
Sarlo, Beatriz.
Buenos Aires : Siglo Veintiuno. 238 p.
Resumen :  A través de esta cuidada selección de artículos, que proponen un audaz recorrido por distintos paisajes de la cultura contemporánea, Beatriz Sarlo captura escenas cotidianas y las interroga en su densidad.
Escritos en tiempo presente, estos ensayos reflexionan también sobre la forma en que el presente se hace cargo de la historia, tomando como motivos para realizar su ejercicio crítico las nuevas formas de la ciudad, la Guerra de Malvinas, el Mundial del 78, la sociedad de consumo, Rodrigo, Soledad, la new age, la izquierda, la política, el mercado y el Estado, los intelectuales, las identidades culturales, el prejuicio.
Intensa, y a veces irónica, comprometida y alejada de toda nostalgia, Sarlo toma partido y nos invita a preguntarnos por los cambios en la cultura y el modo inexorable en que repercuten sobre nuestra vida.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Writings on cities

Writings on cities
Lefebvre, Henri
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishing.   vi, 250 p.
Resumen : The work of Henri Lefebvre - the only major French intellectual of the post-war period to give extensive consideration to the city and urban life - received considerable attention among both academics and practitioners of the built environment following the publication in English of The Production of Space.
This new collection brings together, for the first time in English, Lefebvre's reflections on the city and urban life written over a span of some twenty years.
The selection of writings is contextualized by an introduction - itself a significant contribution to the interpretation of Henri Lefebvre's work - which places the material within the context of Lefebvre's intellectual and political life and times and raises pertinent issues as to their relevance for contemporary debates over such questions as the nature of urban reality, the production of space and modernity.
Writings on Cities is of particular relevance to architects, planners, geographers, and those interested in the philosophical and political understanding of contemporary life.
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The Foucault effect

The Foucault effect: studies in governmentality : with two lectures by and an interview with Michel Foucault
Burchell, Graham, ed.
Gordon, Collin, ed.
Miller, Peter, ed.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press.   x, 307 p.
Resumen : Based on Michel Foucault's 1978 and 1979 lectures at the Collè ge de France on governmental rationalities and his 1977 interview regarding his work on imprisonment, this volume is the long-awaited sequel to "Power/Knowledge."
In these lectures, Foucault examines the art or activity of government both in its present form and within a historical perspective as well as the different ways governmentality has been made thinkable and practicable.
Foucault's thoughts on political discourse and governmentality are supplemented by the essays of internationally renowned scholars. United by the common influence of Foucault's approach, they explore the many modern manifestations of government: the reason of state, police, liberalism, security, social economy, insurance, solidarity, welfare, risk management, and more.
The central theme is that the object and the activity of government are not instinctive and natural things, but things that have been invented and learned. "The Foucault Effect" analyzes the thought behind practices of government and argues that criticism represents a true force for change in attitudes and actions, and that extending the limits of some practices allows the invention of others.
This unique and extraordinarily useful collection of articles and primary materials will open the way for a whole new set of discussions of the work of Michel Foucault as well as the status of liberalism, social policy, and insurance.
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Insurgencies : essays in planning theory
Friedmann, John
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY. : Routledge.   xvi, 255 p.
Resumen : For nearly fifty years John Friedmann's writings have not just led the academic study of the discipline, but have given shape and direction to the planning profession itself.
Covering transactive planning, radical planning, the concept of the Good City, civil society, rethinking poverty and the diversity of planning cultures, this collection of Friedmann's most important and influential essays tells a coherent and compelling story about how the evolution of thinking about planning over several decades has helped to shape its practice.
With each essay given a new introduction to establish its context and importance, this is an ideal text for the study of planning theory and history.
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Constructores inmigrantes

Constructores inmigrantes : transferencias de Alemania a Chile 1852-1875 : edificios y modelos
Alencon Castrillon, Renato
Berlín : DOM publishers.   263 p.
Resumen : La colonización alemana del sur de Chile, iniciada en la década de 1850, dio lugar a la construcción de un extenso patrimonio arquitectónico, que reconocemos como “arquitectura alemana”.
Sin embargo, no está realmente claro en qué medida la arquitectura alemana del sur de Chile está influenciada por la importación de modelos arquitectónicos alemanes, o de qué manera se produjo esta influencia.
Los antecedentes del proceso de colonización son abundantes desde el punto de vista social, y al mismo tiempo existe una extensa documentación del patrimonio construido.
Este trabajo desarrolla una relación específica de los elementos arquitectónicos que permitan identificar y comprender esta influencia con mayor profundidad.
La pregunta a la que intenta dar respuesta este trabajo es, entonces: ¿cuáles son y cómo se produjeron las influencias específicas de la arquitectura alemana en la arquitectura desarrollada por los inmigrantes alemanes del sur de Chile?
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Urbanismo ecológico

Urbanismo ecológico
Mostafavi, Mohsen, ed.
Doherty, Gareth, ed.
Barcelona : Gustavo Gili.   655 p.
Resumen : Si bien el cambio climático, la arquitectura sostenible y las tecnologías ecológicas son cuestiones perfectamente asentadas en el imaginario colectivo, no ha ocurrido lo mismo con aquellos temas que afectan a la sostenibilidad de la ciudad.
Este libro nace precisamente de la apremiante necesidad de abordar el urbanismo desde un enfoque ecológico como método práctico e imaginativo para enfrentarse a la realidad de la ciudad, y constituye, por ello, una apuesta deliberada por asentar definitivamente el concepto de “urbanismo ecológico” a través del compendio de una serie de textos clave sobre la materia. Urbanismo ecológico recopila los artículos del simposio homónimo que tuvo lugar en 2009 en la Graduate School of Design de la Harvard University, así como otros ensayos, conferencias y lecciones vinculados a esta línea de investigación auspiciada por la célebre universidad estadounidense.
El libro, editado por Mohsen Mostafavi y Gareth Doherty, parte de un enfoque interdisciplinario donde confluyen las miradas de arquitectos, urbanistas, diseñadores, teóricos, economistas, ingenieros, artistas y científicos, entre otros especialistas.
El resultado es una amplia panorámica que contribuye a dibujar la imagen plural, compleja y repleta de matices que adquiere el sistema urbano cuando se estudia desde la óptica ecológica.
Una aportación importante, en suma, que da carta de naturaleza a una nueva ética y estética de lo urbano.
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Número de pedido en Biblioteca FAU

Critical urban studies

Critical urban studies : new directions
Davies, Jonathan S. (ed.)
Imbroscio, David L. (ed.)
Albany : State University of New York Press.   220 p.
Resumen : This volume revisits the tradition of critical scholarship characteristic of the urban studies field.
Urban scholarship has had detractors of late, particularly in mainstream political science, where it has been accused of parochialism and insularity. Critical Urban Studies offers a sharp repudiation of this critique, reasserting the need for critical urban scholarship and demonstrating the fundamental importance of urban studies for understanding and changing contemporary social life.
Contributors to the volume identify an orthodox perspective in the field, subject it to critique, and map out a future research agenda for the field. The result is a series of inventive essays pointing scholars and students to the major theoretical and policy challenges facing urbanists and other critical social scientist. “…this volume demonstrates that urban studies is not a stagnant discipline.
Rather, the authors excelled at challenging a number of different orthodoxies to rethink approaches to and about mainstream politics and policies … all researchers involved in urban issues of a wide range of disciplines will find this book of use.” — Journal of Planning Education and Research “The essays in Critical Urban Studies advance the enterprise of critical urban studies.
They challenge a wide range of prevalent orthodoxies and illuminate several new directions on which subsequent critical scholarship and practice can build … The inventive essays will inspire future urban scholars and activists to further advance the theory and practice of critique in even deeper and more transformative directions.” 
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Urban sociology

Urban sociology : critical essays
Pickvance, C. G. (ed.)
London ; New York : Routledge.   223 p.
Resumen :  This book applies the historical materialist, or Marxist view of urban sociology and collates some fundamental sources of this perspective available.
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The urban sociology reader

The urban sociology reader
Mele, Christopher
Lin Jan, ed.
Mele, Christopher, ed.
London ; New York : Routledge.   xi, 447 p.
Resumen:  The urban world is an exciting terrain for investigating the central institutions, structures and problems of the social world and how they have transformed through the last 200 years. This Reader comprises sections on urban social theory, racial and social difference in the city, culture in everyday life, culture and the urban economy, globalization and transnational social relations and the regulation of urban space. Drawing together seminal selections covering the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries, this Reader includes forty-three significant writings from eminent names such as Simmel, Wirth, Park, Burgess, DuBois, Zukin, Sassen, and Harvey. The 2nd edition illuminates more recent urban issues such as sprawl, sustainability, immigration and urban protest. Selections are predominantly sociological, but some readings cross disciplinary boundaries. Providing an essential resource for students of urban studies, this book brings together important but, till now, widely dispersed writings. Editorial commentaries precede each entry; introducing the text, demonstrating its significance, and outlining the issues surrounding its topic, whilst the associated bibliography enables deeper investigations.
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The Oxford handbook of urban planning

The Oxford handbook of urban planning
Weber, Rachel
Crane, Randall, ed.
New York : Oxford University Press.   864 p.
Resumen : The Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning is an authoritative volume on planning, a long-established professional social science discipline in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Edited by Rachel Weber and Randall Crane, professors at two leading planning institutes in the United States, this handbook collects together over 45 noted field experts to discuss three key questions: Why plan? How and what do we plan? Who plans for whom? These three questions are then applied across three major topics in planning: States, Markets, and the Provision of Social Goods; The Methods and Substance of Planning; and Agency, Implementation, and Decision Making. Covering the key components of the discipline, this book is a comprehensive, discipline-defining text suited for students and seasoned planners alike.
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Post-fordism : a reader
Amin, Ash, ed.
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell.   viii, 435 p.
Resumen:  Part analysis of contemporary change and part vision of the future, post-Fordism lends its name to a set of challenging, essential and controversial debates over the nature of capitalism's newest age.
This book provides a superb introduction to these debates and their far-reaching implications, and includes key texts by post-Fordism's major theorists and commentators.
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Gender and planning

Gender and planning : a reader
Fainstein, Susan S., ed.
Servon, Lisa J., ed.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press.   vi, 313 p.
Resumen: Increasingly, experts recognize that gender has affected urban planning and the design of the spaces where we live and work.
Too often, urban and suburban spaces support stereotypically male activities and planning methodologies reflect a male-dominated society. To document and analyze the connection between gender and planning, the editors of this volume have assembled an interdisciplinary collection of influential essays by leading scholars.
Contributors point to the ubiquitous single-family home, which prevents women from sharing tasks or pooling services. Similarly, they argue that public transportation routes are usually designed for the (male) worker's commute from home to the central city, and do not help the suburban dweller running errands.
In addition to these practical considerations, many contributors offer theoretical perspectives on issues such as planning discourse and the construction of concepts of rationality.
While the essays call for an awareness of gender in matters of planning, they do not over-simplify the issue by moving toward a single feminist solution. Contributors realize that not all women gravitate toward communal opportunities, that many women now share the supposedly male commute, and that considerations of race and class need to influence planning as well. Among various recommendations, contributors urge urban planners to provide opportunities that facilitate women's needs, such as childcare on the way to work and jobs that are decentralized so that women can be close to their children.
Bringing together the most important writings of the last twenty-five years, this book is essential reading for students and scholars of planning theory as well as anyone concerned with gender and diversity.
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Large parks

Large parks
Hargreaves, George, ed.
Beardsley, John, ed.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press.   255 p.
Resumen: The discipline of landscape architecture encompasses many typologies, from domestic gardens and neighborhood playgrounds to urban designs and state parks.
Most critical studies of the discipline tend to approach it from a historical or contemporary perspective organized around criteria such as built versus unbuilt, urban versus peripheral, or competition-sponsored versus commission-based. Very few analyses have been undertaken from the seemingly obvious jumping-off point of size.
In Large Parks, Julia Czerniak and George Hargreaves present eight essays by leading scholars and practitioners that engage large urban parks in depth as complex cultural spaces, where key issues of landscape discourse, ecological challenges, social history, urban relations, and place-making are writ large. From historic parks such as New York's Central Park and Paris's Bois de Boulogne to contemporary projects such as Toronto's Downsview Park and Staten Island's Fresh Kills, to newly unveiled and yet-to-be-built projects such as Ken Smith's ambitious plans for the Orange County Great Park, Large Parks highlights the complexities and unique considerations that go into designing these massive and culturally significant works.
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Global city-regions

Global city-regions : trends, theory, policy
Scott, Allen J., ed.
New York : Oxford University Press.   xv, 467 p.
Resumen: There are now more than three hundred city-regions around the world with populations of more than one million.
As globalization intensifies, these city-regions come to pose many new questions and problems.
This book presents a highly original and multifaceted review of these issues by some of the leading researchers in the field. It seeks at once to define the question of global city-regions and to describe the internal and external dynamics that shape them; it proposes a theorization of global city-regions based on their economic and political responses to intensifying levels of globalization; and it offers a number of policy insights into the severe social problems that confront global city-regions as they come face to face with an economically and politically neoliberal world.
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Splintering urbanism

Splintering urbanism : networked infraestructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition
Graham, Stephen
London ; New York : Routledge.   xxix, 479 p.
Resumen: Splintering Urbanism makes an international and interdisciplinary analysis of the complex interactions between infrastructure networks and urban spaces. It delivers a new and powerful way of understanding contemporary urban change, bringing together discussions about: *globalization and the city *technology and society *urban space and urban networks *infrastructure and the built environment *developed, developing and post-communist worlds. With a range of case studies, illustrations and boxed examples, from New York to Jakarta, Johannesberg to Manila and Sao Paolo to Melbourne, Splintering Urbanism demonstrates the latest social, urban and technological theories, which give us an understanding of our contemporary metropolis.
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Urban ecology

Urban ecology : science of cities
Forman, Richard T.T
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.   xiv, 462 p.
Resumen: How does nature work in our human-created city, suburb, and exurb/peri-urb? Indeed how is ecology - including its urban water, soil, air, plant, and animal foundations - spatially entwined with this great human enterprise? And how can we improve urban areas for both nature and people? Urban Ecology: Science of Cities explores the entire urban area: from streets, lawns, and parks to riversides, sewer systems, and industrial sites. The book presents models, patterns, and examples from hundreds of cities worldwide. Numerous illustrations enrich the presentation.
Cities are analyzed, not as ecologically bad or good, but as places with concentrated rather than dispersed people. Urban ecology principles, traditionally adapted from natural-area ecology, now increasingly emerge from the distinctive features of cities.
Spatial patterns and flows, linking organisms, built structures, and the physical environment highlight a treasure chest of useful principles. This pioneering interdisciplinary book opens up frontiers of insight, as a valuable source and text for undergraduates, graduates, researchers, professionals and others with a thirst for solutions to growing urban problems.
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Dreaming the rational city

Dreaming the rational city : the myth of American city planning
Boyer, M. Christine
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press.  xii, 331 p.
Resumen:  Dreaming the Rational City is both a history of the city planning profession in the United States and a major polemical statement about the effort to plan and reform the American city.
Boyer shows why city planning, which had so much promise at the outset for making cities more liveable, largely failed. She reveals planning's real responsibilities and goals, including the kind of "rational order" that was actually forseen by the planning mentality, and concludes that the planners have continuously served the needs of the dominant capitalist economy.M. Christine Boyer is an Associate Professor in the School
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Contemporary urban planning

Contemporary urban planning
Levy, John M.
London ; New York : Routledge.   xi, 448 p.
Resumen:  Updated in its 10th edition, Contemporary Urban Planning provides readers with in-depth coverage of the historic, economic, political, legal, and environmental factors affecting urban planning as well as specific chapters on the various fields of planning.
With updated coverage of the Obama administration's response to the present economic downturn, the text addresses the most pressing issues in urban development today - including the subprime mortgage crisis and home foreclosures, federal funding for public transportation, and new standards for "green" buildings.
The book also includes new material on the rapidly growing field of planning for natural catastrophes.
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Drosscape : wasting land in urban America
Berger, Alan
New York : Princeton Architectural Press.   255 p.
Resumen : Do you really know what is under that new house you just bought? How about what lies beneath the neighborhood playground? Was that "big box" retailer down your street built atop a toxic site? Will the warehouse just beyond your backyard be converted into a shopping center, factory, or trucking hub? These are just a few of the worrisome scenarios facing us all as our cities begin a stealth relocation of industrial facilities from the inner city to the urban periphery places Alan Berger has coined "drosscapes."  
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Social theory and the urban question

Social theory and the urban question
Saunders, Peter
London ; New York : Routledge.   394 p.
Resumen:  Social Theory and the Urban Question offers a guide to, and a critical evaluation of key themes in contemporary urban social theory, as well as a re-examination of more traditional approaches in the light of recent developments and criticism.
Dr Saunders discusses current theoretical positions in the context of the work of Marx, Weber and Durkheim.
He suggests that later writers have often misunderstood or ignored the arguments of these 'founding fathers' of the urban question. Dr Saunders uses his final chapter to apply the lessons learned from a review of their work in order to develop a new framework for urban social and political analysis.
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World cities in a world-system

World cities in a world-system
Knox, Paul L., ed
Taylor, Peter J., ed.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press.   xi, 335 p.
Resumen: The dominating influence of a relatively small number of cities has characterized the shift to a more global economy during the 1970s and 1980s. Eighteen original essays accordingly examine the nature, demands and relationships of world cities such as New York, Tokyo and London.
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The suburb reader

The suburb reader
Nicolaides, Becky M., ed.
Wiese, Andrew., ed.
New York ; London : Routledge.   xxii, 529 p.
Resumen:  Since the 1920s, the United States has seen a dramatic reversal in living patterns, with a majority of Americans now residing in suburbs.
This mass emigration from cities is one of the most fundamental social and geographical transformations in recent US history.
Suburbanization has not only produced a distinct physical environment—it has become a major defining force in the construction of twentieth-century American culture. Employing over 200 primary sources, illustrations, and critical essays, The Suburb Reader documents the rise of North American suburbanization from the 1700s through the present day.
Through thematically organized chapters it explores multiple facets of suburbia’s creation and addresses its indelible impact on the shaping of gender and family ideologies, politics, race relations, technology, design, and public policy.
Becky Nicolaides’ and Andrew Wiese’s concise commentaries introduce the selections and contextualize the major themes of each chapter. Distinctive in its integration of multiple perspectives on the evolution of the suburban landscape, The Suburb Reader pays particular attention to the long, complex experiences of African Americans, immigrants, and working people in suburbia.
Encompassing an impressive breadth of chronology and themes, The Suburb Reader is a landmark collection of the best works on the rise of this modern social phenomenon.
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Readings in planning theory

Readings in planning theory
Fainstein, Susan S., ed.
Campbell, Scott., ed.
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell.   vii, 571 p.
Resumen: The third edition of Readings in Planning Theory features thirteen new readings that define current debates and presents the works that constitute the main focus of the field, addressing the central issues that face planners as theorists and practitioners.
Expands the focus on international planning by including globalization and theories of development Includes new readings that examine themes emerging in planning theory, including a critique of the modernist roots of centralized planning, a re-emphasis on space in planning, and a discussion of the difficulty of sustainable development Features new case studies of planning success and failure on both sides of the Atlantic Addresses the range of core planning theory so as to remain the primary text in urban planning courses Examines the current state of planning theory and the new directions it has taken in recent years Draws on a wide range of authors who address planning history, arguments for and against planning, competing planning styles, planning ethics, the public interest, and considerations of race and gender.
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Dialogues in urban and regional planning

Dialogues in urban and regional planning
Stiftel, Bruce (ed.)
Watson, Vanessa (ed.)
London ; New York : Routledge.   xv, 355 p.
Resumen: Set in context by the editors' introductory chapter, these essays draw on local concerns but also reflect international issues.
These include the relationship between planning and economy; concerns over the environment and conservation; the nature of the planning process and decision-making, and the effects of power on planned change. This book is published in association with the Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN), and the nine planning school associations it represents, who have selected these papers based on regional competitions.
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The global cities reader

The global cities reader
Brenner, Neil, ed.
Keil, Roger. ed.
London ; New York : Routledge.   xvi, 436 p.
Resumen:  Providing the first comprehensive survey of new interdisciplinary scholarship on globalized urbanization, this important volume contains fifty selections from classic writings by authors such as John Friedmann, Michael Peter Smith, Saskia Sassen, Peter Taylor, Manuel Castells and Anthony King, as well as major contributions by other international scholars of global city formation.
Classic and contemporary case studies of globalizing cities serve to illuminate global city theory within Europe, North America and East Asia, whilst contributing authors explore key topics including: the histories and geographies of globalized urbanization the social and economic order of globalizing cities pathways of globalized urbanization in the older industrialized world, the developing world and on the ‘margins’ of the world economy state restructuring, urban governance and socio-political contestation in globalizing cities culture, identity and representation in globalizing cities emerging issues and debates in contemporary research on globalized urbanization. Containing wide-ranging discussions on major theories, methods, themes and debates, and a combination of theoretical and methodological contributions, comparative analyses and detailed case studies, this key textbook will appeal to a broad interdisciplinary readership at undergraduate and graduate levels in urban, globalization, development, cultural, and environmental studies.
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Urban and regional planning

Urban and regional planning
Hall, Peter
London ; New York : Routledge.   x, 281 p.
Resumen: It introduces the establishment of planning as part of the public health reforms of the late nineteenth century and goes on to look at the insights of the great figures who influenced the early planning movement, leading up to the creation of the post-war planning machine national and regional planning, and planning for cities and city regions, in the UK, from 1945 to 2010, is then considered.
Specific reference is made to the most important British developments in recent times, including the Single Regeneration Budget, English Partnerships, the devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the establishment of the Mayor of London and the dominant urban sustainability paradigm.
Planning in Western Europe, since 1945, now incorporating new material on EU-wide issues, as well as updated country specific sections
Planning in the United States, since 1945, now discussing the continuing trends of urban dispersal and social polarisation, as well as initiatives in land use planning and transportation policies.
Finally the book looks at the nature of the planning process at the start of the twenty-first century, reflecting briefly on shifts in planning paradigms since the 1960s and going on to discuss the main issues of the 1990s and 2000s, including sustainability and social.
Exclusion and looking forward to the twenty-first century.
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City form and natural process

City form and natural process : towards a new urban vernacular
Hough, Michael
Sidney, Australia : Croom Helm.   ix, 281 p.
Resumen:  Argues that natural development in cities should be nurtured and used as the basis for future urban design.
This book should be of interest to lecturers and students in geography, planning, architecture and urban studies.
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Planning theory for practitioners

Planning theory for practitioners
Brooks, Michael P
Chicago, Ill. : Planners Press, American Planning Association.   217 p.
Resumen:  This book is recommended reading for planners preparing to take the AICP exam.
In this new book, Michael Brooks bridges the gap between theory and practice.
He describes an original approach—Feedback Strategy—that builds on the strengths of previous planning theories with one big difference: it not only acknowledges but welcomes politics—the bogeyman of real-world planning. Don't hold your nose or look the other way, Brooks advises planners, but use politics to your own advantage.
Brooks admits that most of the time planning theory doesn't have much to do with planning practice. These ideas rooted in the planner's real world are different. This strategy employs everyday poltiical processes to advance planning, trusts planners' personal values and professional ethics, and depends on their ability to help clients articulate a vision. Planning Theory for Practitioners will encourage not only veteran planners searching for a fresh approach, but also students and recent graduates dismayed by the gap between academic theory and actual practice.
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Metropolis : center and symbol of our times
Kasinitz, Philip
New York : New York University Press.   xii, 486 p.
Resumen:  The modern city is the nexus of culture, politics, and art. Despite the manifold problems cities face, more and more Americans are abandoning rural areas and relocating to urban centers. By the year 2000, 4 out of 5 Americans will live within one hour of a major city. What has prompted this emphasis on the city? Chronicling the rise of the modern city, Metropolis draws from the work of such renowned social thinkers as Georg Simmel, Lewis Mumford, Walter Benjamin, Richard Sennett, and Herbert Gans, to illustrate how and why we have come to be an urban society and what the future holds for the American city. Each of the five sections (on modernity and the urban ethos; New York City; community and social bonds in the city; social relations and public places; and the role of space, race, class, and politics in the American city) is prefaced by an introduction by the editor, highlighting the issues under discussion.
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People, plans, and policies

People, plans, and policies : essays on poverety, racism, and other national urban problems
Gans, Herbert J.
New York : Columbia University Press : Russell Sage Foundation
xx, 383 p.
Resumen : The primary theme of this collection of essays is that the cities' basic problems are poverty and racism. Until these concerns are addressed by increasing racial equality, creating jobs, and bringing about other reforms, the generally low quality of urban life will persist.
Gans argues that parents must have jobs in order to improve their children's school performance and that a modernised New Deal, a more labour-intensive economy, and a thirty-two hour work week can help achieve full employment.
Other controversial ideas presented in this book include Gans's opposition to the idea of an underclass, which he feels is the latest way for the nonpoor to unjustly label the poor as undeserving, and his startling notion that poverty continues because it is often useful to the nonpoor. He is critical of architecture that aims above all to be aesthetic or to make philosophical statements; is doubtful that physical plans can or should try to reform our social or personal lives; and thinks we should concentrate on achieving individual public policies until we learn how properly to plan as a society.
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Classic essays on the culture of cities

Classic essays on the culture of cities
Sennett, Richard (ed.)
New York : Appleton-Century-Croft.   233 p.
Resumen: "An introduction, by R. Sennett.--The nature of the city, by M. Weber.--The metropolis and mental life, by G. Simmel.--The soul of the city, by O. Spengler.--The city; suggestions for the investigation of human behavior in the urban environment. Human migration and the marginal man. By R. Park.--Urbanism as a way of life. Rural-urban differences. Human ecology. By L. Wirth.--The folk society, by R. Redfield.--The cultural role of cities, by R. Redfield and M. Singer."
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City, class and power

City, class and power
Castells, Manuel
New York : St. Martin's Press.   x, 198 p.
Resumen:  The eruption of conflicts in cities on both sides of the Atlantic during the 1960 has led to dissatisfaction with the urban paradigms of the 1920 and new scholarly attempts to explain the relationships between social and spatial structure.
The series "Sociology", Politics and Cities'is designed to provide a platform for these debates. The series focuses on alternative theorical formulations of the social and political factors forming and developing cities.
Emphasis is laid not only on single-disciplinary approaches to such understanding but also on attempts to build transdisciplinary ways of theorising about urban settlements.
These contain elements of history and economics as well as sociology and politics
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Pope, Albert
Houston, Texas : Rice School of Architecture ; New York : Princeton Architectural Press.   274 p.
Resumen: World War II brought about catastrophic changes in western urban production. While it is clear that the complex fabric of traditional urban form has been replaced by equally complex contemporary urban space, it is less clear what role form continues to play in its present structural configuration. Ladders attempts to identify the contemporary dialectic between urban space and form as the key to engaging the unprecedented qualities of contemporary urban space.
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